In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

185 Bib­ liog­ ra­ phy Man­ u­ script Col­ lec­ tions­ Andover-Harvard Theo­ log­ i­ cal Li­ brary Man­ u­ scripts and ­ Archives De­ part­ ment, Cam­ bridge, MA Rich­ ard Boyn­ ton ­ Papers­ George White­ field Stone Ser­ mons and Lec­ tures Con­ gre­ ga­ tional Li­ brary, Bos­ ton, MA New­ ton, MA, First ­ Church (Con­ gre­ ga­ tional) ­ Records, 1773–1972 Dis­ ci­ ples of ­ Christ His­ tor­ i­ cal So­ ci­ ety, Nash­ ville, TN­ Thomas Dav­ e­ mal But­ ler ­ Papers Li­ brary of Con­ gress, Wash­ ing­ ton, DC Dan­ iel A. P. Mur­ ray Col­ lec­ tion, 1818–1907 Pres­ by­ ter­ ian His­ tor­ i­ cal So­ ci­ ety, Phil­ a­ del­ phia, PA John May­ hew Ful­ ton ­ Papers Pamph­ lets Col­ lec­ tion News­ papers and Pe­ ri­ od­ i­ cals Ad­ vance (Chi­ cago) Al­ a­ bama Bap­ tist (Mont­ gom­ ery, AL)­ American Mis­ sion­ ary (New York) Bap­ tist and Re­ flec­ tor (Nash­ ville, TN) Bap­ tist Argus (Louis­ ville, KY) Bap­ tist ­ Courier (Green­ ville, SC) Bap­ tist Stan­ dard (Dal­ las) Bib­ li­ cal Re­ corder (Ra­ leigh, NC) Chris­ tian Ad­ vo­ cate (Nash­ ville, TN) Chris­ tian Ad­ vo­ cate (New York) Chris­ tian Cen­ tury (Chi­ cago) Chris­ tian Evan­ gel­ ist (St. Louis) 186 E Bibliography Chris­ tian Index (At­ lanta) Chris­ tian Ob­ server (Louis­ ville, KY) Chris­ tian Re­ corder (Phil­ a­ del­ phia) Chris­ tian Stan­ dard (Cin­ cin­ nati) Church­ man (New York) Con­ gre­ ga­ tion­ al­ ist (Bos­ ton) Evan­ gel­ ist (New York) Flor­ ida Bap­ tist Wit­ ness (Ocala, FL)­ Friends’ In­ tel­ li­ gencer (Phil­ a­ del­ phia)­ Harper’s ­ Weekly (New York)­ Herald of Gos­ pel Lib­ erty (Ports­ mouth, NH) Hom­ i­ letic Re­ view (New York) In­ de­ pen­ dent (New York) Liv­ ing ­ Church (Chi­ cago) Lu­ theran ­ Church Re­ view (Phil­ a­ del­ phia)­ McClure’s Mag­ a­ zine (New York) Meth­ o­ dist Re­ view (Nash­ ville, TN) Meth­ o­ dist Re­ view (New York) Mis­ sion­ ary (Nash­ ville, TN) Na­ tion (New York) Na­ tional Bap­ tist Mag­ a­ zine (Wash­ ing­ ton, DC) New Or­ leans Chris­ tian Ad­ vo­ cate (New Or­ leans) New York Ob­ server (New York) New York Times (New York) Out­ look (New York) Pa­ cific (San Fran­ cisco) Pa­ cific Chris­ tian (San Fran­ cisco) Pilot (Bos­ ton) Re­ li­ gious ­ Herald (Rich­ mond, VA) Stan­ dard (Chi­ cago) Star of Zion (Char­ lotte, NC) Treas­ ury (New York)­ United Pres­ by­ ter­ ian (Pitts­ burgh) Watch­ man (Bos­ ton) West­ ern Chris­ tian Ad­ vo­ cate (Cin­ cin­ nati) Word and Way (Kan­ sas City, MO)­ Zion’s ­ Herald (Bos­ ton) De­ nom­ i­ na­ tional ­ Records Gen­ eral As­ sem­ bly of the Pres­ by­ ter­ ian ­ Church in the ­ United ­ States of Amer­ ica. Min­ utes. 1898. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 06:57 GMT) Bibliography E 187 Gen­ eral As­ sem­ bly of the ­ United Pres­ by­ ter­ ian ­ Church of North Amer­ ica. Min­ utes. 1898. Gen­ eral Con­ fer­ ence of the Meth­ o­ dist Epis­ co­ pal ­ Church, South. Jour­ nal. 1898. South­ ern Bap­ tist Con­ ven­ tion. An­ nual. 1898. Pub­ lished Pri­ mary ­ Sources Brown­ son, Mar­ cus. The Na­ tional Thanks­ giv­ ing, No­ vem­ ber the ­ Twenty-fourth, 1898. ­ American Ex­ pan­ sion, a Dis­ course de­ livered in the Tenth Pres­ by­ ter­ ian ­ Church, Phil­ a­ del­ phia. Phil­ a­ del­ phia: Pub­ lished under the Di­ rec­ tion of the Men’s ­ League of the ­ Church, 1898.­ Carver, W. O. Mis­ sions and the King­ dom of ­ Heaven. N.P.: n.p., 1898. Dana, Ste­ phen. Our New Place among the Na­ tions: A Ser­ mon ­ Preached by the Rev. Ste­ phen Dana, D.D. Pas­ tor of the Wal­ nut ­ Street Pres­ by­ ter­ ian ­ Church Phil­ a­ del­ phia. Phil­ a­ del­ phia: ­ George Cole and Bro., 1898. Dixon, A. C. Our ­ Greater Coun­ try. New York: n.p., 1898. Dixon, ­ Thomas. “The Bat­ tle Cry of Free­ dom.” ­ Dixon’s Ser­ mons: A ­ Monthly Mag­ a­ zine ( June 1898): 4–6. . “The ­ Fourth of July.” ­ Dixon’s Ser­ mons: A ­ Monthly Mag­ a­ zine (Au­ gust 1898): 37–41. . “The ­ Nation’s Call the Voice of God.” ­ Dixon’s Ser­ mons: A ­ Monthly...
