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Index 263 abortion. See procreation decisions Abrams v. United States (1919), 71, 196 acculturation. See Americanization of immigrants ; assimilation Adams, John, 94 Adkins v. Children’s Hospital (1923), 165 Adventists. See Seventh Day Adventists African Americans, 45, 67 Akron Beacon Journal, 202 Alien Act (1798), 68 Allgeyer v. Louisiana (1897), 134, 167 Alphonse, Mother Superior, 126 American Bar Association, 72. See also Hughes, Charles Evans American Communist Labor Party, 70 American Communist Party, 70 American Federation of Patriotic Voters, 58 Americanization of immigrants: Committee on Public Schools and, 38; Guthrie on Oregon School Bill and, 187; Meyer on state monopoly over education and, 122, 248n. 25; Oregon legislature’s promotion of, 203; progressives on public schools and, 95–96, 211; Protestantism and goal of, 105; public schools and, 95, 211; School Bill advocates on, 39; Sisters’ suit on School Bill and claims of, 140–41; Supreme Court and national interests in, 196–97; as virtue of public education , 2–3; Wooten on private schools and, 46. See also immigrants; nativists and nativism American Jewish Committee, 178 American Know-Nothing Party, 102–3 American Legionnaires, 65–66 American Patriotic Association, 67 American Protective Association, 38, 107 amicus curiae brief(s): Guthrie’s, on Meyer, 118–24, 162–63; Lutheran Schools Committee considers, 159; Public School Defense League, 194; for School Bill appellate case, 177–78; Stansbury on submission of, 161 Amish parents, mandatory school attendance for children of, 216, 224–25 anarchists, immigration denied for, 69 anti-Catholicism: establishment clause and, 228; of fundamentalists, 101; history in Oregon of, 50–52; Oregon School Bill and, 52–56, 81; in small Oregon towns, 9 antielitism, 39–40, 41, 46. See also elites antimask law, Oregon, 13 antistatism: Harlan on Pierce link of due process to, 218; personal identity, Pierce and, 215; Tinker on educational liberty, First Amendment and, 217. See also state power antitrust laws, federal, Guthrie on, 115 Arkansas, compulsory public education considered in, 26 Ash, Robert, 160 assimilation. See Americanization of immigrants Associated Press, 132 Astoria Budget, 79 attorney general, Oregon. See Van Winkle, Isaac H. “Baby Blaines,”106, 228. See also Blaine Amendment Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Company (1922), 116 Baker, George L.: on compulsory public education , 52; on criminal syndicalism bill, 65; on evils of Bolshevism, 64; with Klan in newspaper photo, 11; on October labor strikes, 77–78; on the “Reds”vs. German immigrants, 63; Sisters of St. Vincent and, 54 Baldwin, Roger, 108 ballot initiatives. See initiatives Baltimore Sun, 84 Bartels v. Iowa (1923), 248n. 23, 249n. 38 Barzee, C. W., 74 Baur, Rev. John C., 31–32 Bean, Robert S., 144, 145 Beard, Charles A., 114 Beecher, Lyman, 103 Bell. See Buck v. Bell Bend Bulletin, 60, 79 Benedict XV, Pope, 28 Benildis, Sister M., 201 Bennett Law, Wisconsin, 107 Benson, Frank W., 127 Berea College v. Kentucky (1908), 132–33, 134, 233 Bethel School District v. Fraser (1986), 223–24 Bible reading (Protestant) in schools: banned in some public schools, 106; Blaine Amendment and, 107; Catholic resistance to, 103–4; free exercise claims and, 259n. 12; as generic Protestantism, 102; recommendation to NCWC on accepting Old Testament readings , 156–57 Bill of Rights, incorporation of: Pierce opinion and, 211–14; selective, under due process clause, 248n. 16 Birth of a Nation, The (‹lm), 3 Black, Hugo, 217 Blackstone, William, 135, 185 Blaine, James G., 69, 106 Blaine Amendment, 106, 107, 228 Blanchet, Francis Norbert, 125 Bohning v. Ohio (1923), 248n. 23, 249n. 38 Bolling v. Sharpe (1954), 217 Bolsheviks/Bolshevism: nativist furor over, 2; opponents of School Bill on state-controlled education policy of, 74; Oregon School Bill and, 3–4, 73–76; Pierce on, 65; Red Scare (1919–20) and fear of, 72–73; as threat to American democracy, 62–63; in the U.S., 70; U.S. debate on democracy and, 196. See also communism and communist governments; Soviet Union Boston, Ursuline Convent burning in, 103 Bourne, Jonathan, 21 Bowerman, Jay, 127 Bowers, Henry F., 107 Brandeis, Louis D.: dissent in Abrams on antiwar pamphlets, 71; dissent in Gitlow on radical speech and democracy, 196; dissents on freedom of thought, 212; on education and democratic governance, 197; on experimentation and democracy, 166; on liberty, identity , and the First Amendment, 233; on Pierce and First Amendment, 216; Ryan’s observations on, 193; as Taft Court member, 163 Bristol, W. C., 18 Brown, George G., 17 Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 225, 252n. 1 Bryan, William Jennings, 101, 209–10 Buck v. Bell...
