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163  Index aber­ tura (po­ lit­ i­ cal open­ ing) pe­ riod: Am­ nesty Law and, 12–13; ­ Gabeira’s Com­ pan­ heiro and, 28, 35, 36; ­ Guerra’s ­ Memórias de uma­ guerra suja and, 128; media cover­ age and, 40 Abrão, Paulo, 17 Abreu, ­ Cláudia, 76–77 ac­ count­ abil­ ity: Am­ nesty Law and, 11, 124; Anos re­ beldes and, 70, 128; “Ar­ gen­ tin­ iza­ tion”and,12;in­ Bonassi’sProva­ contrária, 91; cul­ tural pro­ duc­ tion and, 123; Di­ reito à ­ memória e à ver­ dade and, 84, 85, 87, 94; jus­ tice as, 18; Me­ mo­ rial da Re­ sis­ tên­ cia and, 120; ­ Tapajós’s Em ­ câmara lenta and, 29; tor­ ture, dif­ fu­ sion of re­ spon­ sibil­ ity for, 36–37, 43; turn to mem­ ory and, 124­ Aciabe, João, 111­ Adorno, Theo­ dor, 115­ Aguiar, Joa­ quim Alves de, 37 AI-5 (Ato In­ sti­ tu­ cional ­ Número Cinco; Fifth In­ sti­ tu­ tional Act) (1968), 9, 10 Al­ bu­ querque, Sev­ e­ rino, 109 “Ale­ gria, Ale­ gria” (Ve­ loso), 144n63­ Alfonsín, Raúl, 21­ Aliança Li­ ber­ ta­ dora Na­ cional (Na­ tional Lib­ er­ a­ tion Al­ li­ ance), 33–34 Al­ mada, ­ Izaías, 104, 106, 108, 116, 148n16­ Álvarez, Analy, 104, 108 Alves, ­ Márcio Mo­ reira, 141n114 Am­ aral, Tata, 4, 80, 98. See also Hoje (Today) (film) am­ bi­ gu­ ity. See un­ cer­ tainty and am­ bi­ gu­ ity am­ nesty: early calls for, 10–11; mass move­ ment for, 11; mean­ ings of, 29–30, 33; ­ phases of, 31–33; “re­ cip­ ro­ cal,” 11, 31 Am­ nesty Com­ mis­ sion, 17, 32, 131n10 Am­ nesty Law (1979): cor­ dial­ ity dis­ course and, 87; cy­ cles of cul­ tural mem­ ory and, 28, 129; Di­ reito à ­ memória e à ver­ dade on, 86–87; ­ Gabeira’s Com­ pan­ heiro and, 33– 41; num­ ber of ex­ iles at time of, 138n56; re­ cip­ ro­ cal am­ nesty in, 11; rec­ on­ cil­ i­ a­ tion by for­ get­ ting and, 12–13, 123; re­ peal, lack of mass move­ ment for, 12; re­ turn­ ing ex­ iles and, 39, 43; sign­ ing of, 32–33; ­ Sirkis’s Os ­ carbonários and, 42–44; ­ Tapajós’s Em­ câmara lenta and, 45–56; up­ held by Su­ preme Court, 18 Amor e ­ revolução (Love and Rev­ o­ lu­ tion) (no­ vela), 80 Angel, Zuzu, 141n1 an­ o­ nym­ ity of vic­ tims, 49–51 anos de ­ chumbo (“years of lead”): Bra­ zil­ ians in exile dur­ ing, 140n86; de­ fined, 10, 132n16;­ Guerra’s ­ Memórias de uma ­ guerra suja and, 128; ­ Tapajós’s Em ­ câmara lenta and sep­ ar­ atere­ al­ ityof,48–49.SeealsoAra­ guaia mas­ sa­ cre Note: page num­ bers in ital­ ics refer to il­ lus­ tra­ tions. 164 I n d e x Anos dou­ ra­ dos (Golden Years) (min­ is­ er­ ies), 74–75, 141n1 Anos re­ beldes (Rebel Years) (TV min­ is­ er­ ies): am­ bi­ gu­ ity in, 70, 75; ­ caras-pintadas, Col­ lor im­ peach­ ment, and, 75–79; cy­ cles of cul­ tural mem­ ory and, 59–60, 124; his­ tory re­ im­ a­ gined as dit­ a­ branda (“soft” dic­ tat­ or­ ship) in, 65–70; mer­ chan­ dise­ spin-offs and com­ mod­ ifi­ ca­ tion of, 79– 80; multi­ ple and con­ flict­ ing mes­ sages in, 127–28; plot over­ view, 59; pub­ lic ­ sphere and media ­ self-censorship and, 70–75; rerun (2013) of, 144n74; so­ cial mer­ chan­ dis­ ing and never again mes­ sage in, 60–65, 77–79 ap­ a­ thy, so­ ci­ etal, 19–20, 49 Ara­ guaia mas­ sa­ cre, 10, 132n17, 133n18, 150n4. See also anos de ­ chumbo­ archive, site of re­ pres­ sion as, 105–8 Los archi­ vos del card­ enal (The ­ Cardinal’s­ Archives) (min­ is­ er­ ies), 80–81 ARENA (Aliança Re­ nov­ a­ dora Na­ cional; Al­ li­ ance for Na­ tional Ren­ o­ va­ tion), 9, 32 Ar­ gen­ tina: Bra­ zil case com­ pared to, 50; es­ cra­ ches (per­ pe­ tra­ tor “out­ ings”) in, 147n3; fear of “Ar­ gen­ tin­ iza­ tion” in Bra­ zil, 12; ­ Sikkink’s The Jus­ tice Cas­ cade, 20–22; tes­ ti­ mo­ ni­ als in, 57 Art from a...
