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Index 283 Abitur (high school diploma), 52, 127 Ack-ack girls, 6 Alienation: between fathers and children, caused by alcohol, 181n. 189; of women from own gender, 101; of women from parental authority, caused by National Socialist education, 59; of women from society, 55, 73; of youth from society, 50 Apprenticeship: as form of youth in Middle Ages, 49; of girls, 127, 128; as opportunity to resign from league, 249; and reduction of free time, 83–84, 146–47, 203 Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund (Workers’ League for Gymnastics and Sports), 67 Arbeitsgemeinschaften (organization of National Socialist female students), 38 Arch-conservative attitude, in Minden, 133 Aßmann, Martha (1895–1941), 28 Axmann, Artur (1913–96), 1n. 2, 60n. 56, 162n. 20, 213–16, 218 Bauer, Anna, 27 Baumann, Hans (1914–88), 92n. 121, 154 BDM, “Faith and Beauty” section of: age bracket of membership, 2; creation of as concession to women’s organization, 58; establishment of, 2, 4, 38, 57, 151–52; leadership of, 26; rhythmic gymnastics in, 23, 60n. 55, 153; study groups of, 24, 25, 82, 250 BDM Haushaltsschulen (BDM schools for home economics), 4 Becker, Howard (1899–1960), 2n. 5 Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932), 166, 167n. 41, 168n. 45 Bible Circles (Bibelkreise), 131n. 100, 132 Blüher, Hans (1888–1955), 197 Bubenkopf (hairstyle), 195 Campe, Johann Heinrich (1746–1818), 53, 64 Ceremony of Commitment for Youth (Verp›ichtung der Jugend), 23 Children’s play, 96n. 125 Choir: as BDM activity, 139, 148–50, 236, 250; participation in acceptable to conservative families, 133 Cinema: as escapism, 221; free passes for, 95n. 124; as outlet for frustration, 210; in Wedding, 204–6 Coeducation, 197, 227 Communist Party: proportion of female members and voters in, 185; in Wedding , 168–69, 183, 218–19, 245 Community of peers, girls’ search for, 93 Comrade/comradeship: Communist conception of female as “reliable comrade,” 193; “female comrade” image, in›uence on girls, 47; ideal of comradeship between sexes, 55, 196–99 Confessional Church, 134, 135, 136 Con‹rmation, religious, 187–88 Consciousness of youth among girls, 54–55 Cords marking the rank of a leader, 80 DAF (National Socialist Labor Organization ), 33 Dance: as DFO activity, 56; as pastime for young female workers, 209–11. See also Folk dancing Decomposition of Hitler Youth after 1936, 38, 39 Deutscher Mädel Ring, 28 Deutsches Jungvolk (German Young Folk), 1, 22, 35, 36, 255 DFO (Deutscher Frauen Orden “Rotes Hakenkreuz”), 28; merger with other groups to form NS-Frauenschaft, 29; and militancy, 47; program compared with league program, 55–56 Different social pro‹les of Jungmädel and BDM, 79–80 Dissidents, 187 Durchbildung (rigorous thoroughgoing education), 56, 62 Duty: of loyalty to state, 138; marriage and, 115, 118; sense of, as motivation for joining league, 78; sense of, necessary for young girls, 44 Education: and BDM membership, 232; of girls, in eighteenth century, 52; of girls, National Socialist, 21–22, 41–44, 46, 99–100; of girls, in nineteenth century, 52; levels of among children in Wedding , 232–33; role of NS-Frauenschaft, 30; and willingness to join Hitler Youth, 34; and youth of Middle Ages, 49 Exclusive categories of sport, accessible through league, 72 Femininity, 4, 5, 19, 56, 155 Feminization, of league, 4 Fertility, 176 Fichte, 220 Folk dancing, 139, 145, 149, 150, 219, 227, 250 Frauenarbeitsgemeinschaften (Associations for National Socialist Women), 28, 29 Frederick the Great (1712–86), 104, 139n. 116, 163 Freier Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund (Free Workers’ Association for Gymnastics), 67 Führerinnenring (leaders’ circle), 26 Gemeinschaft der deutschen Jugend (folk community of German youth), 74, 79, 80 Gender-speci‹c division of labor, 119–20, 124 German “Gretchen” stereotype, 3–4 German youth: self-demarcation of young people as, 93–94; sense of belonging to, 94 Gesundheitsdienstmädel (medical assistants in the health services), 23 Glaubensdutt (believer’s bun), 18 Godlessness, 187 Gottschewski, Lydia (married name: Ganzer-Gottschewski), 29–30, 38n. 56 Great Depression, 113–14, 217, 221 Greater Berlin, 158 Gruber, Kurt (1904–43), 27 Guts Muths, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1746–1818), 64 Gymnastics (Turnübungen), 61, 65, 65n. 71, 67, 71, 91, 143, 145, 152, 153, 204, 219, 236; patriotic gymnastics, 64 Gynäzeum, 52 Handicrafts: in collective schools, 127; as DFO activity, 56; as industry in Wedding , 160; as league activity, 48, 60, 61, 84, 89, 91, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 237, 248; as leisure activity for girls in Wedding , 204; as SPD activity, 186n. 101 Hauswirtschaftliche Ertüchtigungsp›icht (required training in domestic service...
