In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xi Con­ tents List of Il­ lus­ tra­ tions xiii Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments xv Pref­ ace on Meth­ o­ dol­ ogy xix Intro­ duc­ tion 3 Part I: The Clas­ si­ cal Hol­ ly­ wood Music Style 1 “The Clas­ si­ cal Hol­ ly­ wood Music”: A Chron­ i­ cle 9 2 “The Clas­ si­ cal Hol­ ly­ wood Music”: A Sty­ lis­ tic Def­i­ ni­ tion 26 Part II: John ­ Williams and the Clas­ si­ cal Hol­ ly­ wood Music Style 3 The “Mod­ ern” Hol­ ly­ wood Music Style: The Con­ text of Williams’s Res­ to­ ra­ tion 57 4 Star Wars: An Op­ po­ si­ tional Score 69 5 Williams’s Early Years: Spot­ ting the First ­ Traces of Neo­ clas­ si­ cism 86 6 Jaws: ­ Williams’s Neo­ clas­ si­ cism ­ Floats Up to the Sur­ face 104 7 Williams’s Neo­ clas­ si­ cism: Style and Hab­ its 119 8 Williams’s Nay­ say­ ers: A De­ con­ struc­ tion of Clas­ si­ cal and New Crit­ i­ cisms 134 xii • Contents 9 Raid­ ers of the Lost Ark Back­ ground: A Neo­ clas­ si­ cal Film 145 10 Raid­ ers of the Lost Ark Anal­ y­ sis: The Re­ turn of Max ­ Steiner 161 11 Be­ yond the Films: Con­ duc­ tor John ­ Williams 183 Con­ clu­ sion 197 Ap­ pen­ dix 1: Com­ plet­ ing the Pic­ ture Williams’s Ver­ sa­ til­ ity for Spiel­ berg (and Oth­ ers) 205 The Spiel­ berg/­ Williams Col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tion 207­ Williams’s Eclec­ ti­ cism ­ Besides Spiel­ berg (and Lucas) 222 Ap­ pen­ dix 2: Film and TV Scores, Concert Pieces, and Arrangements Scores for Fea­ ture Films 229 TV ­ Scores 232 Prin­ ci­ pal ­ Early-Year Col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tions 233 Fan­ fares, Or­ ches­ tral Mini­ atures, and Con­ cert ­ Pieces 234 Cat­ a­ logue of ­ Film-Music Con­ cert ­ Pieces 237 Prin­ ci­ pal Med­ leys and Ar­ range­ ments from Film ­ Scores, Songs, and Pop­ u­ lar Music 243 Glos­ sary 247 Notes 251 Bib­ liog­ ra­ phy 287 Index 303 ...
