In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Figures 1.1. Distribution of states by proportion ofresidents born in other states, 1990 27 1.2. Distribution of states by proportion of foreignborn residents, 1990 28 1.3. Classification of states by internal migration and immigration growth rates, 1970-90 31 2.1. Composition of the foreign-born population in California,1990 37 3.1. Composition ofthe foreign-born population in Colorado,1990 84 4.1. Composition ofthe foreign-born population in }(ansas, 1990 123 5.1. Composition ofthe foreign-born population in }(entucky, 1990 163 6.1. Composition of the foreign-born population in Florida, 1990 202 7.1. Composition of the foreign-born population in Pennsylvania, 1990 241 8.1. Composition of the foreign-born population in New York, 1990 287 ...
