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Selected Bibliography Aikhenval’d, Iu. Pushkin. nd ed. Moscow: Kushnerov, . Alekseev, M. P.“Dzhon Vil’son i ego Gorod chumy.” In Iz istorii angliiskoi literatury: Etiudy, ocherki, issledovaniia, –. Moscow: GIKhL, . Al’mi, I. L.“O prevrashcheniiakh pushkinskogo ‘Zhil na svete rytsar’ bednyi’ v khudozhestvennom mire Dostoevskogo.” In Stat’i o poezii i proze, nd. ed., –. St. Petersburg: Skifiia, . Al’tman, M. S.“Bludnaia doch’ (Pushkin i Dostoevskii).” Slavia  (): –. ———. “Gogolevskie traditsii v tvorchestve Dostoevskogo.” Slavia , no.  (): –. Anderson, Roger B. “Crime and Punishment: Psycho-Myth and the Making of a Hero.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies , no.  (): –. ———. “Raskol’nikov and the Myth Experience.” Slavic and East European Journal  (): –. Andrew, Joe. “The Seduction of the Daughter: Sexuality in the Early Dostoevsky and the Case of Poor Folk (Bednye liudi).” In Polyfunktion und Metaparodie: Aufs ätze zum . Geburtstag von Fedor Michajlovic Dostoevskij, edited by Rudolf Neuhauser, –. Dresden: Dresden University Press, . Annenkov, P. V. A. S. Pushkin: Materialy dlia ego biografii i otsenki proizvedenii. St. Petersburg: Izd. t-va obshchestvennaia pol’za, . ———. Literaturnye vospominaniia. Moscow: GIKhL, . Annenskii, I. F. “Gospodin Prokharchin.” In Knigi otrazhenii, –. Petersburg: Trud, . Antsiferov, N. P. Byl’ i mif Peterburga. Petrograd: Brokgauz-Efron, . ———. Dusha Peterburga. Petrograd: Brokgauz-Efron, . Apollonio, Carol. Dostoevsky’s Secrets: Reading against the Grain. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, . Arban, Dominique. “Le Statut de la Folie dans les oeuvres de jeunesse de Dostoevski .” Dostoevsky Studies  (): –. Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, .  Auerbach,Erich.Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Translated by Willard Trask. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, . Avramets, I.“Protivorechie i kontrast kak printsip siuzhetostroeniia novelly: ‘Gospodin Prokharchin.’” In Poetika novelly Dostoevskogo, –. Tartu: Kirjastus, . Bakhtin, Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. Translated by Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, . ———. Problemy poetiki Dostoevskogo. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, . Barthes, Roland. “The Death of the Author.” In The Rustle of Language, –. Translated by Richard Howard. Berkeley: University of California Press, . ———. “From Work to Text.” In The Rustle of Language, –. Translated by Richard Howard. Berkeley: University of California Press, . Bate, Walter Jackson. The Burden of the Past and the English Poet. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, . Baxandall, Michael. Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, . Beach, Joseph Warren. The Twentieth-Century Novel: Studies in Technique. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, . Beebe, Maurice.“The Three Motives of Raskolnikov: A Reinterpretation of Crime and Punishment.” College English  (): –. Beliak, N. V., and M. N. Virolainen. “‘Malen’kie tragedii’ kak kul’turnyi epos novoevropeiskoi istorii: (Sud’ba lichnosti, sud’ba kul’tury).” In Pushkin: Issledovaniia i materialy, –. Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR, . Belinskii,V. G.“Peterburgskii sbornik.”In F. M. Dostoevskii v russkoi kritike: Sbornik statei, edited by A.A. Belkin, –. Moscow: GIKhL, . ———. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Moscow: AN SSSR, –. ———. “Stat’ia odinnadtsataia o Pushkine.” In Sobranie sochinenii. Vol. . Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, . Belyi,A.A.“Dvulikii skupoi.” Moskovskii Pushkinist  (): –. Bem, A. L. “‘Pikovaia dama’ v tvorchestve Dostoevskogo.” In U istokov tvorchestva Dostoevskogo.Vol.  of O Dostoevskom, –. Prague: Petropolis, . ———. “Problema viny.” In Dostoevskii: Psikhoanaliticheskie etiudy, –. Berlin: Petropolis, . ———. “Pushkin i Dostoevskii.” In U istokov tvorchestva Dostoevskogo. Vol.  of O Dostoevskom, –. Prague: Petropolis, . ———.“Skupoi rytsar’v tvorchestve Dostoevskogo (Skhozhdeniia i raskhozhdeniia).” In U istokov tvorchestva Dostoevskogo. Vol.  of O Dostoevskom, –. Prague: Petropolis, . Berkovskii, N. Ia. “O povestiakh Belkina (Pushkin -kh godov i voprosy narodnosti i realizma).” In Stat’i o literature, –. Moscow: GIKhL, . Berlin,Isaiah.The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History.London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, . Bethea, David. “‘A Higher Audacity’: How to Read Pushkin’s Dialogue with Shakespeare in The Stone Guest.” In Alexander Pushkin’s Little Tragedies: The Poetics of  Selected Bibliography Brevity,edited by Svetlana Evdokimova,–.Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, . ———. Realizing Metaphors: Alexander Pushkin and the Life of the Poet. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, . ———.The Shape of Apocalypse in Modern Russian Fiction.Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press, . Binyon, T. J. Pushkin: A Biography. New York: Knopf, . Blackmur, R. P.“Crime and Punishment: A Study of Dostoevsky.” In Essays in Modern Literary Criticism, edited by Ray B. West, –. New York: Rinehart, . Blagoi, D. D. “‘Povesti Belkina’: ‘Vystrel,’‘Stantsionnyi smotritel’.’” In Ot Kantemira do nashikh dnei, :–. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, . ———.“Dostoevskii i Pushkin.”In Dusha v zavetnoi lire: Ocherki zhizni i tvorchestva Pushkina, –. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, . ———. Tvorcheskii put’ Pushkina, –. Moscow: Sovetskii Pisatel’, . Block, Haskell M.“The Concept of Influence in Literary Criticism.” The Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature  (): –. Blok, A. A. Zapisnye knizhki, –. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, . Bloom,Harold.The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry.NewYork: Oxford...
