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In a New Cen­ tury [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 15:01 GMT) In a New Cen­ tury Es­ says on Queer His­ tory, Pol­ i­ tics, and Com­ mu­ nity Life John ­ D’Emilio The Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin Press Pub­ li­ ca­ tion of this vol­ ume has been made pos­ sible, in part,­ through sup­ port from the Col­ lege of Lib­ eral Arts and Sci­ ences of the Uni­ ver­ sity of Il­ li­ nois at Chi­ cago. The Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin Press 1930 Mon­ roe ­ Street, 3rd Floor Mad­ i­ son, Wis­ con­ sin 53711-2059 uw­ 3 Hen­ rietta ­ Street Lon­ don WC2E 8LU, En­ gland eu­ ros­ pan­ book­ Copy­ right © 2014 The Board of Re­ gents of the Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin ­ System All ­ rights re­ served. No part of this pub­ li­ ca­ tion may be re­ pro­ duced, ­ stored in a re­ trieval­ system, or trans­ mit­ ted, in any for­ mat or by any means, dig­ i­ tal, elec­ tronic, me­ chan­ i­ cal, photo­ cop­ y­ ing, re­ cord­ ing, or oth­ er­ wise, or con­ veyed via the Inter­ net or a web­ site with­ out writ­ ten per­ mis­ sion of the Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin Press, ex­ cept in the case of brief quo­ ta­ tions em­ bed­ ded in crit­ i­ cal ar­ ti­ cles and re­ views.­ Printed in the ­ United ­ States of Amer­ ica Li­ brary of Con­ gress ­ Cataloging-in-Publication Data­ D’Emilio, John, au­ thor. In a new cen­ tury: es­ says on queer his­ tory, pol­ i­ tics, and com­ mu­ nity life / John ­ D’Emilio. pages   cm In­ cludes bib­ lio­ graph­ i­ cal ref­ er­ ences. ISBN 978-0-299-29774-9 (pbk.: alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-299-29773-2 (e-book) 1. Gay lib­ er­ a­ tion move­ ment—­ United ­ States—His­ tory. 2. Gay ­ rights—­ United ­ States—His­ tory. 3. Gay ac­ ti­ vists—­ United ­ States—His­ tory. 4. Gays—­ United ­ States—So­ cial con­ di­ tions.   I. Title. HQ76.8.U5D445    2014 306.76´60973—dc23 2013033118 ...
