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General Index Achilles, 45nn. 8, 9, 59, 59n. 48, 60n. 51, 69, 78n. 84, 86n. 103, 104, 106, 106n. 19, 123, 125, 14on. 94, 219n.60 as face-to-face speaker, 44, 62, 7478 , 78n. 82, 84, 85n. 101, 94n. 97 in opposition to Agamemnon, 62, 74-86, 79n. 85, 8m. 90, 86n. 102 Actor. See Impersonation Aeschylus (as a character in the Frogs), 115, 116n. 41, 117, 173n. 58, 214-15, 214ll. 113, 215n. 47, 233, 236-40, 237ll· 101, 242 Agamemnon, 58n. 45, 62ll. 54, 73n. 75, 75n. 77, 76n. 79, 76n. 80, 78n. 83, 79n. 86, 82n. 94, 120n. 48 in opposition to Achilles, 62,7486 , 79n. 85, 81n. 90, 86n. 102 Agora, 149, 150, 150n. 23 as a theater-like space, 162-63 Alcmeonids, 189-90. See also Tyrannicide Anderson, Benedict, 199, 199n. 11, 214ll·43 Anderson, 0., 151n. 29 Andreia (courage), 22ll. 17. See also Masculinity Andrewes, A., 150n. 25 Anteia, 56, 58, 59n. 47. See also Bellerophon ; Proetus; Messages, written; Writing, women and Aphrodite, 68n. 66, 126n. 62, 195n. 4 adornment of, 128n. 63, 129, 129n. 66, 130n. 69 Arac, Jonathan, 162n. 44 Archers/Archery, 6m. 53 low status of, 61-62, 62n. 54 opposed to man-to-man combat, 61-63 Armor, 22ll. 17, 100-104, 106, 108, 135-36, 14m. 98,169-70,180, 183, 183n. 79, 186, 186n. 83, 215, 215n. 47, 217, 217ll. 52, 219n. 59, 220, 220n. 60, 228, 228n. 75, 238, 229n. 77. See also Clothing, and identity; Martial Activities Arthur-Katz, Marylin, 22ll. 16, 138n. 88 Athens, as a theater-like space, 10, 20, 145-48, 172, 215-16. See also Agora Austin, Norman, 67ll. 65 Bain, D., 91n. 113 Bakker, Egbert J., 54ll· 36 Barbarians/Foreigners, 22, 22n. 16. See also Geloni; Scyles; Scythians and Dionysus, 154,160,179-80, 194, 1941l· 3, 195n . 3, 198n. 9, 200n. 13,201, 210, 217-19 Barthes, Roland, 51, 51n. 31, 159n. 38 Bassi, Karen, 106n. 21, 113n. 36 Baubo, 136, 136n. 83, 136n. 86. See also Body, nude, female; Genitalia , exposure of Beazley, J.D., 142ll· 99 Bellerophon. See also Messages, written ; Writing, women and as slayer of women, 59n. 47 273 274 General Index Bellerophon (continued) as victim of a written message, 55-62,56n·42,57ll·43,60n. 52 Benveniste, E., 82n. 93 Bergren, Ann L.T., 64ll. 59, 67ll. 65 Bernal, Martin, 90n. 111, 1941l· 3 Blamire, A., lo5n. 16 Block, Elizabeth, 113n. 36, 12m. 51 Blundell, Mary Whitlock, 26n. 23, 27lln. 24, 25, 26 Boardman, J., 167ll. 53, 180n. 75, 236n. 1OO Body deformed, 85, 85n. 100, 133-35, 139-40 (see also Thersites, body of) disguised/Adorneds (see Disguise/ Adornment) feminized (see Femininity) mutilated (see Zopyrus) nude, 10, 99-103, 99n. 1, 100nn. 1,2,3, 101nn. 6, 8, 102n. 11, 105n. 18, 124, 141n. 98, 142n. 99, 143 (see also Proagon) female, 99n. 1, 100nn. 1, 2, 3, 101-2, 101nn. 3, 8, 102n. 8, 103n. 14 male, 99-104, 99n. 1, l00nn. 1, 2, 3,4, 101nn. 6, 8, lo3n. 14, 106,113-14,124-25,127, 130,136,139,141-43, 143nn. 101, 102, 207, 220n. 61 theatrical (see Theatrical Body) wounded (see Pisistratus, wounds himself) Bonfante, Larissa, 100, l00nn. 1, 2, 4, 101nn. 6, 7, 102, 102nn. 9, 11, 103n. 13, lo5n. 18, 141n. 98, 142n· 1OO Borysthenites, 196-201, 216. See also Scyles Boswell, J., 109n. 26 Boyer, M. Christine, 146, 146n. 10, 148n. 19 Burkert, Walter, lnn. 1, 2, 2n. 4, 5n. 11, l05n. 18, 106n. 19, 193n. 2, 205n. 22, 207ll. 25, 218n. 57, 220n. 60, 235n. 97, 235n. 98 Burnett, Anne Pippin, 240n. 109 Butcher, S.H., 6n. 14, 26n. 23 Butler, Judith, 40-41, 48n. 22, 140, 140n. 93, 220, 232, 232n. 88, 233n. 89, 238n. 107 Calder, William, III, 60n. 52 Camp, John M., 150nn. 22, 23 Carpenter, T.H., 193n. 2 Case, Sue-Ellen, 179n. 7, 224n. 68 Chadwick, John, 193n. 2 Citizenship. See also Pericles, and the citizenship law of 451/0 maternity and, 198-200, 198n. 10, 21On·34 Civic Ideology, 190-93, 192n. 1, 199202 , 212-13, 213n. 40, 217, 221, 227, 227ll. 72, 232n· 87, 234-35, 24m. 113,242-44. See also Citizenship Cleisthenes, 152, 152n. 31, 157 Clothing. See also Armor; Disguise/ Adornment; Scyles, and cultural cross-dressing and identity, 10, 40, 99, 101, 102n. 8, 105, 105n. 16, 106-15, 106n. 19, 113n . 36, 115n. 39, 116n. 41, 120, 121n. 49, 122-23, 123nn. 56...
