In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xi Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments I first want to thank the con­ trib­ u­ tors to this vol­ ume. Their work has in­ spired me to re­ think many as­ sump­ tions re­ gard­ ing the peace pro­ cess in North­ ern Ire­ land as well as the pro­ cess of mak­ ing peace more gen­ er­ ally. I would also like to thank those who ­ helped fund the semi­ nar in the sum­ mer of 2010 that ­ served as the foun­ da­ tion of the re­ search con­ tained in this book. These in­ clude ­ grants from Jan­ ice ­ Walker, Dean of the Col­ lege of Arts and Sci­ ences, and James Bu­ cha­ nan, Di­ rec­ tor of the Bruegge­ man Cen­ ter for Di­ alogue, at Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity. This semi­ nar was also made pos­ sible by gen­ er­ ous gifts from John Mur­ phy, Reta Ru­ pich, Dave Man­ thus, Kate Eich, and Pat­ rick Liddy. This semi­ nar was co­ spon­ sored by Peace Stud­ ies, the Of­ fice of Peace and Jus­ tice, and the De­ part­ ment of Po­ lit­ i­ cal Sci­ ence and So­ ci­ ol­ ogy at Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity. The par­ tic­ i­ pants in the semi­ nar­ greatly ap­ pre­ ciated the hos­ pi­ tal­ ity pro­ vided by John and Te­ resa Rus­ sell at Ban­ sha Cas­ tle in the sum­ mer of 2010. The con­ trib­ u­ tors to this vol­ ume ben­ e­ fited from all who par­ tic­ i­ pated in the semi­ nar, es­ pe­ cially our ­ guests Mar­ tin Man­ sergh and Ea­ monn Wall. Ad­ di­ tional fund­ ing for this ed­ ited vol­ ume came from Dean Jan­ ice ­ Walker of the Col­ lege of Arts and Sci­ ences at Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity. I would es­ pe­ cially like to thank David Men­ gel, the as­ so­ ciate dean, for as­ sis­ tance in se­ cur­ ing this fund­ ing. The prep­ ar­ a­ tion of this vol­ ume was fa­ cil­ i­ tated by a re­ search sab­ bat­ i­ cal pro­ vided by Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity for the fall of 2011. I would like to note my ap­ pre­ ci­ a­ tion of the mem­ bers of the Uni­ ver­ sity Fa­ culty De­ vel­ op­ ment Com­ mit­ tee who rec­ om­ mended me for this re­ search leave, dur­ ing which I­ served as Vis­ it­ ing Re­ search Fel­ low at the Moore In­ sti­ tute of the Na­ tional Uni­ ver­ sity of Ire­ land, Gal­ way (NUI Gal­ way). Nich­ o­ las Allen, then the di­ rec­ tor of the Moore In­ sti­ tute, as well as the staff of the in­ sti­ tute, Maria Shaugh­ nessy and Kate Thorn­ hill, of­ fered me a won­ der­ ful venue to pre­ pare this vol­ ume. I am also in­ debted to Pat ­ Woeste for her fa­ cil­ i­ ta­ tion of the fund­ ing of this grant at Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity. I would also like to thank the­ staffs of the li­ brary at NUI Gal­ way and Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity, who were help­ ful in pre­ par­ ing this vol­ ume. My re­ search po­ si­ tion at NUI Gal­ way ­ funded my xii Acknowledgments par­ tic­ i­ pa­ tion in the Con­ flict Re­ search ­ Society’s An­ nual Meet­ ing at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Lan­ cas­ ter in Sep­ tem­ ber 2011 as well as the An­ nual Meet­ ing of the Po­ lit­ i­ cal Stud­ ies As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion of Ire­ land in Dub­ lin in Oc­ to­ ber 2011. I would like to thank Maria Power and San­ dra Bu­ cha­ nan, who were on my panel at the Lan­ cas­ ter meet­ ing, where I pre­ sented an in­ itial ver­ sion of my intro­ duc­ tory chap­ ter for their feed­ back and sup­ port. My men­ tor at NUI Gal­ way, Niall Ó Do­ char­ taigh, pro­ vided val­ u­ able sup­ port as I pre­ pared this vol­ ume, es­ pe­ cially when I pre­ sented its major find­ ings on No­ vem­ ber 28, 2011, at the Moore In­ sti­ tute. Dur­ ing Oc­ to­ ber and No­ vem­ ber of 2011 I gave a se­ ries of lec­ tures at Uni­ ver­ sity...
