In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

265 Bib­ liog­ ra­ phy Ac­ o­ cella, Joan. Willa ­ Cather and the Pol­ i­ tics of Crit­ i­ cism. New York: Vin­ tage, 2000. An­ der­ son, Sher­ wood. Wi­ nes­ burg, Ohio: A Nor­ ton Crit­ i­ cal Edi­ tion. New York: Nor­ ton, 1996. Bache­ lard, Gas­ ton. The Poet­ ics of Space. Trans­ lated by Maria Jolas. Bos­ ton: Bea­ con, 1969. Black­ burn, An­ thony J. Sin­ gle Room Oc­ cu­ pancy in New York City. New York: De­ part­ ment of Hous­ ing Pres­ er­ va­ tion and De­ vel­ op­ ment, 1986. Bots­ ford, Gard­ ner. A Life of Priv­ i­ lege, ­ Mostly. New York: St. ­ Martin’s, 2003.­ Bourke, An­ gela. Maeve Bren­ nan: Home­ sick at “The New ­ Yorker.” New York: Counter­ point, 2004.­ Bowles, Jane. Two Se­ ri­ ous La­ dies. In My ­ Sister’s Hand in Mine: An Ex­ panded Edi­ tion of the Col­ lected Works of Jane ­ Bowles. New York: Ecco Press, 1978. Bren­ nan, Maeve. Inter­ view. Time, July 1, 1974. . The ­ Long-Winded Lady: Notes from “The New ­ Yorker.” 1969. Bos­ ton: Hough­ ton Mif­ flin, 1998. . The Rose Gar­ den: Short Sto­ ries. Wash­ ing­ ton, D.C.: Counter­ point, 2000. “Brook­ lyn Peo­ ple Set­ ting Their ­ Houses in Order.” Brook­ lyn Daily Eagle, Sep­ tem­ ber 25, 1888. Burk­ hardt, Bar­ bara. ­ William Max­ well: A Lit­ er­ ary Life. Ur­ bana: Uni­ ver­ sity of Il­ li­ nois Press, 2005. Cal­ vino, Italo. In­ vis­ ible Cit­ ies. New York: Har­ court Brace Jo­ van­ o­ vich, 1974.­ Cather, Willa. My ­ Ántonia. 1918. Bos­ ton: Mar­ i­ ner Hough­ ton Mif­ flin, 1995. . On Writ­ ing: Crit­ i­ cal Stud­ ies on Writ­ ing as an Art. New York: Knopf, 1949. . The ­ Professor’s House. 1925. New York: Vin­ tage Books, 1990. . The Song of the Lark. 1915. Bos­ ton: Hough­ ton Mif­ flin, 1988. Bibliography 266 Ca­ vell, Stan­ ley. Phi­ lo­ so­ phy the Day after To­ mor­ row. Cam­ bridge, MA: Bel­ knap Press of Har­ vard Uni­ ver­ sity Press, 2005. Clin­ ton Hill His­ toric Dis­ trict Des­ ig­ na­ tion Re­ port. New York: New York ­ City’s Land­ marks Pres­ er­ va­ tion Com­ mis­ sion, 1981. Dab­ ney, Lewis M. Ed­ mund Wil­ son: A Life in Lit­ er­ a­ ture. New York: Far­ rar, ­ Straus & Gi­ roux, 2005. De Haas, Carl. North Amer­ ica, Wis­ con­ sin: Hints for Em­ i­ grants. Trans­ lated from Nor­ dam­ e­ rika, Wis­ con­ sin, Cal­ u­ met: Winke für Aus­ wan­ derer. El­ ber­ feld and Iser­ lohn: Ju­ lius ­ Bäedeker, 1848–49. On­ line ver­ sion of print edi­ tion. Fond du Lac, WI: s.n., 1943. http://www.wis­ con­ sin­ his­ Dick­ in­ son, Emily. “A nar­ row fel­ low in the grass.” In The Poems of Emily Dick­ in­ son, ed­ ited by R. W. Frank­ lin, 443. Cam­ bridge, MA: Bel­ knap Press of Har­ vard Uni­ ver­ sity Press, 2005. Did­ ion, Joan. “Good­ bye to All That.” In Slouch­ ing To­ ward Beth­ le­ hem. New York: Far­ rar, ­ Straus & Gi­ roux, 1968. Edel, Leon. Henry James: A Life. New York: ­ Harper & Row, 1985. Faulk­ ner, ­ William. “A Note on Sher­ wood An­ der­ son, 1953.” In Es­ says, ­ Speeches, and Pub­ lic Let­ ters. Ed­ ited by James B. Mer­ i­ wether. New York: Mod­ ern Li­ brary, 2004. Fed­ eral ­ Writers’ Pro­ ject of the Works Prog­ ress Ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion. The WPA Guide to Wis­ con­ sin. 1941. St. Paul: Min­ ne­ sota His­ tor­ i­ cal So­ ci­ ety Press, 2006. Free­ man, Lance. “There Goes the Hood”: Views of Gen­ trifi­ ca­ tion from the ­ Ground Up. Phil­ a­ del­ phia: Tem­ ple Uni­ ver­ sity Press, 2006. Fryer, Ju­ dith. Fe­ lic­ i­ tous Space: The Imag­ i­ na­ tive Struc­ tures of Edith Whar­ ton and Willa ­ Cather. ­ Chapel Hill: Uni­ ver­ sity of North Car­ o­ lina Press, 1986. Gill, Bren­ dan. Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd ­ Wright. New York: Da Capo Press, 1998. Grese, Rob­ ert E. Jens Jen­ sen: Maker of Nat­ u­ ral Parks and Gar­ dens. Bal­ ti­ more: Johns Hop­ kins Uni­ ver­ sity Press, 1992. Groth, Paul Er­ ling. Liv­ ing Down­ town: The His­ tory of Res­ i­ den­ tial ­ Hotels in the­ United ­ States. Berke­ ley...
