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257 Notes Chap­ ter 1. The House on the Ledge 17 “a clear­ ing in the woods”: Grese, Jens Jen­ sen, 137. 21 “ex­ tended ap­ o­ lo­ gia”: Gill, Many Masks, 27. 22 “hon­ est Buck­ saw” and “per­ sua­ sive ham­ mer”: ­ Wright, Frank Lloyd­ Wright, 46. — “mus­ cles hard”: Ibid., 48. — “white ­ birches gleam­ ing,” “milk­ weed blos­ som­ ing”: Ibid., 26. — “not on the hill but of the hill”: Gill, Many Masks, 217. 27 “Wright put on and dis­ carded many masks”: Ibid., 50. 28 “it’s all pull­ ing tits”: Ibid., 48. — “in­ spired to sing of pas­ to­ ral joys”: Ibid. 29 “old post hole in the midst of par­ a­ dise”: Tho­ reau, “Walk­ ing,” 80. Chap­ ter 2. The Archi­ tect 36 “smart­ ened up with a coat”: How­ ells, Rise of Silas Lap­ ham, 9. — “risen ­ Americans are all pa­ thet­ i­ cally alike”: Ibid., 5. — “Worked in the ­ fields”: Ibid., 3. 37 “won’t make fun of”: Ibid., 29–30. — “deep in the heart of the vir­ gin for­ ests”: Ibid., 25. — “one of ­ nature’s no­ ble­ men”: Ibid., 26. 38 “the reg­ u­ la­ tion thing”: Ibid., 3. — “I ain’t ­ a-going to brag up my paint”: Ibid., 13. — “It’s the best paint in God’s uni­ verse”: Ibid., 105. — “great hairy paws”: Ibid., 116. Notes 258 38 “saffron-tinted”: Ibid., 264. — “can­ vased hams”: Ibid. 39 “leather-cushioned ­ swivel-chair”: Ibid., 2. 43 “curled her chin up”: Ibid., 70. — “Your ­ mother ­ wasn’t ­ ashamed”: Ibid. — “Yes, we’ve heard that story”: Ibid. 47 “own the ­ things money can’t buy”: Roth, ­ American Pas­ to­ ral, 307. — “of every po­ lite taste and feel­ ing”: How­ ells, Rise of Silas Lap­ ham, 377. — “ab­ surd to paint por­ traits for pay”: Ibid., 96. 48 “see in his ­ averted face the strug­ gle”: Ibid., 203–4. 49 “true and only ar­ tis­ tic crea­ tors”: Ibid. 50 “It ­ seemed that he had dis­ cov­ ered the fel­ low”: Ibid., 58. — “crude taste in archi­ tec­ ture”: Ibid. Chap­ ter 3. The Sec­ ond House 54 “tri­ um­ phant pay­ ers of div­ i­ dends”: James, ­ American Scene, 60. 55 “tall mass of flats”: James, “The Jolly Cor­ ner,” 605. — “two bris­ tling ­ blocks”: Ibid. — “mere feel. . . . in the air”: Ibid., 610–11. — “vast ­ ledger-page . . . ­ criss-crossed lines and fig­ ures”: Ibid., 606. — “swag­ ger ­ things”: Ibid., 604. 56 “pro­ por­ tions and val­ ues were up­ side down”: Ibid. — “walk[ing] ­ planks . . . go[ing] into fig­ ures”: Ibid., 605. — “rage of cu­ ri­ os­ ity”: Ibid., 613. — “mere num­ ber in its long row”: Ibid., 605. 57 “beastly rent val­ ues . . . con­ se­ crated spot”: Ibid., 610. — “In short, ­ you’re to make so good a thing”: Ibid. 69 “Things have hap­ pened to him”: Ibid., 641. Chap­ ter 4. The Holy Land 74 “nar­ row fel­ low in the grass . . . un­ braid­ ing in the sun”: Dick­ in­ son, “A nar­ row fel­ low in the grass,” 443. 76 “per­ pet­ u­ ally pro­ vi­ sional”: James, ­ American Scene, 200. — “ruth­ lessly sup­ pressed birth house”: Ibid., 70. 77 “gross ali­ ens”: Ibid., 172. — “seen a ghost in his sup­ pos­ edly safe old house”: Ibid., 66. — “Which is not the alien”: Ibid., 95. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 08:06 GMT) Notes 259 77 “with­ out nos­ tal­ gia, with­ out a dis­ abling ele­ gia­ cism”: Ca­ vell, Phi­ lo­ so­ phy, 217–18. 79 “every­ body to enjoy the house”: Kin­ caid, Lucy, 36. — “what ­ seemed the de­ struc­ tion”: Ibid., 71. — “van­ ish­ ing ­ things”: Ibid., 72. — “Many ­ houses had been built”: Ibid., 71–72. 89 “Hud­ son Bay plug to­ bacco, sumac ­ leaves”: Fed­ eral ­ Writers’ Pro­ ject, WPA Guide, 369. 92 “ad­ mired it, just as the wise men from the East”: Puch­ ner, “Rec­ ol­ lec­ tions of the For­ ties,” 69. — “the ma­ jes­ tic calm­ ness . . . glim­ mer­ ing waves . . . ­ gay-colored dots”: Ibid., 69. 93 “shy and timid”: De Haas, North Amer­ ica, 40. — “a civ­ il­ ized peo­ ple, Chris­ tians”: Ibid. Chap­ ter 6. Reid Ter­ race 123 “sleep­ ing ­ houses on ei­ ther side”: ­ Cather, My ­ Ántonia, 140. — “primer-like”: Faulk­ ner, “A Note on Sher­ wood An­ der­ son,” 5. — “In the eve­ ning”: An­ der­ son, Wi­ nes­ burg, Ohio, 17–18. 126 “was not a...
