In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Wis­ con­ sin Stud­ ies in Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy­­­ william l. an­ drews Se­ ries Ed­ i­ tor Rob­ ert F. Sayre The Ex­ am­ ined Self: Ben­ ja­ min Frank­ lin, Henry Adams, Henry James Dan­ iel B. Shea Spir­ i­ tual Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy in Early Amer­ ica Lois Mark Stal­ vey The Ed­ u­ ca­ tion of a WASP Mar­ ga­ ret Sams For­ bid­ den Fam­ ily: A War­ time Me­ moir of the Phi­ lip­ pines, 1941–1945 Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by Lynn Z. Bloom Char­ lotte Per­ kins Gil­ man The Liv­ ing of Char­ lotte Per­ kins Gil­ man: An Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy Intro­ duc­ tion by Ann J. Lane Mark Twain Mark ­ Twain’s Own Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy: The Chap­ ters from the “North ­ American Re­ view” Ed­ ited by Mi­ chael J. Kis­ kis Jour­ neys in New ­ Worlds: Early ­ American ­ Women’s Nar­ ra­ tives Ed­ ited by ­ William L. An­ drews, Sar­ gent Bush, Jr., An­ nette Ko­ lodny, Amy­ Schrager Lang, and Dan­ iel B. Shea­ American Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy: ­ Retrospect and Pros­ pect Ed­ ited by Paul John Eakin Car­ o­ line Sea­ bury The Diary of Car­ o­ line Sea­ bury, 1854–1863 Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by Su­ zanne L. Bun­ kers Cor­ ne­ lia Peake McDo­ nald A ­ Woman’s Civil War: A Diary with Rem­ i­ nis­ cences of the War, from March 1862 Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by Min­ rose C. Gwin Mar­ ian An­ der­ son My Lord, What a Morn­ ing Intro­ duc­ tion by Nel­ lie Y. McKay­ American ­ Women’s Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy: Fea(s)ts of Mem­ ory Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by Margo Cul­ ley Frank Mar­ shall Davis­ Livin’ the Blues: Me­ moirs of a Black Jour­ nal­ ist and Poet Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by John Edgar Tid­ well­ Joanne Ja­ cob­ son Au­ thor­ ity and Al­ li­ ance in the Let­ ters of Henry Adams Kamau Brath­ waite The Zea Mex­ i­ can Diary: 7 Sep­ tem­ ber 1926–7 Sep­ tem­ ber 1986 Ge­ naro M. Pa­ dilla My His­ tory, Not Yours: The For­ ma­ tion of Mex­ i­ can ­ American Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy­ Frances Smith Fos­ ter Wit­ ness­ ing Slav­ ery: The De­ vel­ op­ ment of ­ Ante-bellum Slave Nar­ ra­ tives Na­ tive ­ American Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy: An An­ thol­ ogy Ed­ ited by Ar­ nold Kru­ pat­ American Lives: An An­ thol­ ogy of Auto­ bio­ graph­ i­ cal Writ­ ing Ed­ ited by Rob­ ert F. Sayre Carol Holly In­ tensely Fam­ ily: The In­ her­ i­ tance of Fam­ ily Shame and the Auto­ biog­ ra­ phies of Henry James Peo­ ple of the Book: ­ Thirty Schol­ ars Re­ flect on Their Jew­ ish Iden­ tity Ed­ ited by Jef­ frey ­ Rubin-Dorsky and Shel­ ley ­ Fisher Fish­ kin G. ­ Thomas ­ Couser Re­ cov­ er­ ing Bod­ ies: Ill­ ness, Dis­ abil­ ity, and Life Writ­ ing [] Project MUSE (2024-04-20 03:22 GMT) John Down­ ton Haz­ lett My Gen­ er­ a­ tion: Col­ lec­ tive Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy and Iden­ tity Pol­ i­ tics­ William Her­ rick Jump­ ing the Line: The Ad­ ven­ tures and Mis­ ad­ ven­ tures of an ­ American Rad­ i­ cal Women, Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy, The­ ory: A ­ Reader Ed­ ited by Sid­ o­ nie Smith and Julia Wat­ son José Angel Gu­ tiér­ rez The Mak­ ing of a Chi­ cano Mil­ i­ tant: Les­ sons from Cris­ tal Marie Hall Ets Rosa: The Life of an Ital­ ian Im­ mi­ grant Car­ son McCull­ ers Il­ lu­ mi­ na­ tion and Night Glare: The Un­ fin­ ished Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy of Car­ son McCull­ ers Ed­ ited with an intro­ duc­ tion by Car­ los L. Dews Yi-Fu Tuan Who Am I? An Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy of Emo­ tion, Mind, and ­ Spirit Henry Bibb The Life and Ad­ ven­ tures of Henry Bibb: An ­ American Slave Intro­ duc­ tion by ­ Charles J. He­ glar Diar­ ies of Girls and Women: A Mid­ west­ ern ­ American Sam­ pler Ed­ ited by Su­ zanne L. Bun­ kers Jim Lane The Auto­ bio­ graph­ i­ cal Doc­ u­ men­ tary in Amer...
