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265 Notes Chapter 6. Put­ ting Sex into His­ tory and His­ tory into Sex 1. See Mary McIn­ tosh, “The Homo­ sex­ ual Role,” So­ cial Prob­ lems 16 (1968): 182–92; Jef­ frey Weeks, Com­ ing Out: Homo­ sex­ ual Pol­ i­ tics in Brit­ ain from the Nine­ teenth Cen­ tury to the ­ Present (Lon­ don: Quar­ tet, 1977); Ken­ neth Plum­ mer, ed., The Mak­ ing of the Mod­ ern Homo­ sex­ ual (Lon­ don: Hutch­ in­ son, 1981); Jon­ a­ than Ned Katz, Gay ­ American His­ tory (New York: Crow­ ell, 1976); Es­ ther New­ ton, ­ Mother Camp: Fe­ male Im­ per­ so­ na­ tors in Amer­ ica (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 1972); and Allan Bér­ ubé, Com­ ing Out under Fire: The His­ tory of Gay Men and Women in World War II (New York: Free Press, 1990). 2. Ann ­ Snitow, Chris­ tine Stan­ sell, and ­ Sharon Thomp­ son, eds., Pow­ ers of De­ sire (New York: ­ Monthly Re­ view Press, 1983), and Ca­ role Vance, Pleas­ ure and Dan­ ger (Bos­ ton: Rout­ ledge and Kegan Paul, 1984). 3. Jac­ que­ lyn Dowd Hall, “The Long Civil ­ Rights Move­ ment and the Po­ lit­ i­ cal Uses of the Past,” Jour­ nal of ­ American His­ tory 91, no. 4 (March 2005): 1233. Chap­ ter 7. His­ tory, So­ cial Move­ ments, and Com­ mu­ nity Or­ ga­ niz­ ing 1. Amin Ghaz­ i­ ani, The Div­ i­ dends of Dis­ sent (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 2008). 2. ­ George Chaun­ cey Jr., Gay New York (New York: Basic Books, 1994), and John Ho­ ward, Men Like That (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 1999). Chap­ ter 8. If I Knew Then 1. Sex­ ual Pol­ i­ tics, Sex­ ual Com­ mu­ nities: The Mak­ ing of a Homo­ sex­ ual Mi­ nor­ ity in the­ United ­ States, 1940–1970 (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 1983; 2nd ed., 1998), and Lost ­ Prophet: The Life and Times of ­ Bayard Rus­ tin (New York: Free Press, 2003). 266 Notes to pages 113–197 2. See Jim Kep­ ner, Rough News, Dar­ ing Views: 1950’s Pi­ o­ neer Gay Press Jour­ nal­ ism (Bin­ gham­ ton, NY: Haw­ orth Press, 1997). 3. See, for ex­ am­ ple, Nan Al­ a­ milla Boyd, Wide Open Town: A His­ tory of Queer San Fran­ cisco to 1965 (Berke­ ley: Uni­ ver­ sity of Cal­ i­ for­ nia Press, 2003); Mar­ cia M. Gallo, Dif­ fer­ ent Daugh­ ters: A His­ tory of the Daugh­ ters of Bi­ litis and the Rise of the Les­ bian ­ Rights Move­ ment (New York: Car­ roll and Graf, 2006); Mar­ tin ­ Meeker, Con­ tacts De­ sired: Gay and Les­ bian Com­ mu­ ni­ ca­ tions and Com­ mu­ nity, 1940s–1970s (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 2006); and Marc Stein, City of Broth­ erly and Sis­ terly Loves: Les­ bian and Gay Phil­ a­ del­ phia, 1945–1972 (Chi­ cago: Uni­ ver­ sity of Chi­ cago Press, 2000). 4. “Dreams De­ ferred: The Birth and ­ Betrayal of Amer­ ica’s First Gay Lib­ er­ a­ tion Move­ ment,” in Mak­ ing Trou­ ble: Es­ says on Gay His­ tory, Pol­ i­ tics, and the Uni­ ver­ sity (New York: Rout­ ledge, 1992), 55. The essay orig­ i­ nally ap­ peared in The Body Pol­ i­ tic in Feb­ ru­ ary 1979. 5. Eliz­ a­ beth La­ pof­ sky Ken­ nedy and Made­ line Davis, Boots of ­ Leather, Slip­ pers of Gold: The His­ tory of a Les­ bian Com­ mu­ nity (New York: Rout­ ledge, 1993). 6. Twin Cit­ ies GLBT Oral His­ tory Pro­ ject, Queer Twin Cit­ ies (Min­ ne­ ap­ o­ lis: Uni­ ver­ sity of Min­ ne­ sota Press, 2010). Chap­ ter 22. Re­ mem­ ber­ ing ­ Bayard Rus­ tin 1. Jac­ que­ lyn Dowd Hall, “The Long Civil ­ Rights Move­ ment and the Po­ lit­ i­ cal Uses of the Past,” Jour­ nal of ­ American His­ tory 91, no. 4 (March 2005): 1233. 2. Su­ sanna McBee, “Or­ ga­ nizer of D.C. March Is De­ voted to ­ Non-Violence,” Wash­ ing­ ton Post, Au­ gust 11, 1963, A6; Life, Sep­ tem­ ber 6, 1963. 3. De­ tails about ­ Rustin’s ca­ reer in this and the fol­ low­ ing par­ a­ graphs come from my...
