In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

v Con­ tents Fore­ word vii Mar­ tin Man­ sergh Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments xi 1 Les­ sons from the North­ ern Ire­ land Peace Pro­ cess: An Intro­ duc­ tion 3 Tim­ o­ thy J. White 2 “Look at North­ ern Ire­ land”: Les­ sons Best ­ Learned at Home 34­ William A. Ha­ zle­ ton 3 Peace from the Peo­ ple: Iden­ tity Sa­ li­ ence and the North­ ern Irish Peace Pro­ cess 61­ Landon E. Han­ cock 4 Ulster-Scots Di­ as­ pora: Ar­ tic­ u­ lat­ ing a Pol­ i­ tics of Iden­ tifi­ ca­ tion after “the Peace” in North­ ern Ire­ land 94 Wendy Ann Wie­ den­ hoft Mur­ phy and Mindy Peden 5 The Vic­ tory and De­ feat of the IRA? Neo­ con­ ser­ va­ tive Inter­ pre­ ta­ tions of the North­ ern Ire­ land Peace Pro­ cess 117 Paul Dixon 6 The Trans­ for­ ma­ tion of Po­ lic­ ing in Post­ con­ flict So­ ci­ eties: Les­ sons from the North­ ern Ire­ land Ex­ pe­ ri­ ence 148 John Doyle vi Contents 7 The Les­ sons of ­ Third-Party Inter­ ven­ tion? The Cu­ ri­ ous Case of the ­ United ­ States in North­ ern Ire­ land 173­ Mary-Alice C. ­ Clancy 8 Peace­ build­ ing, Com­ mu­ nity De­ vel­ op­ ment, and Rec­ on­ cil­ i­ a­ tion in North­ ern Ire­ land: The Role of the Bel­ fast Agree­ ment and the Im­ pli­ ca­ tions for Ex­ ter­ nal Eco­ nomic Aid 198 Ol ga Skar­ lato, Eyob Fis­ suh, Sean Byrne, Peter Ka­ rari, and Kaw­ ser Ahmed 9 Ex­ tend­ ing Peace to the Grass­ roots: The Need for Rec­ on­ cil­ i­ a­ tion in North­ ern Ire­ land after the Agree­ ment 227 Tim­ o­ thy J. White, An­ drew P. Ow­ siak, and Me­ ghan E. ­ Clarke 10 ­ Sources of Peace: The De­ cline of Rev­ o­ lu­ tion­ ary Na­ tion­ al­ ism and the Be­ gin­ ning of the Peace Pro­ cesses in North­ ern Ire­ land and the Mid­ dle East 268 Rob­ ert S. ­ Snyder 11 Con­ clu­ sion 289 Tim­ o­ thy J. White Con­ trib­ u­ tors 297 Index 301 ...
