In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index 229 Abshar-Abdalla, Ulil, 106, 108 Abu Ghraib prison, xi, 100, 125 Ackerman, Spencer, 221 Afghanistan, invasion of, 10, 42, 107–8, 122–24, 133–34, 143–44, 152, 168, 185, 196–202, 218–19 Aglionby, John, 114 Ahearn, Raymond J., 157, 221 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 187 Ajami, Fouad, 183–84, 221 Albinski, Henry, 144, 221 al Qaeda, 10, 197, 199 American ideas about democracy, 72–73 ideas and customs, 82–83 institutions and values, 71–85 rhetoric as source of anti-American opinions , 204–6 values, 85–87 views of people and society, 64–87 virtues and values as explanation for antiAmerican opinions, 179–81 way of doing business, 79–81 Angus Reid poll, 138 anti-American views, explanation of, 16 Armenian massacre, 101, 207–8 Arnold, Martin, 8 Arsu, Sebnem, 101, 102 Arvedlund, Erin E., 5 Ataturk, Kernal, 91 Austen, Ian, 139 Australia, relationship to U.S., 139–50 Australia–New Zealand–U.S. pact (ANZUS), 140, 147, 149 Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA), 141, 148 axis of evil, xi, 10, 21, 95, 166, 168 Aydin, Ertan, 98, 227 Baik, Seonhae, 159, 224 Bandora, Bantarto, 111 Ban Ki-moon, 163 Baswir, Revrisond, 107 Beaumont, Peter, 124 Berman, Russell A., 184, 221 bin Laden, Osama, 197, 199 Blair, Tony, 7, 88, 210–11 Blanch‹eld, Mike, 134–35 Bodin, Jean, 186 Boland, Vincent, 92, 101 Bolton, John R., 169 Bonner, Raymond, 110, 146–47 Boykin, Jerry, 201–2 Brayne, Katie, 108 Brinkley, Joel, 6 British Broadcasting Corporation, 12, 18, 23, 27, 54–55, 70–71 Brooke, James, 5 Brooks, Stephen, 172, 221 Buchanan, Patrick, 126, 176, 178, 221 Bumiller, Elizabeth, 96 Burns, Robert, 1, 11 Bush, George H. W., 4, 47 Bush, George W., 3–4, 10, 97, 100, 120–21, 179–80, 199, 201, 209–10, 217, 221 Byers, Michael, 39 Cable News Network (CNN), 57 Cameron, David, 7–9, 211, 221 Canada, relationship to U.S., 6, 129–39 Carleton, William G., 212, 221 Castañeda, Jorge G., 123, 126 Cellucci, Paul, 136, 139, 221 Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), 120–21, 126–29, 221 Chávez, Hugo, 187 Cheney, Richard B. (Dick), 3 Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 47–49, 221 Choe Sang-Hun, 165 Chrétien, Jean, 136–37, 139 Chun Doo Hwan, 161, 162 Churchill, Winston, xii, 194 Clarke, Harold D., 131, 221–22 Cockburn, Patrick, 99 Cohen, Roger, 123 Cohen, Tom, 136 Colebatch, Tim, 148 Colmar Brunton Research, 142 Conetta, Carl, 23, 222 Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales (COMEX), 120–21, 126–29, 221 Cook, Ivan, 222 country studies, 15 Cyprus, 90–91 Dalmis, Ibrahim, 98, 227 Declaration of Independence, 1, 9 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), 160 d’Estaing, Giscard. See Estaing, Giscard d’ Diamond, Larry, 197, 222 Dickens, Charles, 1 Dimock, Michael A., 13, 222 Dinmore, Guy, 101 Djerejian, Edward, 17, 33, 102, 187–88, 192 Dobbs, Lou, 126, 176, 178 Doha Round trade negotiations, 141, 208 domestic interests, foreign policy sensitivity to, 206–11 Dominquez, Jorge J., 120, 222 Dong-A Ilbo survey, 170–71 D’Souza, Dinesh, 179, 222 Dulles, John Foster, 195, 214 Dyer, Gwynne, 111 Eagles, Munroe, 131, 137 Eden, Anthony, 195 Eichenburg, Richard, 13 Eisenhower, Dwight, 212 Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 92, 96–97, 100, 102 Estaing, Giscard d’, 93 Eurobarometer, 11, 49, 178, 192 evolution, 76 Fabbrini, Sergio, 187, 222 Fackler, Martin, 165 Falwell, Jerry, 179 farm subsidies, 208–9 Farr, Malcolm, 146 Ferguson, Niall, 175 Filkins, Dexter, 97, 99 Foer, Franklin, 221 force, use of, 38–41 Fox, Vicente, 120–22 Fradkin, Hille, 184 France, 194–95 Frank, Stephen, 133 Froelich, Christian, 185 Fuller, Graham E., 103 Furia, Peter A., 189, 222 Gallup International, 11, 12, 18, 20–21, 57, 94, 197–98, 213, 222 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 119 German Marshall Fund, 12, 26–27, 42, 47–49, 55–57, 60–61, 221–22 Germany, 194 Gingrich, Newt, 188, 222 Gladstone, William, 7 Globalization Index (GI), 176–77, 222 Global Market Insite (GMI), 52–54, 222 Goodenough, Patrick, 116 Good Neighbor Policy, 118 Gordon, Michael R., 113–14, 197, 222 Granatstein, J. L., 135, 223 Greenberg, Jonah, 180 Grossman, Marc, 95–96 Guantanamo Bay, 125 Gul, Abdullah, 92 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 212 Gulf War, 151 Hadar, Khatoun, 158 Hale, David, 168 Harper, Stephen, 131, 134, 136 Harris Interactive survey, 69–70, 219, 223 Hassan II, king of Morocco, 151 Haz, Hamzah, 107 Hogben, David, 136 Hoge, Warren, 164 Hollander, Paul, 176, 186, 223...
