In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

335 Index Ache­ son, Dean, 154 Ada­ gio for ­ Strings, 107 Adams, Bobby, 66 Adams, Eddie, 134, 281, 287–89, 294; photo, 287 Ad­ ven­ tures of Ozzie and Har­ riet, 117 Af­ ghan­ i­ stan: as one of Amer­ ica’s wars, 23, 25, 34, 220; and Iraq, 66, 115, 123, 133, 155, 190, 296, 305–7, 314­ African ­ Americans, 53, 58, 116, 156, 204, 210, 322 Agent ­ Orange, 10, 37, 62, 68 “Agent ­ Orange Song” (song by Jim Walk­ ten­ donk), 68­ Aguilar-San Juan, Karín, 15; bio, 329; essay by, 259–75 Air Amer­ ica, 250 Alb­ right, Made­ leine, 305 Al Ja­ zeera, 307 All­ man, Tim­ o­ thy, 247 Alsop, John, 154 Amer­ ica and the Viet­ nam War: ­ Re-examining the Cul­ ture and His­ tory of a Gen­ er­ a­ tion (book by An­ drew Wiest, Mary Kath­ ryn ­ Barbier, and Glenn Rob­ ins), 322­ American Blues (book by Ward Just), 111­ American ex­ cep­ tion­ al­ ism, 25, 35, 113­ American ­ Forces Radio Net­ work, 64­ American ­ Forces Viet­ nam Net­ work, 66­ American Pas­ to­ ral (book by ­ Philip Roth), 120, 124­ American Re­ quiem, An (book by James Car­ roll), 195 Amer­ ica’s Long­ est War (book by ­ George C. Her­ ring), 29, 33, 133, 224–25 Amer­ ica’s Mir­ a­ cle Man in Viet­ nam: Ngo Dinh Diem, Re­ li­ gion, Race, and U.S. Inter­ ven­ tion in South­ east Asia, 1950–1957 (book by Seth Ja­ cobs), 195 Amory, Rob­ ert, 154 Anal­ o­ gies at War (book by Yuen Foong Khong), 51 An­ gola, 304 An­ i­ mals, the, 66, 326 An­ is­ field, Nancy, 121 anti­ war move­ ment in US, 15, 22, 26–28, 33, 54, 202–22, 261; Inter­ net, 132; lit­ er­ a­ ture, 120; music, 63–66, 326–27. See also vet­ e­ rans, US; and in­ di­ vid­ ual book and song ti­ tles and in­ di­ vid­ ual ­ events Apoc­ a­ lypse Now, 22, 105 Appy, Chris­ tian G., 153, 156 Arab ­ Spring, 289 Ar­ mies of the Night (book by Nor­ man­ Mailer), 215 Arm­ strong, Ste­ phen, 16; bio, 329; essay by, 313–28 Aspin, Les, 305 As­ se­ lin, ­ Pierre, 235 As­ so­ ciated Press, 281 As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion of Col­ lege and Re­ search Li­ brar­ ies (ACRL), 137–38 336 index As­ sum­ ing the Bur­ den (book by Mark At­ wood Law­ rence), 189 Astor, Mary, 98–99 At War in the ­ Shadow of Viet­ nam: U.S. Mil­ i­ tary Aid to the Royal Lao Govern­ ment (book by Tim­ o­ thy N. Cas­ tle), 255 Au­ gust Rev­ o­ lu­ tion, 233–34 Aus­ tin, Brad, bio, 329; essay by, 3–18 Aus­ tra­ lia, 10, 80, 194, 263, 272 Ayers, Bill, 120 baby boom­ ers, 211 Bace­ vich, An­ drew, 25 Bad War: An Oral His­ tory of the Viet­ nam War, The (book by Kim Wil­ len­ son), 153 Baez, Joan, 63, 70 Baker, Mark, 120, 123 Bald­ win, ­ Charles, 154 Bal­ kans, 34 Ball, ­ George, 153, 154 “Bal­ lad of Ho Chi Minh” (song by Ewan­ McColl), 59 “Bal­ lad of Penny Evans” (song by Steve Good­ man), 68 “Bal­ lad of the Green Be­ rets” (song by Barry Sad­ ler), 34, 60, 69, 326 “Bal­ lad of the Un­ known Sol­ dier” (song by Bar­ bara Dane), 69 Bao Dai, Em­ peror, 173, 189, 194, 197, 235 Bao Ninh, 34, 118–19 Ba­ raka, Amiri, 270 Bar­ ber, Sam­ uel, 107 Bards­ town, Ken­ tucky, 30–31 Barry, John, 306–7 “Bat­ tle Hymn of Lt. Cal­ ley” (song by C Com­ pany fea­ tur­ ing Terry Nel­ son), 70 “Bat­ tle Hymn of the Re­ pub­ lic of Viet­ nam” (song by an un­ known art­ ist), 59–60 Beach Boys, 326­ Bed-In for Peace, 65 Berge­ rud, Eric M., 156 Bet­ ter Times Than These (book by Wins­ ton Groom), 114 Bi­ dault, ­ Georges, 193, 200n Big Story (book by Peter Braes­ trup), 134 Billy ­ Lynn’s Long Half­ time Walk (book by Ben Foun­ tain), 125 Black, John, 61, 71 blood­ bath the­ ory, 104­ Bloods: An Oral His­ tory of the Viet­ nam War by Black Vet­ e­ rans (book by Wal­ lace Terry), 116, 120, 123, 156 Boat Peo­ ple, 69 Bon­ nie and Clyde (film), 324–25 booby traps, 36, 53, 66, 277 “Born in...
