In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

297 Con­ trib­ u­ tors Kaw­ ser Ahmed is a Ph.D. can­ di­ date in peace and con­ flict stud­ ies, Ar­ thur Mauro Cen­ tre for Peace and Jus­ tice at St. ­ Paul’s Col­ lege, the Uni­ ver­ sity of Man­ i­ toba. He is a re­ tired Lt. Colonel in the Ban­ gla­ de­ shi army who spent time as a peace­ keeper in Cy­ prus and the West­ ern Sa­ hara. Sean Byrne is a pro­ fes­ sor of peace and con­ flict stud­ ies and di­ rec­ tor of the Peace and Con­ flict Stud­ ies Ph.D. and Joint ­ Master’s pro­ grams, and di­ rec­ tor of the Ar­ thur V. Mauro Cen­ ter for Peace and Jus­ tice at St. ­ Paul’s Col­ lege at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Man­ i­ toba. He is a for­ mer vice pres­ i­ dent of the Inter­ na­ tional Sec­ tor of the So­ ci­ ety for Pro­ fes­ sion­ als in Dis­ pute Res­ o­ lu­ tion and was also ­ co-chair and board mem­ ber of the Net­ work in Com­ mu­ nity Peace­ mak­ ing and Con­ flict Res­ o­ lu­ tion. From 2004 to 2006 he ­ served as chair of the peace stud­ ies sec­ tion of the Inter­ na­ tional Stud­ ies As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion. Dr. Byrne also ­ served as ed­ i­ tor in chief of Peace and Con­ flict Stud­ ies. His pub­ li­ ca­ tions in­ clude nu­ mer­ ous ar­ ti­ cles and books.­ Mary-Alice C. ­ Clancy is a vis­ it­ ing re­ search fel­ low at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Aber­ deen. She has pre­ vi­ ously held re­ search fel­ low­ ships at the uni­ ver­ sities of Ex­ eter and Ul­ ster. Her re­ search has fo­ cused on the ­ United ­ States’ role in North­ ern Ire­ land, and has been fea­ tured in the BBC, the Guar­ dian, and the Ob­ server. Her most re­ cent pub­ li­ ca­ tions in­ clude (with John Nagle) ­ Shared So­ ci­ ety or Be­ nign Apart­ heid? Under­ stand­ ing Peace­ build­ ing in Di­ vided So­ ci­ eties (New York: Pal­ grave Mac­ mil­ lan, 2010) and Peace with­ out Con­ sen­ sus: Power Shar­ ing Pol­ i­ tics in North­ ern Ire­ land (Bur­ ling­ ton, VT: Ash­ gate, 2010). Me­ ghan E. ­ Clarke is a prin­ ci­ pal of M E ­ Clarke Con­ sult­ ing, LLC, in Cin­ cin­ nati, Ohio, where she spe­ cializes in fa­ cil­ i­ ta­ tion, me­ di­ a­ tion, or­ gan­ iza­ tional de­ vel­ op­ ment, and con­ flict en­ gage­ ment. ­ Clarke re­ ceived her ­ bachelor’s de­ gree from Xa­ vier Uni­ ver­ sity and a ­ master’s de­ gree in peace and con­ flict res­ o­ lu­ tion at the ­ School of Inter­ na­ tional Ser­ vice at ­ American Uni­ ver­ sity. Pre­ vi­ ously, she ­ worked for the ARIA Group and the­ Search for Com­ mon ­ Ground. She has de­ signed, fa­ cil­ i­ tated, and part­ nered on doz­ ens of ­ small- and ­ large-scale com­ mu­ nity rec­ on­ cil­ i­ a­ tion in­ itia­ tives. These pro­ jects in­ clude en­ vi­ ron­ men­ tal harms, ­ police-community re­ la­ tions, ed­ u­ ca­ tional in­ eq­ ui­ ties, and 298 Contributors­ religious-based con­ flicts. Her pub­ li­ ca­ tions in­ clude “Po­ la­ riza­ tion: The Role of Emo­ tions in Rec­ on­ cil­ i­ a­ tion Ef­ forts,” Law & Con­ tem­ po­ rary Prob­ lems 72 (2) (2009): 27–31. Paul Dixon is a ­ reader in pol­ i­ tics and inter­ na­ tional stud­ ies in the Fa­ culty of Arts and So­ cial Sci­ ences at King­ ston Uni­ ver­ sity. He has pub­ lished ex­ ten­ sively on North­ ern Ire­ land and the peace pro­ cess. His books in­ clude North­ ern Ire­ land: The Pol­ i­ tics of War and Peace, 2nd ed. (New York: Pal­ grave Mac­ mil­ lan, 2008) and North­ ern Ire­ land Since 1969 with Ea­ monn ­ O’Kane (New York: Long­ man, 2011). His re­ search on the North­ ern Ire­ land con­ flict has been pub­ lished in Po­ lit­ i­ cal Stud­ ies, Re­ view of Inter­ na­ tional Stud­ ies, Po­ lit­ i­ cal Sci­ ence Quar­ terly, Ter­ ror­ ism and Po­ lit­ i­ cal Vi­ o­ lence...
