In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

E ­  ­  E  ­ The ­ American Jer­ e­ miad Sac­ van Ber­ co­ vitch Back to the Land: The En­ dur­ ing Dream of ­ Self-Sufficiency in Mod­ ern Amer­ ica Dona Brown Mar­ ga­ ret ­ Fuller: Trans­ at­ lan­ tic Cross­ ings in a Rev­ o­ lu­ tion­ ary Age Ed­ ited by ­ Charles Cap­ per and Cris­ tina Gior­ celli Chan­ nel­ ing the Past: Po­ lit­ i­ ciz­ ing His­ tory in Post­ war Amer­ ica Erik Chris­ tian­ sen Er­ nest Hem­ ing­ way: ­ Thought in Ac­ tion Mark Ci­ rino Creat­ ing the Col­ lege Man: ­ American Mass Mag­ a­ zines and ­ Middle-Class Man­ hood, 1890–1915 Dan­ iel A. Clark Rob­ ert ­ Koehler’s “The ­ Strike”: The Im­ prob­ able Story of an ­ Iconic 1886 Paint­ ing of Labor ­ Protest James M. Den­ nis­ Emerson’s Lib­ er­ al­ ism Neal Dolan Ob­ serv­ ing Amer­ ica: The Com­ men­ tary of Brit­ ish Vis­ i­ tors to the ­ United ­ States, 1890–1950 Rob­ ert P. Fran­ kel The Uni­ ver­ sity and the Peo­ ple: En­ vi­ sion­ ing ­ American ­ Higher Ed­ u­ ca­ tion in an Era of Pop­ u­ list ­ Protest Scott M. Gel­ ber Pic­ tur­ ing In­ dians: Photo­ graphic En­ coun­ ters and Tour­ ist Fan­ ta­ sies in H. H. ­ Bennett’s Wis­ con­ sin Dells Ste­ ven D. Hoels­ cher Cos­ mo­ pol­ i­ tan­ ism and Sol­ i­ dar­ ity: Stud­ ies in Eth­ no­ ra­ cial, Re­ li­ gious, and Pro­ fes­ sional Af­ fil­ i­ a­ tion in the ­ United ­ States David A. Hol­ linger Cold War Uni­ ver­ sity: Mad­ i­ son and the New Left in the Six­ ties Mat­ thew Levin­ Thoreau’s Dem­ o­ cratic With­ drawal: Al­ ien­ a­ tion, Par­ tic­ i­ pa­ tion, and Mod­ er­ nity Shan­ non L. Mar­ i­ otti Sea­ way to the Fu­ ture: ­ American So­ cial Vi­ sions and the Con­ struc­ tion of the Pan­ ama Canal Al­ ex­ an­ der Mis­ sal Faith­ ful Pas­ sages: ­ American Ca­ thol­ i­ cism in Lit­ er­ ary Cul­ ture, 1844–1931 James Em­ mett Ryan Imag­ i­ nary ­ Friends: Rep­ re­ sent­ ing Quak­ ers in ­ American Cul­ ture, 1650–1950 James Em­ mett Ryan­ American Ev­ an­ gel­ i­ cals and the 1960s Ed­ ited by Axel R. ­ Schäfer Counter­ cul­ tu­ ral Con­ ser­ va­ tives: ­ American Evan­ gel­ icalism from the Post­ war Re­ vi­ val to the New Chris­ tian Right Axel R. ­ Schäfer The Trash­ ing of Mar­ ga­ ret Mead: Anat­ omy of an Anthro­ po­ log­ i­ cal Con­ tro­ versy Paul Shank­ man The Pres­ i­ dents We Im­ a­ gine: Two Cen­ tu­ ries of White House Fic­ tions on the Page, on the Stage, On­ screen, and On­ line Jeff Smith Un­ safe for De­ moc­ racy: World War I and the U.S. Jus­ tice ­ Department’s ­ Covert Cam­ paign to Sup­ press Dis­ sent­ William H. ­ Thomas Jr ...
