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239 Index Af­ rica: art in, 218; mis­ sions in, 36, 49, 74, 79, 113; study of, 223, 226, 228, 230– 31. See also Bel­ gian Congo; Kuba peo­ ple African­ ist, 218, 230–31­ African peo­ ple, 49, 50–51, 230. See also Bel­ gian Congo air war, 134–36; bomb­ ing, 134–35, 138, 145, 147, 189; ends, 186; straf­ing, 93–94, 124, 138, 149, 170. See also V mis­ siles­ al-Alamein, Egypt: bat­ tle of, 117 Al­ bert I (king of the Bel­ gians), 4 Al­ lied ­ forces, 107, 146–48, 151, 168, 171, 173, 176, 185, 189. See also air war Amer­ ica, 49, 110; Latin, 77; North, 133, 178; South, 40, 77, 145­ Americans. See ­ United ­ States of Amer­ ica; U.S. armed ­ forces An­ der­ sen, Hans Chris­ tian (writer), 103 An­ nales (jour­ nal), 219 anthro­ pol­ ogy, 218, 224, 226 Ant­ werp, 12, 26, 43, 116, 193, 212, 223; and air war, 135–36 (see also Mort­ sel);­ contrast with ­ Bruges, 85–87; de­ fenses, 78, 82; den­ tist, 131, 133; de­ scrip­ tion of, 5–7, 16, 17, 37, 49–54; di­ amond trade, 6, 54, 200; fam­ ily roots in, 4–5, 9, 23, 25; fam­ ily shel­ ters ­ father in, 150–51, 176–77, 180; har­ bor, 6, 7, 52–54, 74, 83, 151, 189–90; Jews, 5, 7, 57, 117, 140–42, 192–93; leav­ ing, 14, 28, 47, 58, 227, 228; lib­ er­ a­ tion, 151, 166, 167; me­ trop­ o­ lis, 7; pol­ lu­ tion, 18; as ref­ er­ ence point, 128, 150; Re­ sis­ t­ ance, 151, 172, 175–77; ­ schools in, 22, 23, 38–42, 44–49, 71, 81; strug­ gle for, 93, 151, 165, 180–82, 204; trans­ port to and from, bus, 38, 81–82; trans­ port to and from, train, 84, 123, 207; trans­ port to and from, tram, 117, 123, 128–29, 147, 185, 171, 204 Ant­ werpen (prov­ ince), 27 Ar­ gen­ tina, 200 ar­ til­ lery bar­ rage, 168–73 Asia, 49; Cen­ tral, 52, 148, 150, 192, 197. See also Chi­ nese At­ lan­ tic, bat­ tle of the, 136 Au­ gus­ tine of Hippo (saint and ­ writer), 188 Ausch­ witz, Po­ land, 141, 192 AVVK, motto, 46 Azeri sol­ diers, 167 Bach, Jo­ hann Se­ bas­ tian (com­ poser), 90, 102 Baels, Lil­ ian (prin­ cess), 115 Index 240 Bantu lan­ guages, 97, 231 Ba­ rante. See ­ Brugière, Am­ able Bat­ tle of the Bulge, 180, 182–83, 189 Bau­ douin I (king of the Bel­ gians), 199 BBC (Brit­ ish Broad­ cast­ ing Cor­ po­ ra­ tion), 107, 127, 151 Bee­ tho­ ven, Lud­ wig van (com­ poser), 187 Bel­ gian armed ­ forces: Bel­ gian Bri­ gade, 176, 200; mo­ bil­ iza­ tion, 82–83; school­ ship Mer­ ca­ tor, 38; sur­ ren­ der, 8, 95–96 Bel­ gian Congo, 6, 36, 49–50, 91, 97, 104; Ka­ tanga (prov­ ince), 97, 100 Bel­ gian econ­ omy, 7, 8, 50–51, 147, 199– 200. See also Great De­ pres­ sion Bel­ gian na­ tional col­ ors, 95, 176, 177, 178 Bel­ gians: chau­ vin­ ists, 24; ci­ vil­ ians, 126; and ­ forced labor, 117–18, 127, 129, 134, 137–38; pa­ tri­ ots, 177, 200 Bel­ gian so­ ci­ ety, 7, 8, 134; iden­ tity, 8, 202–3; in­ sti­ tu­ tions, 38, 219. See also Bel­ gium Bel­ gian state, 7–9, 19, 127, 165, 232. See also Bel­ gium Bel­ gian uni­ ver­ sities, 209, 219, 224 Bel­ gium: Brit­ ish oc­ cu­ pa­ tion, 179, 197; cam­ paign in 1940, 92–95; cus­ tom in, 43, 86–87, 110, 227; food scar­ city in, 99, 109, 112; ­ foreign al­ li­ ances, 83, 197; his­ tory, 17, 33, 139, 202, 215, 216; Jew­ ish pop­ u­ la­ tion, 7, 8, 134; post­ war po­ lit­ i­ cal sit­ u­ a­ tion, 198–203; struc­ ture and pol­ i­ tics, 7–9, 19, 39–40, 54– 57, 137, 189, 190, 213, 215 Bel­ lem (cas­ tle), 119, 142–43 Bel­ paire, Maria El­ i­ sab­ eth (writer), 5 Ben­ e­ dic­ tine order, 86, 99–100, 143–44, 194, 201. See also St. An­ drews Abbey; St. Peter, abbey of Bene­ lux al­ li­ ance, 197 Be­ quaert, Léo­ nie (Bom­ ama; Jan’s grand­ mother), 3, 25, 26, 27, 76 black mar­ ket, 111–12, 179, 184, 196. See...
