In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ABBREVIATIONS ACLU American Civil Liberties Union ACTU Association of Catholic Trade Unionists ADA Americans for Democratic Action ADC Aid to Dependent Children AFL American Federation of Labor AIWA Automotive Industrial Workers Association AME African Methodist Episcopal Church AOC African Orthodox Church AWU Auto Workers Union BCN Black Christian Nationalism BTWTA Booker T. Washington Trade Association CFPCR Conference for the Protection of Civil Rights CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations CIO-PAC CIO Political Action Committee COINTELPRO Counter-Intelligence Program CORE Congress of Racial Equality CP Communist Party CRC Civil Rights Congress CRF Civil Rights Federation DCC Detroit Council of Churches DCCR Detroit Commission on Community Relations DCHR Detroit Council for Human Relations Detroit NLC Detroit chapter of the National Negro Labor Council DHC Detroit Housing Commission DRUM Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement DUL Detroit Urban League FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation FEPC Fair Employment Practice Commission FHA Federal Housing Administration FNP Freedom Now Party FOR Fellowship of Reconciliation GCL Good Citizenship League GM General Motors GOAL Group on Advanced Leadership HUAC House Committee on Un-American Activities HUD Housing and Urban Development ICOC Inner-City Organizing Committee IFCO Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization ILD International Labor Defense IWO International Workers Order JCC Jewish Community Council KKK Ku Klux Klan LRBW League of Revolutionary Black Workers LSNR League of Struggle for Negro Rights MCCR Michigan Committee on Civil Rights MDCFEP Metropolitan Detroit Council on Fair Employment Practice MDCP Michigan Division of the Communist Party MFSA Methodist Federation for Social Action MOWM March on Washington movement NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NALC Negro American Labor Council NCLC Northern Christian Leadership Conference NNC National Negro Congress NNLC National Negro Labor Council NOI Nation of Islam PAOCC Pan African Orthodox Christian Church PIAR People’s Institute of Applied Religion RAM Revolutionary Action Movement RUM Revolutionary Union Movement SACB Subversive Activities Control Board SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee STFU Southern Tenant Farmers Union SWP Socialist Workers Party TAP Total Action against Poverty TULC Trade Union Leadership Council UAW United Auto Workers UNIA Universal Negro Improvement Association WCO West Central Organization YMCA Young Men’s Christian Organization YWCA Young Women’s Christian Organization xxiv ABBREVIATIONS ...
