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167 Ap­ pen­ dix Di­ vorce ­ Papers of William C. and Anna L. ­ Wright The fol­ low­ ing pub­ lic doc­ u­ ment is ­ housed in the Uni­ ver­ sity ­ Archives, Steen­ bock Li­ brary, Room 425, Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin, Mad­ i­ son, Wis­ con­ sin. It is kept in a brown ma­ nila en­ ve­ lope la­ beled “Frank Lloyd ­ Wright File from: Gay­ lord L. Moser, 754 E. So. St., Rich­ land Cen­ ter, Wis. mis­ cel­ la­ ne­ ous in­ for­ ma­ tion re:­ William C. ­ Wright.” Words ­ crossed out in the orig­ i­ nal are in­ di­ cated as such and ­ spelling and punc­ tu­ a­ tion idio­ syn­ cra­ sies have been re­ tained. Dane ­ County Cir­ cuit Court­ William C. ­ Wright vs. Anna L. ­ Wright­ Drawer No. 734 [224 super­ im­ posed] Tax pd. Fees pd Ac­ tion for Di­ vorce J. H. Car­ pen­ ter ­ Plaintiff’s At­ tor­ ney. Ct ­ Record, Vol. 10, Page 24 04/24/5 Folio 1 State of Wis­ con­ sin. Cir­ cuit Court Dane ­ County.­ William C. ­ Wright Plain­ tiff vs Anna L. ­ Wright De­ fen­ dant The com­ plaint of the above named plain­ tiff ap­ pear­ ing by J. H. Car­ pen­ ter his at­ tor­ ney re­ spect­ fully shows to this court that on the 17th day of Au­ gust 168 Appendix: Divorce Papers of William C. and Anna L. Wright A.D. 1866 the plain­ tiff and de­ fen­ dant inter­ mar­ ried:-that the plain­ tiff and de­ fen­ dant are both res­ i­ dents of Dane ­ County, Wis­ con­ sin and have both re­ sided in said ­ county and state for six years last past. The plain­ tiff fur­ ther shows that he has al­ ways ­ hitherto ­ treated the de­ fen­ dant with kind­ ness and for­ bear­ ance and in all re­ spects been to her a true, kind and faith­ ful hus­ band, and kept and per­ formed his mar­ riage vows, but the de­ fen­ dant dis­ re­ gard­ ing her du­ ties as a wife did, on or about Feb­ ru­ ary 25, 1883, will­ fully un­ justly and with­ out cause or prov­ o­ ca­ tion ­ desert this plain­ tiff and has ever since and still con­ tin­ ues such will­ ful and un­ just de­ ser­ tion. The plain­ tiff fur­ ther shows that the par­ ties ­ hereto have three chil­ dren, the fruit of their mar­ riage, whose names and ages are as fol­ lows: Frank L. ­ Wright, 17 years old, June 8, 1884. Mary Jane ­ Wright, 15 years old April 26, 1884. Mar­ ga­ ret Ellen ­ Wright 7 years old, June 19, 1884. Where­ fore the plain­ tiff de­ mands judg­ ment that the bonds of mat­ ri­ mony­ between the plain­ tiff and de­ fen­ dant be ab­ so­ lutely dis­ solved, and that the cus­ tody of said chil­ dren be ­ awarded as to the Court shall seem just and ­ proper and that such other re­ lief be ­ granted the plain­ tiff as shall be just. J. H. Car­ pen­ ter ­ Plaintiff ’s At­ tor­ ney State of Wis­ con­ sin Dane ­ County s.s.­ William C. ­ Wright the plain­ tiff above named being duly sworn says that he is the plain­ tiff above named & that he has read the fore­ go­ ing com­ plaint, and is fully in­ formed as to the con­ tents ­ thereof, and he fur­ ther says that the fore­ go­ ing com­ plaint is true to his own knowl­ edge, ex­ cept as to those mat­ ters ­ therein­ stated on in­ for­ ma­ tion and be­ lief, and as to those mat­ ters he be­ lieves it to be true. Wm. C. ­ Wright Sub­ scribed and sworn to be­ fore me this 13th day of De­ cem­ ber A.D. 1884 J. H. Car­ pen­ ter No­ tary Pub­ lic Dane ­ County Wis­ con­ sin Filed Dec. 27, 1884 S. H. But­ ler Clerk State of Wis­ con­ sin Cir­ cuit Court Dane ­ County [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 04:10 GMT) Appendix: Divorce Papers of William C. and Anna L. Wright 169­ William C. ­ Wright Plain­ tiff agst Anna L. ­ Wright De­ fen­ dant Dane ­ County s.s. J. H. Car­ pen­ ter being first duly sworn says he is the at­ tor­ ney for the plain­ tiff above ­ named-that on the six­ teenth day of...
