In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

vii con­ tents Fore­ word by Louis ­ Fisher ix Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments xv Intro­ duc­ tion 3 1 The Con­ sti­ tu­ tion and Emer­ gency Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power 7 2 Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power in the Young Re­ pub­ lic: Washington’s Neu­ tral­ ity Proc­ la­ ma­ tion, a “Half-War” with ­ France, and the Alien and Se­ di­ tion Acts 20 3 Lin­ coln and the War­ time Con­ sti­ tu­ tion 28 4 Set­ ting Lim­ its on War­ time Power? The Ex Parte Milli­ gan De­ ci­ sion 50 5 Ex­ panded Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power dur­ ing World War II: Nazi Sab­ o­ teurs and Mil­ i­ tary Com­ mis­ sions 63 6 The Intern­ ment of Jap­ a­ nese ­ Americans dur­ ing World War II 82 7 The Young­ stown Steel Sei­ zure Case: The Court Sets Lim­ its on Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power 101 8 Nixon, Wa­ ter­ gate, and a Bid for Un­ bri­ dled Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power 117 9 Emer­ gency Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power at Its Ze­ nith: The Bush Ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion and the Uni­ tary Ex­ ec­ u­ tive 125 viii contents 10 De­ tain­ ing and Try­ ing Sus­ pected Ter­ ror­ ists 144 11 Tor­ ture in the War on Ter­ ror 205 12 War­ rant­ less Wire­ tap­ ping: Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power to Set Aside Acts of Con­ gress? 225 13 De­ ten­ tion and Mil­ i­ tary Com­ mis­ sions under the Obama Ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion 235 14 The State Se­ crets Priv­ i­ lege: Emer­ gency Pres­ i­ den­ tial Power by An­ other Name? 242 15 The Obama Ad­ min­ is­ tra­ tion and Mil­ i­ tary Ac­ tion in Libya 265 Notes 275 Index 341 ...
