In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xi Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments Gov­ ern­ ing the pub­ li­ ca­ tion of this book is my be­ lief that knowl­ edge is mean­ ing­ ful only if ­ shared. My men­ tors in­ stilled in me this be­ lief by mod­ el­ ing schol­ arly gen­ e­ ros­ ity. My first debt of grat­ i­ tude goes to Irina Re­ yf­ man at Co­ lum­ bia Uni­ ver­ sity, under whose guid­ ance and stead­ fast sup­ port my ideas on the cul­ tural semi­ ot­ ics of mas­ que­ rade first took shape as a doc­ to­ ral dis­ ser­ ta­ tion. I am grate­ ful for the sup­ port I re­ ceived from Co­ lum­ bia, in­ clud­ ing gen­ er­ ous fel­ low­ ship fund­ ing from the Har­ ri­ man In­ sti­ tute that en­ a­ bled my re­ search and writ­ ing. Ron Meyer, Com­ mu­ ni­ ca­ tions Man­ ager of the Har­ ri­ man, sup­ plied cri­ tiques, ad­ vice, and en­ cour­ age­ ment, which were in­ stru­ men­ tal in pro­ pel­ ling for­ ward my work and sus­ tain­ ing my be­ lief in this pro­ ject. The Uni­ ver­ sity of Il­ li­ nois at Chi­ cago (UIC) has pro­ vided me with a vital com­ mu­ nity of schol­ ars among whom I have been able to cul­ ti­ vate my inter­ dis­ ci­ pli­ nary re­ search. A Fa­ culty Fel­ low­ ship from UIC’s In­ sti­ tute for the Hu­ man­ ities al­ lowed me to ex­ pand the cul­ tural his­ tory com­ po­ nent of this pro­ ject, as did a UIC Fa­ culty Re­ search Sup­ port Grant. My par­ tic­ i­ pa­ tion in The Sum­ mer Re­ search La­ bor­ a­ tory on Rus­ sia, East­ ern Eu­ rope, and Eur­ asia at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Il­ li­ nois at ­ Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) was in­ dis­ pens­ able for ex­ e­ cut­ ing my sec­ ond stage of re­ search. Helen Sul­ li­ van and other ­ Slavic Ref­ er­ ence Ser­ vice li­ brar­ ians at UIUC xii Acknowledgments­ guided me to­ ward rich re­ sources ­ through the In­ di­ vid­ u­ al­ ized Re­ search Prac­ ti­ cum and knowl­ edg­ ably re­ plied to my many on­ line quer­ ies. In ad­ di­ tion to this in­ sti­ tu­ tional sup­ port, many in­ di­ vid­ u­ als have con­ trib­ uted to the suc­ cess of this pro­ ject. My col­ leagues Mi­ chal Pawel Mar­ kow­ ski, Norma Mo­ ruzzi, Su­ sanne Rott, ­ Astrida Orle Tan­ tillo, Al­ fred­ Thomas, and Julia Vain­ gurt at UIC have in­ spired and aided me with their good coun­ sel and cam­ a­ rad­ e­ rie. A model of in­ tel­ lec­ tual gen­ e­ ros­ ity, Julia has been a con­ sis­ tently in­ sight­ ful ­ reader of my work and a true­ friend. Eliz­ a­ beth Ken­ dall, Margo Rosen, Vadim Shkol­ ni­ kov, Jane Taub­ man, and Alina Wyman have of­ fered keen sug­ ges­ tions for how to im­ prove por­ tions of this man­ u­ script, as did the fel­ lows at UIC’s In­ sti­ tute for the Hu­ man­ ities. I am thank­ ful to the anon­ y­ mous read­ ers of this man­ u­ script for their con­ struc­ tive cri­ tiques. A very spe­ cial, heart­ felt­ thank-you goes to Olga Pe­ ters Hasty, who scru­ pu­ lously read multi­ ple ver­ sions of this man­ u­ script. Her as­ tute ob­ ser­ va­ tions and un­ wa­ ver­ ing faith in this pro­ ject have ­ buoyed me over the ­ course of its re­ al­ iza­ tion. In the end, how­ ever, I alone bear full re­ spon­ sibil­ ity for any er­ rors or over­ sights in the pages of this book. Sev­ eral re­ search as­ sist­ ants made sig­ nif­i­ cant con­ tri­ bu­ tions, es­ pe­ cially in se­ cur­ ing the photo­ graphs and il­ lus­ tra­ tions in this book. Mak­ bal Mu­ sina as­ sisted me in lo­ cat­ ing ma­ te­ ri­ als at the Rus­ sian State His­ tor­ i­ cal­ Archive and ­ worked tire­ lessly to ob­ tain photo­ graphs from the Cen­ tral State ­ Archive of Cin­ ema, Photo­ graphic, and Phono­ graphic Doc­ u­ ments in Saint Pe­ ters­ burg (TsGAKFFD). Tat­ yana...
