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273 Index Acre, 49, 59–60, 148, 178. See also west­ ern Am­ a­ zon re­ gion in Bra­ zil ACS (American Com­ mu­ nity Sur­ vey), 6, 44, 77–78, 8485, 91, 93, 98, 206­ Afro-Brazilian iden­ tity, 230. See also Bra­ zil­ ian iden­ tity agrar­ ian set­ tle­ ments: ag­ ri­ cul­ tu­ ral work­ ers in South Amer­ ica, 7, 140–42, 144, 146, 148, 236n2; con­ sol­ i­ da­ tion into large hold­ ings, 7, 139, 143, 145, 148; mech­ a­ ni­ za­ tion of ag­ ri­ cul­ ture in, 7, 139, 140, 141, 145, 146; Par­ a­ guay, 7, 139–42, 140–42, 144, 236n2; re­ turn mi­ gra­ tion, 140–41. See also land own­ er­ ship Al­ i­ ança Bras­ i­ leira dos Es­ ta­ dos Uni­ dos (ABE or Bra­ zil­ ian Al­ li­ ance of the ­ United­ States), 183–84 Am­ a­ zon re­ gion of west­ ern Bra­ zil, 49, 58–60, 81, 96, 139, 148, 178, 235n5­ American Com­ mu­ nity Sur­ vey (ACS), 6, 44, 77–78, 84–85, 91, 93, 98, 206 am­ nesty pro­ grams, 66, 174, 183–84, 213, 227, 237n6; En­ gland, 174; Eu­ rope, 66, 174; U.S., 183–84, 213, 227, 237n6. See also im­ mi­ gra­ tion pol­ i­ cies an­ ces­ try, and im­ mi­ gra­ tion to Eu­ ro­ pean coun­ tries, 59, 63, 65–66, 104, 118–19, 235n2­ anti-immigrant at­ ti­ tudes and be­ hav­ ior: Japan, 198; ­ poorer im­ mi­ grants, 63–65; un­ doc­ u­ mented im­ mi­ grants, 212; U.S., 75, 81–84, 86–88, 92, 188, 196, 212, 235n5 Ar­ gen­ tina, 4, 5, 7, 138, 139, 142, 146–48, 191, 235n6 Assis, ­ Glaúcia de Ol­ i­ veira, 153 At­ lanta, Geor­ gia, 25, 91–92, 196 Aus­ tra­ lia, 5, 7, 121, 121, 133–35, 174–75, 199– 200, 236n5, 237n2 Bap­ tist ­ churches, 13, 169, 171–72, 212 Barth, Frede­ rick, 191 bat­ u­ cada (Bra­ zil­ ian drum­ ming), 29, 99, 234n6 Belo Hor­ i­ zonte, 35, 57, 224, 234n5. See also Minas Ge­ rais birth rates of Bra­ zil­ ians, 88–89, 143–44, 226, 236n3. See also pop­ u­ la­ tion sta­ tis­ tics Bo­ livia, 5, 6, 138, 139, 146, 148, 150, 188 Bos­ ton, MA: ­ anti-immigrant be­ hav­ ior in, 87–88; boun­ dary mark­ ers or re­ gion­ al­ ism in, 192; Bra­ zil­ ian iden­ tity in, 190–91; Bra­ zil­ ian In­ de­ pen­ dence Day cel­ e­ bra­ tions in, 4; busi­ nesses owned by Bra­ zil­ ians in, 28; ­ community-based or­ gan­ iza­ tions in, 182–83, 237nn3–4;­ driver’s li­ censes, 87–88; ed­ u­ ca­ tional at­ tain­ ment in, 44; em­ ploy­ ment in, 20, 23–27, 56; fis­ sures in com­ mu­ nities in, 175, 178; gen­ der roles in con­ text of em­ ploy­ ment in, 56; His­ panic eth­ nic­ ity in, 187; house­ clean­ ing busi­ nesses in, Note: Ital­ i­ cized page num­ bers refer to ta­ bles. Index 274 Bos­ ton, MA (continued ) 23–27; pol­ i­ tics of im­ mi­ gra­ tion in, 39–40; pop­ u­ la­ tion sta­ tis­ tics for, 84– 85; pro­ fes­ sion­ als in, 8–9; re­ li­ gious in­ sti­ tu­ tions in, 167–69, 171–72, 174; re­ mit­ tances sent from, 33; send­ ing com­ mu­ nities to, 49, 59, 153–55; sex ratio of im­ mi­ grants in, 85; so­ cial class in, 49; so­ cial net­ works in, 154–55; un­ doc­ u­ mented im­ mi­ grants in, 74; U.S.­ -­ Mexico bor­ der route to, 71. See also Mas­ sa­ chu­ setts boun­ dary mark­ ers, 51–52, 178, 187, 192. See also fis­ sures in im­ mi­ grant com­ mu­ nities; re­ gion­ al­ ism bra­ si­ guaios (Bra­ zil­ ians in Par­ a­ guay), 144, 145 bra­ sil­ i­ dade (“Bra­ zil­ ian­ ness”), 13, 51, 168–69, 174, 179, 190–97, 200, 238n2 bra­ siv­ i­ a­ nos (Bra­ zil­ ians in Bo­ livia), 148 Bra­ zil: ­ American ig­ nor­ ance of, 185–86, 188– 89; Bra­ zil­ ian iden­ tity in, 185; Cath­ o­ lic­ Church in, 167–69; cen­ suses of, xi, 4– 6, 5, 9, 77, 77–78, 85, 103, 103; cost of liv­ ing in, 8–9, 203, 221; dual cit­ i­ zen...
