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237 Index ab­ a­ cen­ gezi (in­ fil­ tra­ tors), 93, 102–3 ab­ a­ kene bi­ fa­ shije or sal­ a­ ried poor (sing. umu­ kene wif­ a­ shije), 16, 17, 35, 140–41, 212n3 ab­ a­ kene or poor (sing. umu­ kene), 16, 17, 35, 140, 144 ab­ a­ kire or rich (sing. umu­ kire), 17, 141, 143 ab­ a­ kungu or rich with­ out money (sing. umu­ kungu), 17, 141 ab­ a­ sazi or fool/fool­ ish or (sing. umu­ sazi ), 4, 128, 146, 186 ab­ a­ tindi nya­ kujya or ab­ ject poor/most vul­ ner­ able (sing. umu­ tindi nya­ kujya), 7, 16, 17, 139–40 ab­ a­ tindi or des­ ti­ tute (sing. umu­ tindi ), 7, 10, 16, 17, 35, 139–40 ab­ ject poor/most vul­ ner­ able or umu­ tindi nya­ kujya (pl. ab­ a­ tindi nya­ kujya), 7, 16, 17, 139–40 ac­ com­ plices (ib­ yitso), 93 ac­ cus­ ers and op­ po­ nents, of RPF, 113, 146, 206, 212n5 ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion, govern­ ment. See govern­ ment ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion AFDL (Al­ li­ ance des ­ forces dé­ moc­ ra­ tiques pour la lib­ ér­ a­ tion du ­ Congo-Zaïre or Al­ li­ ance of Dem­ o­ cratic ­ Forces for the Lib­ er­ a­ tion of ­ Congo-Zaïre), 100–101, 103 Af­ rica, and fu­ ture com­ par­ a­ tive re­ search, 26, 194–95­ African ­ Rights, 15, 19­ agency, in­ di­ vid­ ual. See in­ di­ vid­ ual ­ agency AI (Am­ nesty Inter­ na­ tional), 20 Aim­ able (pseud.), 37, 199 akazu (inner cir­ cle of power, lit. lit­ tle hut), 73–74, 87, 113, 205 Alice (pseud.), 163, 200, 212n4 Al­ li­ ance des ­ forces dé­ moc­ ra­ tiques pour la lib­ ér­ a­ tion du ­ Congo-Zaïre (AFDL or Al­ li­ ance of Dem­ o­ cratic ­ Forces for the Lib­ er­ a­ tion of ­ Congo-Zaïre), 100–101, 103 Am­ nesty Inter­ na­ tional (AI), 20 an­ o­ nym­ ity and pseudo­ nyms, for par­ tic­ i­ pants, 27, 37–39, 207n7 an­ them, na­ tional, 51, 118–19, 212n7 ap­ pointed local govern­ ment of­ fi­ cials: avoid­ ance of, 128–29; ga­ caca court and, 112, 163, 164; hier­ ar­ chy and, 121–22; na­ tional unity role of, 8, 48, 121, 123; per­ for­ mance ­ con-­ tracts with, 41, 72, 110, 123, 142–43, 206, 209n4, 211n2; ­ researcher’s re­ la­ tions with, 41; RPF mem­ ber­ ship for, 123, 141–42; socio­ economicstruc­ tureand,121,123,140– 42; as un­ fa­ mil­ iar with ­ peasants’ every­ day lives, 6, 48, 141–43. See also local govern­ ment and of­ fi­ cials APROS­ OMA (As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion pour la pro­ mo­ tion so­ ci­ ale de la masse or As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion for the Wel­ fare of the ­ Masses), 67 Page num­ bers in ital­ ics in­ di­ cate il­ lus­ tra­ tions. 238 Index Aru­ sha Peace Ac­ cords (Aru­ sha Ac­ cords), 18, 80, 87–88, 90–91, 94, 96, 207n3, 209n2, 211n8 as­ so­ cia­ tional life (civil so­ ci­ ety or­ gan­ iza­ tions), 124–25, 147 As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion des ­ veuves du gén­ o­ cide (AVEGA or As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion of Gen­ o­ cide Wid­ ows), 30 As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion pour la pro­ mo­ tion so­ ci­ ale de la masse (APROS­ OMA or As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion for the Wel­ fare of the ­ Masses), 67 Au­ gus­ tin (pseud.), 94, 197 Au­ re­ lia (pseud.), 86, 147, 174, 200 au­ thor­ i­ tar­ ian­ ism: every­ day re­ sis­ tance in con­ text of, 151; ga­ caca court as af­ fir­ ma­ tion of, 175; Hab­ ya­ ri­ mana re­ gime and, 15, 87; his­ tor­ i­ cal con­ text for, 110; jus­ tifi­ ca­ tion for, 15; op­ po­ si­ tion to, 21–22; post­ co­ lo­ nial pe­ riod and, 15, 87; RPF and, 15, 104; state as idea and, 13; struc­ tu­ ral vi­ o­ lence under, 209n1; ­ top-down pol­ i­ cies, 193. See also pol­ i­ tics and po­ lit­ i­ ci­ za­ tion; and spe­ cific po­ lit­ i­ cal lead­ ers AVEGA (As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion des ­ veuves du gén­ o­ cide or As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion of Gen­ o­ cide Wid­ ows), 30 avoid­ ance of of...
