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Kelly ­ Cherry has pre­ vi­ ously pub­ lished ­ twenty-one books (nov­ els, sto­ ries, ­ poetry, me­ moir, crit­ i­ cism, and re­ views), nine chap­ books, and two trans­ la­ tions of clas­ si­ cal drama. Her new­ est ­ full-length col­ lec­ tion of poems, The Life and Death of ­ Poetry, was pub­ lished by Loui­ siana State Uni­ ver­ sity Press in 2013 and her new­ est chap­ book, a group of poems ti­ tled Vec­ tors, ap­ peared from Par­ allel Press in De­ cem­ ber 2012. She was the first re­ cip­ i­ ent of the Hanes ­ Poetry Prize given by the Fel­ low­ ship of South­ ern Writ­ ers for a body of work. Other ­ awards in­ clude fel­ low­ ships from the Na­ tional Endow­ ment for the Arts and the Rocke­ feller Foun­ da­ tion, the Brad­ ley Major Achieve­ ment (Life­ time) Award, a USIS ­ Speaker Award (the Phi­ lip­ pines), a Dis­ tin­ guished Alum­ nus Award, three Wis­ con­ sin Arts Board fel­ low­ ships, two WAB New Work ­ awards, the Dic­ tion­ ary of Lit­ er­ ary Biog­ ra­ phy Year­ book Award for Dis­ tin­ guished Book of Sto­ ries in 1999 (2000), and se­ lec­ tion as a Wis­ con­ sin Not­ able Au­ thor. Her sto­ ries have ap­ peared in Best­ American Short Sto­ ries, The O. Henry ­ Awards: Sto­ ries, The Push­ cart Prize, and New Sto­ ries from the South. In 2010, she was a ­ Director’s Vis­ i­ tor at the In­ sti­ tute for Ad­ vanced Study in Prince­ ton. In 2012, she re­ ceived both the Tar­ a­ muto Prize for a story and the Ca­ role Wein­ stein Prize for ­ Poetry. In 2013, she re­ ceived the L. E. Phil­ la­ baum Award for­ Poetry. For­ mer Poet Lau­ reate of Vir­ ginia and cur­ rently a mem­ ber of the Electo­ rate for Poets Cor­ ner at the Ca­ the­ dral of St. John the Di­ vine in New York, she is Eu­ dora Welty Pro­ fes­ sor Em­ e­ rita of En­ glish and­ Evjue-Bascom Pro­ fes­ sor Em­ e­ rita in the Hu­ man­ ities at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin–Mad­ i­ son. She and her hus­ band live in Vir­ ginia. Fur­ ther de­ tails ap­ pear on her Wik­ i­ pe­ dia page. ...
