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Subject Index 289 absolute poverty, 1 accountability, 171, 212, 238, 240, 244, 246; lack of, 77; mechanisms of, 249–50; to poor, 252 Afghanistan, national reconstruction in, 66 Africa: land reforms in, 65; weak states, 277 Agrarian Law, 156 agrarian populism, in United States, 72 agrarian reforms, 58–82, 241; becoming outdated, 275; in Philippines, 95–102 agrarian unions, in Bolivia, 45, 48 agrestic serfdom, 78 aid dependence, 183 aid donors, learning processes, 277 alliances: broad-based, 34; cross-class, 275; with non-poor, 35; pragmatic, 42; political, 44, 226; pro-poor, 48, 119; of ruling elite, 235 American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission , 71 Angola, 182 antipoverty policy, 270 apartheid, overthrow of, 76 Argentina, hyperin›ation, 124 Asia, weak states, 277 asset distribution, 58; market and political rigging, 77 associationalism, causality of, 9 associations, civic, 12 Bangladesh, 173; and decentralization, 233–34, 236, 240, 246, 249–53; Ershad government, 245–46, 248, 250; Jatiyo Party, 246 basic needs, 32, 38 biota, property rights in, 61 biotechnology, 60 Bolivia, 33–51, 133, 173; Accion Democratica Nacional (ADN), 45, 46; Agrarian Reform, 18– 19, 32, 38, 41, 42, 49, 51; Alliance for Progress, 36; Banzar administration, 41, 43; Banzar coup, 40; Barrientos administration , 39; Bolivian Labor Federation (COB), 42; Central Cochabamba , 41–43; Cochabamba, 46, 47; Confederacion Sindical Uni‹cada de Trabajadores de Bolivia (CSUTCB), 40; and decentralization , 33, 40, 44, 47–48; Eje Pachacuti , 46, 48; Federacion Especial de Colonizadores de San Julian (FECSJ), 45; Instituto Nacional de Colonizacion (INC), 45; Izquierda Unida (IU), 42, 45, 48; Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), 42, 45, 48; Movimiento Bolivia Libre (MBL), 42, 44, 46; Movimiento de Izquieda Revolutionario (MIR), 42, 44; Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR), 39, 41, 43, 45–48; National Revolution, 18, 39; Northern Potosi, 43–44, 46, 47; Pacto Militar Campesino, 39; Popular Participation Reform, 18, 32, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 51; San Julian colonization progam, 45, 46; Santa Cruz, 45–47; Union Civica Solidaridad, 46; United Churches Committee (CIU), 45 Botswana, 182; good governance in, 171 Brazil: authoritarianism, state elite, 15–16; civil society, 8; Ceara State, and decentralization, 234, 240, 247; and decentralization, 244–49; Minas Gerias, 249; Movimiento dos Trabalhodores Rurais Sem Terra (Movement of Rural Landless Workers, MST), 66; Northeast Rural Development Program in Ceara, 244; peasant movements in, 66; Porto Alegre Chamber of Deputies, 8; Rio Grande do Sul, 244; social movements in, 66, 78; Workers Party (PT), 8, 244 Burundi, 173 capabilities, 170; development of, 19; of groups, 119 caste, 204, 213–14, 220, 225–26, 242, 245 centralization: of government, 181; of program management, 277 central-local relations, 235, 247 Chile, 133; authoritarianism, 15–16; Catholic University, 149; Central Unico de Trabajadores (CUT), 152; Christian Democratic Party (PDC), 144, 145, 146; Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia alliance, 148, 150, 151, 152; Confederación Nacional Campesina (CNC), 152; and decentralization, 234, 240, 251; Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social (FOSIS), 148, 152, 157; Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Regional (FNDR), 148; Frei administration, 145–46; Fujimori administration, 107–8; Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP), 148; Inversi ón Sectorial de Asignación Regional (ISAR), 148; Ministerio de Plani‹cación y Cooperación (MIDEPLAN), 146; Pinochet regime, 251; Popular Front, 144 China, 185; communist revolution, 59; governance in, 172 Christian Democratic parties, 124, 144–46 citizenship: inclusive, 77; and land reform, 71 civic groups: crowded out by state, 11; isolation of, 88 civil-rights movement (U.S.), 73 civil society, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 212, 244; critiques of, 13; distinction from the market, 10; in Germany, 7; institutions, 60; mutually constitutive , 276; promotion of, 277; spread of, 123 Civil War (U.S.), 71, 78 class alliances, 213; formation, 213; power, 226 coalition building, contributing factors of, in Philippines, Peru, 96 coalitions: broad-based leftist in Kerala , 75; drive agrarian reforms, 76; electoral, 245; new, 64; of the poor, 91; potential, 58; pro-reform, 61; relationship with elites, 90 cold war, 187; end of, 59 collaboration, state-society, 62 collective action, 32, 47, 128 collective identity, creation of, 277 Colombia: and decentralization, 234, 240, 244, 248–53; seizure of assets, 63 communist movements, 60 community, 271; organization, 32; site of empowerment, 273 conditionality, 225 con›ict, elite, 91–92, 106 Consent Decree, Judge Paul Friedman ’s, 64 corruption, 77, 246 Costa Rica, 133, 185; good governance in, 171; Investment Fund, 124; welfare state, 125 Côte d’Ivoire: and decentralization, 234, 236, 240, 248–53; Parti Democratique de la Côte d’Ivoire...
