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absolution, 178, 180, 182, 186–87, 192n19 Admonition to the Schismatics [(Uveshchanie k raskol’nikam) Platon], 199 Aivazov, Ivan G., 79 Aksakov, I. S., 72, 113 Alexander II (Emperor), 113, 135 Alfeev, Ilarion, 89, 90, 91, 94, 101 allegory, use of, 196–97, 199, 210n3 All-Russian Church Council, 18 Amal’rik, Andrei, 276 Amvrosii (Serebrennikov), 45, 157 anagogy: ascent in, 197–204, 212n29; icons, 16, 131, 144–45, 197, 266, 268, 273n51; Scripture and, 200–202, 203–5 Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 265 Annenkov, P. V., 114 anthropology, 112, 114–15, 221, 281 anti-sectarian missionary work, 65, 67–68 anti-Semitism, 18 Antonii (Khrapovitskii), Archbishop, 10, 17, 87, 88, 91, 97, 101 Antonii (Vadkovskii), Metropolitan, 18, 79 apologetics (osnovnoe bogoslovie), 14, 118 Apology of Faith in the Name of God and in the Name of Jesus (Bulatovich, Antonii), 87, 88 Aquinas, 199, 211n16 art, 197, 254–55, 257–58, 263, 271n12 ascent, 197–205, 212n29 asceticism, 156, 157, 261–62, 263 Askol’dov, Sergei, 136 atheism, 11, 57, 119, 134, 163–64, 213n51 Aufhebung (Hegel), 199 Aufklärung (Enlightenment), 45, 167n1, 168n5 Augustine of Dacia, 210n3 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 172n53 Bakunin, Mikhail, 114, 208 Baptists, 64, 73, 74, 76 Basil the Great, 201 Bayle, Pierre, 115 Bazhanov, Vasilii, Archpriest, 179–80 beauty: in art, 197, 254–55, 257–58, 271n12; and Church ritual, 256–57; and the erotic, 255, 262, 268–69; in life of the Spirit, 166; and love, 264–65; Mary Magdalene, 255; passion, 264, 265; Pasternak on, 253, 254, 261, 268; Tolstoy on, 254, 256–57, 271n12 Belinskii, Vissarion, 12, 25; Bakunin’s conflict with, 208; on Goethe, 207–8; his model of criticism, 208–10; on pathos, 209–10; on Pushkin, 196, 205, 206–7, 213n46; on rhetoric, 206; secularism and, 113, 213n49, 213n50; Sochineniia Aleksandra Pushkina, 205 289 Index The Bell (Kolokol), 68 Belyi, Andrei, 12, 266 Berdiaev, Nikolai, 7, 11, 12, 88, 239 Berlin, Isaiah, 213n49 Beseda circle of reformers, 76 Bible: anagogy as means of interpretation , 197, 203, 210n4; in confessional writing, 187–88; in discussion of miracles, 136; first Slavonic Bible, 13; and kardia (heart), 158–59; lay knowledge of, 186, 187; modern biblical criticism, 136 Biblical references: Genesis: 1:26, 122; 50:20, 55; Exodus: 20:5, 56; 2 Samuel: 3:1, 55; 6, 203–4; Psalms: 36:6 [35:7], 62n36; 84:6, 212n29; 118 [117]:15, 49; 119 [118]:45, 51; 139:8, 186; Matthew: 5:48, 226; 7:14, 49; 11, 162–63; 15:24, 55; 17:2, 153; John: 1:4–5, 9, 152–53; 4, 267; 14:6, 154; Acts, Book of: 14:22, 49; Romans: 1:21–22, 164; 1:25, 183; 11:11, 17; 1 Corinthians: 1:18, 199; 9:27, 53; 2 Corinthians: 3, 203; 4:16, 53; Galatians: 4:6, 204; Ephesians: 6:13, 53; Colossians: 1:24, 51; 2:8, 119; 1 Peter: 2:21, 54 Biel, Anna, 193n24 Bilinkoff, Jodi, 188 Blok, A. A., 12 Bobrishchev-Pushkin, Pavel, 187, 194n54 Bodin, Per-Arne, 270, 274n69 body imagery, 93, 264, 265, 266, 267–68 Bogoliubov, Dmitrii I., 17; apologia of, 22; communal consciousness (sobornoe soznanie), 73, 74, 82n43; conservative nationalism, 69; criticism of, 78–79; Danilevskii’s influence on, 73; education of, 71–72; on freedom of conscience, 76–78; missionary activities of, 21–22, 29, 65–66, 69–70, 73–74; narratives by, 69–70; nations as historical constructs, 75–76; populism of, 69; religious toleration, 77; renaissance of the parish, 76; on sectarianism, 72–73; service in Tambov, 66, 68, 70; Slavophilism, 69 Botkin, Vasilii, 209 bride of Christ, 184 Bulatovich, Antonii, 87, 88, 99, 101 Bulgakov, Sergei, 5, 6, 12, 78, 88, 99, 239, 281 Caputo, John, 210 Cassedy, Steven, 266 Cassian, John, 196, 197 Catherine II (Catherine the Great), 15, 201 Celestial Hierarchy (Dionysius), 198 Chaadaev, P. Ia., 9, 35n28 Chalcedonian Christology, 172n48, 222–23 Chaldean Oracles, 196 Charcot, Jean-Martin, 23, 136 Chernyshevskii, Nikolai, 113, 114, 115, 120 Chicherin, Boris, 229, 239 Christian Reading (Khristianskoe chtenie), 16, 135 Christ, the Word of God, 153, 168n9 Church News (Tserkovnye vedomosti), 135 Clay, Eugene, 75 clergy: authority of, 17, 18; education of, 3, 10, 12, 16, 17, 90, 236; emigration of, 19; on the miraculous, 132–33; portrayals of, 12, 206, 213n54, 257; relationship with laity, 82n43, 132, 262–63; on sexuality, 264; social status of, 9, 71, 90. See also confessors; Hesychasm; missionary movement; monasticism Clowes, Edith, 268 communal consciousness (sobornoe soznanie), 73, 74, 82n43 Conference on...
