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Abbreviations and Conventions Abbreviations are listed for works, catalogs, archives, and two Beckett periodicals . Beckett Editions Catastrophe et autres dramaticules. Paris: Minuit, 1982. CDW Complete Dramatic Works. London: Faber, 1986. Comédie Comédie et actes divers. Paris: Minuit, 1972. Comment c’est. Paris: Minuit, 1961. Collected Poems in English and French. London: Calder, 1977. CSP Complete Short Prose, 1929–1989. New York: Grove, 1995. Le Dépeupleur. Paris: Minuit, 1970. Disjecta. London: Calder, 1983. Dream Dream of Fair to Middling Women. London: Calder, 1993. Eleutheria. Paris: Minuit, 1995. Fin de partie et Acte sans paroles. Paris: Minuit, 1957. Godot En attendant Godot. Paris: Minuit, 1954. L’Image. Paris: Minuit, 1988. L’Innommable. Paris: Minuit, 1953. Malone meurt. Paris: Minuit, 1951. Mal vu mal dit. Paris: Minuit, 1981. Mercier et Camier. Paris: Minuit, 1970. Molloy. Paris: Minuit, 1951. MPTK More Pricks Than Kicks. New York: Grove, 1972. Murphy. New York: Grove, 1957. Nohow On. New York: Grove, 1996 (referenced by paragraph number). Nouvelles Nouvelles et textes pour rien. Paris: Minuit, 1955. Poems Collected Poems, 1930–1978. London: Calder, 1984. Pour ‹nir encore et autres foirades. Paris: Minuit, 1975. Proust. New York: Grove, 1957. Têtes-Mortes. Paris: Minuit, 1991. The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett. Vol. IV. 1999. S. E. Gontarski, ed. London: Faber and Faber. New York: Grove. Three Novels. New York: Grove-Weidenfeld, 1991. Watt. New York: Grove, 1959. The page numbers in the text refer to these editions. Titles of all Beckett’s publications are italicized, except for poems, which are enclosed in quotation marks, as are unpublished works. Libraries, Catalogs, and Periodicals BatR Beckett at Reading: Catalogue of the Beckett Manuscript Collection at the University of Reading, Whiteknights Press and the Beckett International Foundation, 1998 BC Burns Library, Boston College HRC Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas ICU The University of Chicago Library, Chicago, Illinois JOBS Journal of Beckett Studies McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada MoSW Washington University Library, St. Louis, Missouri NhD Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, New Hampshire OSU The Ohio State University Library, Columbus, Ohio RUL Beckett Archive, University of Reading Library, Reading, United Kingdom SBT Samuel Beckett Today TCD Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland Except as indicated otherwise, all citations of Knowlson are to his biography Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996). Unless otherwise designated, translations from foreign languages are mine. Beckett’s self-translations are followed by page numbers except for title-headings, which are translated within parentheses. abbreviations and conventions xii ...
