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ix Ta­ bles Table 1 Bra­ zil­ ians liv­ ing ­ abroad: Major pop­ u­ la­ tions, 2011 5 Table 2 Ed­ u­ ca­ tional pro­ file of per­ sons born in Bra­ zil liv­ ing in the ­ United ­ States 44 Table 3 Ed­ u­ ca­ tional lev­ els of Bra­ zil­ ian im­ mi­ grants in other coun­ tries 45 Table 4 Com­ par­ a­ tive cen­ suses: The ­ United ­ States and Bra­ zil 77 Table 5 Bra­ zil­ ians in Eu­ rope, En­ gland, and the Re­ pub­ lic of Ire­ land 103 Table 6 Bra­ zil­ ians in the Pa­ cific Rim 121 Table 7 Bra­ zil­ ians in South Amer­ ica 138 ...
