In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix  Il­ lus­ tra­ tions Show­ ing marks of tor­ ture in Anos re­ beldes 63 João and Maria Lúcia in a 1968 ­ protest march 65­ Heloísa’s death scene 68 The DOPS build­ ing in São Paulo 100 The Me­ mo­ rial da Li­ ber­ dade 101 The pro­ logue of Lem­ brar é re­ sis­ tir 106 Pro­ gram for Lem­ brar é re­ sis­ tir 107 Discussing political repression in Lem­ brar é re­ sis­ tir 111 The Me­ mo­ rial da Re­ sis­ tên­ cia 119 ...
