In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

195 Index Abra­ ham Lin­ coln Cen­ ter, 8, 150 Ab­ stract ex­ pres­ sion­ ism, 28, 64 Ad­ dams, Jane, 8, 33, 60, 101 A. D. Ger­ man Ware­ house, 60 Adler, Dank­ mar, 101 Adler and Sul­ li­ van, 22, 29, 66, 69, 101, 105 Ad­ ven­ tures of Huck­ le­ berry Finn (Twain), 82 Aguar, ­ Charles E. and Ber­ deana, 5 Alof­ sin, An­ thony, 109 “AmericanArchi­ tec­ tureToday”(Wright), 139–40, 141–42­ American Fed­ er­ a­ tion of Archi­ tects, 143­ American Re­ nais­ sance (Mat­ thies­ sen), 7 An­ der­ son, Mar­ ga­ ret, 60 An­ der­ son, Sher­ wood, 126 An­ nun­ ci­ a­ tion Greek Or­ tho­ dox ­ Church, 153 An­ thony, Susan B., 8 “Antique Color ­ Prints from the Col­ lec­ tion of Frank Lloyd ­ Wright” (Wright), 63–64 Anx­ ious Ob­ ject, The (Ro­ sen­ berg), 64 Ap­ pren­ tice­ ship of Wil­ helm Meis­ ter, The (Goethe), 100 “Archi­ tect, Archi­ tec­ ture, and the ­ Client” (Wright), 24–27 “Archi­ tect, The” (Wright), 29–31 “Archi­ tect and the Ma­ chine, The” (Wright), 15–24, 29, 46, 69–70 Archi­ tec­ tu­ ral Forum, The, 140, 144–47, 152, 153, 157, 158 “Archi­ tec­ tu­ ral Forum, The” (Wright), 144–47, 152, 153, 157 Archi­ tec­ tu­ ral ­ League, 27, 29 Archi­ tec­ tu­ ral ­ Record, The, 3, 36, 45, 52, 53, 56, 68, 72, 74, 81, 82, 83, 140, 160 Archi­ tec­ tu­ ral Re­ view, The, 36 “Archi­ tec­ ture” (Grif­ fin), 18–19 Archi­ tec­ ture and Mod­ ern Life (Brow­ nell and ­ Wright), 141, 142, 143, 147 “Archi­ tec­ ture of In­ di­ vid­ u­ al­ ism” (Wright), 142 Ar­ i­ zona Bilt­ more Hotel, 72, 74, 119, 146 “Art and Craft of the Ma­ chine, The” (Wright), 33–35, 82 Art In­ sti­ tute of Chi­ cago, 27, 28, 40, 81, 90–92, 107, 108, 121 Arts and ­ Crafts Move­ ment, 16, 33–34, 46, 147–48 Arts Club of Chi­ cago, 60, 62 Ash­ bee, C. R., 16, 33, 124 As You Like It (Shake­ speare), 13 “At Ta­ lie­ sin,” 11 Au­ di­ tor­ ium Build­ ing, 69, 101, 102­ Ausgefürte Bau­ ten und ­ Entwürfe (Wright). See Was­ muth port­ fo­ lio Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy, An (Wright), 27, 55, 58, 72, 85, 92, 93–123, 153, 154, 156–57, 158, 159 Au­ vergne Press, 16, 22 Bach, Jo­ hann Se­ bas­ tian, 75, 115 Bal­ lon, Hi­ lary, 12 Bar­ ney, Mag­ i­ nel ­ Wright, 55 Barns­ dall, Aline, 65–66, 71, 115, 116, 118 Bar­ thelme, Don­ ald, 67 Bee­ tho­ ven, Lud­ wig van, 79 Ber­ co­ vitch, Sac­ van, 7 Berl­ age, Hen­ drik Pe­ trus, 61 196 Index­ Besinger, Cur­ tis, 42 Beth ­ Sholom Syn­ agogue, 153 Blake, ­ William, 7, 98, 134, 135, 136, 163 Blos­ som House, 21 Bock, Rich­ ard, 33 Bogk, Frede­ rick C., 60 Bogk House, 60 Booth, Sher­ man, 60 Borth­ wick, Mamah. See Che­ ney, Mamah Borth­ wick Brick­ builder, The, 36 Broa­ da­ cre City, 120, 130–37, 150–51, 154–57, 164­ Brooks, H. Allen, 36 Brown, John, 132 Brow­ nell, Baker, 147 “Build­ ing a De­ moc­ racy” (Wright), 159–60 “Build­ ings for Rec­ re­ a­ tion” (De­ smond), 7 Build­ ing with Frank Lloyd ­ Wright ( Ja­ cobs), 138 Burn­ ham, Dan­ iel, 60, 106 Byrne, Barry, 11, 56, 57 Ca­ hiers d’Art, 80 Cap­ i­ tol Times, The (Mad­ i­ son), 11 “Car­ a­ vel or Mo­ tor­ ship” (Wright), 140 “Card­ board House, The” (Wright), 86–88, 107 Car­ lyle, ­ Thomas, 27, 30, 98 Ca­ sals, Pablo, 126 Cen­ ten­ nial Ex­ hi­ bi­ tion (Phil­ a­ del­ phia), 97 “Cen­ tury of Prog­ ress, A,” 121, 140 Cer­ vantes, Mi­ guel de, 128 Chan­ dler, Al­ ex­ an­ der, 72 Charn­ ley, James and Helen, 29 Charn­ ley Cot­ tage, 29 Charn­ ley House, 24, 104 Che­ ney, Edwin, 41 Che­ ney, Mamah Borth­ wick, 11, 40, 43, 47, 52, 53, 56, 58, 62, 84, 101, 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 119, 157 Che­ ney House, 47 “Chi­ cago Cul­ ture” (Wright), 60–61, 66 Chi­ cago Trib­ une, 44, 140­ Christ, Jesus, 160, 163 “City, The” (Wright), 88–90 City Res­ i­ den­ tial Land De­ vel­ op­ ment, 59 Cle­ mens, Sam­ uel L., 82, 97 Co­ lum­ bian Ex­ po­ si­ tion, 9, 29, 105–6, 140...
