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6 October 2008 FM 3-07 Source Notes-1 Source Notes These are the sources used, quoted, or paraphrased in this publication. They are listed by page number. vi “[Stability operations encompass] various…”: JP 3-0, Joint Operations (Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 17 September 2006, incorporating Change 1, 13 February 2008), GL-25. vi “Stability operations are a core …”: DODD 3000.05, Military Support for Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations (Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 28 November 2005), 2 (hereafter cited as DODD 3000.05). 1-1 “It is needless to say that …”: Butler, Colonel Sir William F., Charles George Gordon (New York: MacMillian and Company, 1889), 84–85. 2-1 “Repeating an Afghanistan or an …”: Gates, Robert M. (Secretary of Defense), “U.S. Global Leadership Campaign” as speech given on 15 July 2008 at the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign (Washington, DC), =1262 (accessed 4 September 2008). 3-1 “Many stability operations tasks …”: DODD 3000.05, 2. 4-1 “A plan, like a tree,…”: Hart, Captain Sir Basil Liddell, Thoughts on War (London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1944), 246. 5-1 “Because of the ideological …”: Coles, Harry L. and Albert K. Weinberg, Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992), vii. 6-1 “Establishing security involves …”: Stephenson, James, Losing the Golden Hour: An Insider’s View of Iraq’s Reconstruction (Washington, DC: Potomac Books, Incorporated, 2007), 21. Source Notes Source Notes-2 FM 3-07 6 October 2008 B-1 “Weak and failed states …”: Herbst, John E., “Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations: Learning from the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Experience,” in a Statement Before House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on 30 October 2007 (Washington, DC), (accessed 4 September 2008). C-1 “The development community and …”: Natsios, Andrew S., “The Nine Principles of Reconstruction and Development,” Parameters, Autumn 2005: 19. F-1 “For the post-September 11 period, …”: Fukuyama, Francis, State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2004), 120. ...
