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Abrahamsson, Hans, The Origin of Death,  Achebe, Chinua, Things Fall Apart,  Achilles, ,  Achilles heel, , , ,  Adam, , ,  Adangme,  Adja, King of, – Adjaminako,  Aeolus,  Aeshere,  aesthetics and form, , , , , ,  Agbanukwé, – Agé, – Akan, – Akwasi-the-jealous-one, –,  allegory, ,  Ananse, Kwaku, –,  animal and human, , ,  Aovi, – art: and culture, –; and history, – ; and reality, –; tradition, – artist, work of, , , ,  Asante, –,  Aso, –,  Athena, , , , , ,  Awè, – bard, , , , , ,  Bascom, William R.,  “Bearson, The,” , ,  Becker, R., “Conte d’Ibonia,” , , ,  Beowulf, v, , , –, , , ,  Beowulf, , , , , ,  Biebuyck, Daniel, Hero and Chief, – , ,  Biekuyck, Daniel, and Kahombo C. Mateene, The Mwindo Epic, , – , –, ,  biological being, v Blake, William, “The Tiger,” ,  Bleek, Dorothea, , ; The Mantis and His Friends, ,  Bleek, W. H. I., ,  Botswana, – Bowra, C. M., Heroic Poetry, , ,  Brown, J. Tom, Among the Bantu Nomads,  Bubesi Location, Matatiele District, Transkei,  Bull of Heaven, , –, ,  bungling host pattern,  Cain,  Calypso, ,  Index  Campbell, Joseph, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, ,  carnival, ,  Carpenter, Rhys, Folklore, Fiction, and Saga, , , ,  Cassandra,  Caucasus,  Charybdis,  Christian, , ,  Ciardi, John, and Miller Williams, How Does a Poem Mean?,  Cicones,  Cinderella motif, ,  Circe, , ,  circumcision ritual,  Clark, John Pepper, The Ozidi Saga, ,  clown, –, , , , , ,  contemporary age, v cosmos, v, , , , , , , ,  Coupez, A., ,  creator god, v culture and art, – culture hero, v, ,  cycle, epic, –, –, , ,  Cyclops,  dance, –,  Danharan, ,  Denmark, , , ,  de Rop, A., ,  developmental and perceptual processes, – differentiation, age of, v doppelganger,  Dorson, Richard M., African Folklore,  double, –,  Doucoure, Lassana,  dualism,  earth and heaven, mediating, v Earthmaker,  Eden, , , , , ,  Enkidu, , , , , –, , , , –, , , , ,  Enlil,  Eormanric,  Epeius,  epic, , , , , , , , –, – , , –, , , , , ; cycle, –; and fantasy, ; foundation of, –; hero, v, , , –, , , –, – , ; and tale, –, –, –, , , , , , , ; and vulnerability,  etiological events, , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, –, , ,  Eumaeus,  Evans-Pritchard, E. E., The Zande Trickster, ,  Eve, , ,  Fa, – Fall, the, – Fang, ,  fantasy, , , ; and epic, , , , , , , ; and reality, , , , –, , , , ,  Finn, ,  Finnegan, Ruth, ,  fire, creation and taming of, –, – Fitela,  Flood, the, , , ,  form and aesthetics, , , , ,  Fozanatokondrilahy, , , ,  frames, story, , , ,  Franks, ,  Freawaru,  freedom, , , , , ,  free will,  Frisians,  Fry, Donald K., The Beowulf Poet,  Gardner, John, Grendel, , ,  Geats, , , ,  Genesis, ,  Germanic people,  Ghana, –  Index [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:29 GMT) Gilgamesh, , , , –, , – , , , , ,  Gilgamesh, , , , , , , , –, , , , , ,  god(s), , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, –, , , , , , ; sky-god, , , ,  golden time, v Gordimer, Nadine, “The Soft Voice of the Serpent,” , , , –,  Grandmother Earth, –,  Greek drama, ,  Greeks, , ,  Grendel, , , , –, ,  Grendel’s mother, – griot, , , , , , , , ,  grotesque, comedy of, ,  Gu, – Hades, , , , , , ,  Haethcyn,  Hama,  hare, , , ,  “Hare and Lion, The,” –,  Hare, Winnebago, –, ,  Harries, Lyndon,  Heardred,  heaven and earth, mediating, v Heorot, , ,  Herculean,  Heremod, ,  hero, v, , –, , , –, –, –, –, , , , ; epic, v, , –, –, , , –, –, , , , ; humanity of, –, , –; journey of, –; and trickster, –, – , , –, –, –, –, – heroic poetry (panegyric), , , , , ; and epic, , , , , – , , , ,  Herskovits, Melville J., and Frances S. Herskovits, Dahomean Narrative, – ,  Hevioso, – history, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; and art, – Hlakanyana, , –, , , – Hlubi tales, –, –, ,  Hnaef,  Homer, –, , ,  “How Kwaku Ananse, the Spider, Got Aso in Marriage,” – “How Legba Became Guardian of Men and Gods,” –, – Hrothgar, , –, ,  Hulstaert, G., ,  human and animal, , ,  Humbaba, , –, , ,  hyena, –,  Hygelac, , ,  Iampela, Iampelasoamananoro, , , , , ,  Ibonia, , –,  Ibonia, ,  Iboniamasy, Iboniamanoro,  Iceland, –, ,  ichneumon, –, –, , –, , –, – identity, –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  Ijo,  illusion, trickster’s, , , ,  Ingeld,  Innes, Gordon, Sunjata, ,  Isanusi,  Islam,  Ithaca, , ,  Iyangura, , , , , , , , –,  Index  Jacobs, John, ,  Johnson, John William, “Yes, Virginia,”  journey, hero’s, – justice, –||Kábbo, ,  Kagame, Alexis, , |kággen, –, , – Kahindo, ,  Kamanzi, Th., ,  Kanute, Banna, ,  Kanute, Dembo, ,  Karina,  karisi, ,  Kasiyembe, – Kaurava,  Keita clan,  Knappert, Jan,  Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm, Outlines of the Grammar of the Vei Language,  Kouyate, Djeli Mamoudou, ,  korotwiten, –,  Kpoli, – Kutegaua, –, – Kwaku Ananse, – Kwammang-a, –, –, , –, –, – Laestrygonians,  Laocoon,  Legba, –, –, –, , , , ,  legend,  Lejre,  leopard,  Liberia, – liminality, ,  lion, ; and hare, –,  Little-one-just-born-he-walked, , , , ,  Lloyd, Lucy,  Lotus-Eaters,  Lucifer, ,  Madagascar,  Mafuta, Patrice, ,  Mahabharata, ,  Malagasy, ,  Mali, , ,  Mande,  Manding empire,  Mandingo,  Mansa Wali,  Mantis, , –, ,  “Mantis and Kutegaua, The” –, – “Mantis and the All-devourer, The” –, –,  “Mantis and the Cat, The,” –, – “Mantis and the Korotwiten, The” –, –, – “Mantis Makes an Eland, The,” –, – “Mantis Takes Away the Ticks’ Sheep, The,” –, – Matatiele District, Transkei, ,  Mateene, Kahombo C., The Mwindo Epic, –, ,  Mawu, Mawu-Lisa, – mediating heaven and earth, v Meillassoux, Claude,  Meshemtuwa,  Mesopotamia,  Messiah motif, ,  metaphor, –, , , , , , ,  Metonofi, – Middle Earth,  Minona, – models, , , –,  Mofolo, Thomas, Chaka, ,  monomyth, , , , , , , , , ,  mortality, , , – Moses, ,  Muisa, , – Mukiti,  Murimba, Mutero,  mushinga,  music, –,  Mutero, , , , ,   Index [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:29 GMT) Mwindo, , , –, –, , , , ,  Mwindo Epic, The, , –, –, , ; and tale, , –, ,  myth, , –, , , , , , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; and epic,  nano,  Nausicaa,  Nestor,  Niane, D. T., Soundjata, ,  Niani,  Nineveh,  Ninsun, ,  Nirvana,  Njal, –,  Njal’s Saga, –,  Nkonki, Garvey, “The Traditional Prose Literature of the Ngqika,” ,  Nkuba Lightning, , , , , –, ,  Noliwe,  Ntumba, – Nundè, – Nyakatwakari,  Nyame, the sky-god,  Nyamurairi, ,  Nyamwindo,  Nyanga epic, – Nyaniso Location, Matatiele District, Transkei, –,  Odysseus, –, , ; as a trickster, –, , , ,  Odyssey, The, , –, –, ,  Ojobolo, Okabou, The Ozidi Saga, ,  Okonkwo,  Onela,  Ongentheow,  oral narrative, , –, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  oral tradition, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  orphan,  Page, Denys, ,  palimpsest,  Pandava,  pattern, , , , , , –, –, , , , , –, –; and epic, –, , , , , , , ,  Penelope, –, , ,  Pepper, Herbert,  perceptual and developmental processes, – Phaeacians, ,  phallus, ,  Polyphemus, , , , ,  Popul Vuh,  Poseidon, , , , ,  Priam,  profane trickster, v, ; tales, – Puplampu, D. A.,  “Pursued by His Own Feces,” –,  Pylos,  Radin, Paul, The Trickster,  Raivato, , , , , ,  Rampelamahavarra,  Rampelasoamananoro, , , –, ,  Ranakombe, , , , , ,  Rasoabemanana, , , ,  Rataboboka, –,  Rattray, R. S., Akan-Asante Folk-Tales,  Ravatovolovoay, , –,  Ravenswood,  reality and art, –,  reality and fantasy, , , , , , –, – Rhineland, ,  Index  rite, ritual, , , –, , , , ,  rites of...
