In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

living out Gay and Les­ bian Auto­ biog­ ra­ phies David Berg­ man, Joan Lar­ kin, and Raphael Kadushin series editors The Other ­ Mother: A ­ Lesbian’s Fight for Her Daugh­ ter Nancy Ab­ rams An Under­ ground Life: Me­ moirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Ber­ lin Gad Beck Gay ­ American Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy: Writ­ ings from Whit­ man to Sed­ aris Ed­ ited by David Berg­ man Sur­ viv­ ing Mad­ ness: A ­ Therapist’s Own Story Betty Ber­ zon­ You’re Not from ­ Around Here, Are You? A Les­ bian in ­ Small-Town Amer­ ica­ Louise A. Blum Just Mar­ ried: Gay Mar­ riage and the Ex­ pan­ sion of Human ­ Rights Kevin Bou­ rassa and Joe Var­ nell Two Nov­ els: “De­ vel­ op­ ment” and “Two ­ Selves”­ Bryher The ­ Hurry-Up Song: A Me­ moir of Los­ ing My ­ Brother Clif­ ford Chase In My ­ Father’s Arms: A Son’s Story of Sex­ ual Abuse Wal­ ter A. de Milly III Law­ fully Wed­ ded Hus­ band: How My Gay Mar­ riage Will Save the ­ American Fam­ ily Joel Derf­ ner Mid­ life Queer: Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy of a ­ Decade, 1971–1981 Mar­ tin Du­ ber­ man The Man Who Would Marry Susan Son­ tag: And Other In­ ti­ mate Lit­ er­ ary Por­ traits of the Bo­ he­ mian Era Ed­ ward Field Body, Re­ mem­ ber: A Me­ moir Kenny Fries­ Travels in a Gay Na­ tion: Por­ traits of LGBTQ ­ Americans­ Philip Gam­ bone Auto­ biog­ ra­ phy of My Hun­ gers Rig­ o­ berto ­ González Wide­ screen ­ Dreams: Grow­ ing Up Gay at the Mo­ vies Pat­ rick E. Hor­ ri­ gan The End of Being Known: A Me­ moir Mi­ chael Klein [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 06:14 GMT) ­ Through the Door of Life: A Jew­ ish Jour­ ney ­ between Gen­ ders Joy Ladin The Last De­ ploy­ ment: How a Gay, ­ Hammer-Swinging Twen­ ty­ so­ meth­ ing Sur­ vived a Year in Iraq Bron­ son Lemer Em­ i­ nent Mar­ i­ cones: Are­ nas, Lorca, Puig, and Me Jaime Man­ rique Body Blows: Six Per­ for­ mances Tim ­ Miller 1001 Beds: Per­ for­ mances, Es­ says, and ­ Travels Tim ­ Miller­ Cleopatra’s Wed­ ding ­ Present: ­ Travels ­ through Syria Rob­ ert ­ Tewdwr Moss Taboo Boyer ­ Rickel Se­ cret ­ Places: My Life in New York and New ­ Guinea To­ bias Schnee­ baum Wild Man To­ bias Schnee­ baum Sex Talks to Girls: A Me­ moir Mau­ reen Sea­ ton Out­ bound: Find­ ing a Man, Sail­ ing an Ocean­ William Sto­ randt ...
