In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix  Il­ lus­ tra­ tions 1 Hout Bo­ phana, mug shot on dis­ play at Tuol Sleng 5 2 Stan­ dard­ ized photo­ graph of Al­ phonse Ber­ til­ lon 35 3 “Meas­ ur­ ing the ­ Length of the Head” 37 4 “Ab­ stract of the Anthro­ po­ log­ i­ cal Sig­ nal­ ment” 38 5 “Syn­ op­ ti­ cal Table of the Forms of the Nose” 39 6 “Meas­ ur­ ing the Trunk” 40 7 “Jeune Akka de face et de pro­ fil” 42 8 Hang Mak, iden­ tifi­ ca­ tion card 44 9 Muy Vong, iden­ tifi­ ca­ tion card 45 10 Meas­ ure­ ment chair in dis­ play case at Tuol Sleng 46 11 Tuol Sleng mug shot of Chan Kim Srun 47 12 Photo­ graphic Data­ base, Doc­ u­ men­ ta­ tion Cen­ ter of Cam­ bo­ dia 86 13 “Mug Shot 01990” 86 14 De­ bris at Tuol Sleng 91 15 Mug shots in trial foot­ age 101 16 Chan Kim ­ Srun’s mug shot 122 17 Chan Kim Srun on cover of Search­ ing for the Truth 123 18 Sek Say with Chan Kim ­ Srun’s mug shot 124 19 Sek Say with photo of Hil­ lary Clin­ ton 127 20 Hil­ lary Clin­ ton and Youk ­ Chhang in front of Chan Kim ­ Srun’s mug shot 127 21 Cover of ­ Cambodia’s Hid­ den Scars 128 x I l l u s t r a t i o n s 22 Tuol Sleng sur­ vi­ vor Bou Meng at the Tuol Sleng Gen­ o­ cide Mu­ seum 137 23 Tuol Sleng sur­ vi­ vor Chum Mey at the Tuol Sleng Gen­ o­ cide Mu­ seum 138 24 Cover of Sur­ vi­ vor by Chum Mey 142 25 Books for sale at Tuol Sleng 143 26 Tour­ ist Sam Ham­ mond poses with Chum Mey 148 27 Tour­ ists Joel and Whit­ ney La­ Bahn pose with Bou Meng 150 ...
