In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xi Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments The ed­ i­ tors would like to thank our col­ leagues and col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tors at the Cen­ tre for Life His­ tory and Life Writ­ ing Re­ search at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Sus­ sex, the Cen­ tre for Life Nar­ ra­ tives and the Helen Bam­ ber Cen­ tre at King­ ston Uni­ ver­ sity, and the De­ part­ ments of Crea­ tive Writ­ ing and Human ­ Rights at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Min­ ne­ sota. In par­ tic­ u­ lar we ac­ knowl­ edge our debt for the in­ itial vi­ sion of these inter­ dis­ ci­ pli­ nary con­ ver­ sa­ tions to Pro­ fes­ sor Pa­ tri­ cia Hampl, De­ part­ ment of En­ glish and Crea­ tive Writ­ ing, Uni­ ver­ sity of Min­ ne­ sota; the ­ writer and broad­ caster An­ nette Kobak, Cen­ tre for Life Nar­ ra­ tives, King­ ston Uni­ ver­ sity; and Pro­ fes­ sor Bar­ bara Frey, di­ rec­ tor of the Human ­ Rights Pro­ gram, Uni­ ver­ sity of Min­ ne­ sota. We are also grateful to William Andrews, series editor at the University of Wisconsin Press, for his encouragement in seeing this book join the wonderful Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography. We wish to ac­ knowl­ edge the Staff De­ vel­ op­ ment Fund in the ­ School of Hu­ man­ ities at King­ ston Uni­ ver­ sity for their fi­ nan­ cial sup­ port in the pro­ duc­ tion of this vol­ ume, and J. Naomi Linzer Indexing Services for the careful preparation of the index. We are es­ pe­ cially grate­ ful for Pro­ fes­ sor Brian ­ Brivati’s nu­ mer­ ous, in­ val­ u­ able, and ex­ pert con­ tri­ bu­ tions to the pro­ duc­ tion of this vol­ ume from brain­ storm­ ing to inter­ view­ ing to writ­ ing and ed­ it­ ing. Fur­ ther ­ thanks are due to Dr. David Rog­ ers, Kir­ sten Win­ ter­ man, Pro­ fes­ sor Vesna Gold­ sworthy, Pro­ fes­ sor Sid­ o­ nie Smith, Pro­ fes­ sor Kay Schaf­ fer, and Pro­ fes­ sor Julia Wat­ son for their on­ go­ ing sup­ port, and to Rich­ ard Jolly, June Jolly, and Nick Fair­ clough, with­ out whose en­ thu­ siasm and care this vol­ ume would be the ­ poorer. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 10:36 GMT) We Shall Bear Wit­ ness ...
