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195 Index Adam and Eve, 53, 85, 109 Ad­ é­ lie pen­ guins, 158–59 ad­ ven­ ture vs. home, 98–100, 104–5, 175 aes­ thetes, 147, 148–51, 175–76 Af­ rica, ex­ plor­ ers in, 154–55­ Africans: Eu­ ro­ pean fas­ ci­ na­ tion with, 76– 77; noise of, 71–72; pref­ er­ ence for light vs. dark­ ness, 13 ag­ ri­ cul­ ture, 69, 85, 117–22­ Agrippa, 132 air, moun­ tain vs. low­ land, 45 air­ plane ­ flight, 62–63 Ak­ ka­ dian lan­ guage, 118 Al­ ex­ an­ der the Great, 154 Alone (Byrd), 103 Alps, Eu­ ro­ pean, 45–46, 47 am­ a­ teurs, 171–72 Am­ a­ zon rain­ for­ est, 75–76 Amer­ ica as ­ anti-intellectual, 26–27­ Angkor Wat (Cam­ bo­ dia), 148­ Anouilh, Jean: Anti­ gone, 110–11 Ant­ arc­ tic ex­ plo­ ra­ tion, 100–101, 103–5, 156–57 Anti­ gone (Anouilh), 110–11 Anti­ och, 128 An­ tony and Cle­ o­ pa­ tra (Shake­ speare), 20–21­ Apollo 17, 36 Page ref­ er­ ences in ital­ ics in­ di­ cate il­ lus­ tra­ tions. 196 index arc­ tic re­ gions. See icy lands and re­ gions Ar­ te­ mid­ orus Dal­ di­ a­ nus, 20–21 Asian cul­ tures, 148 astron­ o­ mers, an­ cient, 15 ath­ letes (brawn) vs. pro­ fes­ sors (brain), 26–27 Athos, Mount (Greece), 43–45 At­ lan­ tis, 54 au­ rora bor­ ealis, 101 Aus­ tra­ lian ­ desert, 84 Bacon, Fran­ cis, 37, 170 Bam­ bara tribe (West Af­ rica), 13 Bantu peo­ ples (Af­ rica), 68 Bar­ zun, ­ Jacques, 5–6 Ber­ nard of Clair­ vaux, 12 bi­ nar­ ies. See po­ lar­ ized val­ ues Birm­ ing­ ham (En­ gland), 121, 129 black­ ness, pos­ i­ tive mean­ ings of, 14 black vs. white, 13. See also dark­ ness: vs. light Blake, ­ William, 29 The Blue Light, 48 body: as house, 20–23; lower re­ gion of, 131–32; vs. mind, 25–26, 32, 170, 175; po­ la­ riza­ tion of, 19–20, 32 Bo­ rob­ u­ dur tem­ ple (In­ do­ ne­ sia), 43 Bor­ sippa (Sumer), 114 Bos­ ton night­ life, 130–31 Bour­ gain­ ville, ­ Louis-Antoine de, 55 Brah­ man, mean­ ing of, 18 brain vs. brawn, 25–28­ Bulwer-Lytton,Ed­ ward ­ George: The Com­ ing Race, 133–34 bu­ reau­ cracy, 16, 25 Bur­ gess, An­ thony, 138–39 Burke, Ed­ mund, 96 Bur­ ton, Rich­ ard Fran­ cis, 154 Byrd, Rich­ ard E., 96–97, 103–6, 107, 108; Alone, 103 can­ dle­ light, 128–29 cap­ i­ tal­ ist dis­ tri­ bu­ tion of ­ wealth, 143–44 Car­ co­ pino, ­ Jérôme, 127 Carne­ gie Medal, 152–53 Carta Ma­ rina, 57 caste ­ system, 24 Cath­ o­ lic ­ Worker, 163–64­ Ch’ang-an (China), 115–16, 118 chaos vs. form/order, 14–17, 62 Cha­ ryb­ dis, 57­ Cherry-Garrard, Ap­ sley, 156–59 chil­ dren as ro­ man­ tics, 172 China: cos­ mic/tra­ di­ tional cit­ ies of, 114–17, 118, 148; farm­ ers vs. no­ mads in, 85; for­ est clear­ ing in, 73–74; mi­ gra­ tion in, 74, 123; night­ time cel­ e­ bra­ tions in, 127–28; rus­ tic sim­ plic­ ity ­ sought in, 76; so­ cial strat­ ifi­ ca­ tion in, 24–25 chiv­ alry, 157 Chris­ ti­ an­ ity: on ­ deserts, 84, 85–86; East­ ern (Or­ tho­ dox), 43–45; light in, 11; on re­ demp­ tion ­ through suf­ fer­ ing, 157 cir­ cle, in me­ di­ eval world­ view, 33–34, 41 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 08:38 GMT) 197 index cit­ ies, 113–46; ag­ ri­ cul­ ture in, 117–22; al­ lot­ ments in and ­ around, 120–21; archi­ tec­ ture of, 135–37; ­ beauty of, 138–39; Chi­ nese cos­ mic/tra­ di­ tional, 114–17, 118, 148; cur­ few in, 127, 128; dark­ ness of, lit­ eral and fig­ ura­ tive, 140–41; de­ tec­ tive fic­ tion set in, 141–46; high vs. low archi­ tec­ ture and cul­ ture in,17–18; as human ideal, 135; in­ dus­ tri­ al­ ized, 120, 140–42; light of,lit­ eral and fig­ ura­ tive,134–40, 174; ma­ jesty of, 113; as male do­ main, 22–23; me­ di­ eval Eu­ ro­ pean, 119–20; vs. na­ ture, 174; night­ life in, 126–31; North ­ American, 121; or...
