In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

vii Con­ tents Intro­ duc­ tion ix Pro­ logue: The Re­ al­ iza­ tion 3 1 Caught on the Bat­ tle­ field of World War II 9 2 The Re­ al­ ity of the ­ Soviet-Polish Pop­ u­ la­ tion Ex­ change 36 3 Op­ er­ a­ tion Vis­ tula: The So­ lu­ tion to the “Ukrai­ nian Prob­ lem” 81 4 Pris­ on­ ers in the Cen­ tral Labor Camp in Jaw­ orzno 106 5 A New Home in the Re­ cov­ ered Ter­ ri­ to­ ries? 120 Epi­ logue: The “Com­ pen­ sa­ tion” 141 Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments 149 Notes 153 Index 171 ...
