In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix Con­ tents Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments xi Chro­ nol­ ogy of ­ Events xiii Intro­ duc­ tion 3 1 “My ­ Brother’s ­ Keeper”: Jus­ tify­ ing a New Kind of Sac­ ri­ fice, De­ fin­ ing a New Kind of War 12 2 Clash of Civ­ il­ iza­ tions: Spain as Enemy and the Crys­ tal­ liza­ tion of ­ American Mes­ sian­ ism 37 3 “The Hand of God in the ­ Nation’s Vic­ tory”: Prov­ i­ dence, American Suc­ cess, and the Mean­ ing of Na­ tional His­ tory 60 4 To ­ Anglo-Saxonize the World: Ra­ cial Prov­ i­ den­ tial­ ism and the ­ American Mis­ sion 83 5 Duty and Des­ tiny: Mes­ sianic Inter­ ven­ tion­ ism and the Ideol­ ogy of ­ American Ex­ pan­ sion 98 Con­ clu­ sion 128 Notes 143 Bib­ liog­ ra­ phy 185 Index 197 ...
