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151 Index Note: “AP” refers to Aleksandr Pushkin. Academy (Saint Petersburg) Pushkinists, 119–20, 122–24 Address-Calendar of officials/elite, 36–37, 132n14 Aizenshtadt, David, 118 Aksakov, Sergei, 67 Alexander I: fashion under, 17; informal addresses to, 45; modernization under, 36; oppression/paranoia under, 60, 63–64, 124, 138n17 (see also arakcheevshchina ) Alexandrov, Vladimir, 125n8 Alfavit Dekabristov (Investigatory Commission ), 69 Alibasov, Barri, 124 American Russian-literature scholarship, 7 The Annals of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 119 “Apollon s semeistvom” (Kutuzov), 102 Apuleius, 101 Arakcheev, Aleksei, 13, 60, 138n12 arakcheevshchina (oppression under Alexander I), 62–63, 65, 138n12 Arditi, Jorge, 26–27 Aronson, Mark, 40 Art of Love (Ovid), 101 Arzamas, 34–59; aesthetic ideology of, 63; AP’s Ruslan i Liudmila influenced by, 95–98; Arzamasian laughter/play, 34, 40, 55; vs. Beseda, 34–37, 40–41; calendar/creation myth of, 35; code language of, 34–35; criticism of, 147n97; dissolution of, 34, 96, 131n2; domesticity constructed by, 42, 50–51, 53, 58–59; drunkenness despised by, 62; formation of, 34, 37; friendships within, 59; galimatias of, 35, 38–40, 44, 50, 55, 96; vs. Green Lamp, 62–65; homosociality of, 41; influence on Russian literature/ culture, 34; in-group identity markers of, 44; insularity of, 41; as model society, 36; modernization project of, 35–37, 59, 95–96; oath/bylaws/elections of, 35; parody by, 35, 44, 131–32n6; polemic favored by, 41; prankishness of, 6; precursors to, 37–39 (see also VOLSNKh); puns used by, 32, 130n85; shalosti written by, 5–6; speeches/ protocols for internal use, 40–41; symbological system of, 36; women’s exclusion from, 41. See also Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich; letters, Arzamasian ; Pushkin, Aleksandr; Pushkin, Vasilii; Viazemskii, Petr Andreevich; Zhukovskii, Vasilii Andreevich Austin, J. L., 33, 48 authenticity, 26–28 avant-garde, 146n73 ballads, 35. See also Ten’Barkova Banter Principle, 51, 66 Barkov, Dmitrii, 61, 102; “Prigovor bukve Ъ,” 63 Barkov, Ivan Semenovich, 115. See also Ten’Barkova Barkoviana/pornographic poetry, 93, 103–4, 107, 119 Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 89; in Arzamas, 34, 37; erotica of, 101–2; letters by, 133–34n44; letter to Gnedich, 90; meeting with AP at the Lyceum, 92; militaristic themes urged by, 92, 152 Index 143n120; on the poet’s isolation, 26–27; on prostitutes, 90; readers as domestic intimates of, 28; in VOLSNKh, 37, 39, 132–33n28; works: “K Filise. Podrazhanie Gressetu,” 84; “Nechto o poete i poezii,” 26; “Pevets vo stane slaveno-variagov,” 132n6; “Rech’ o vliianii legkoi poezii na iazyk,” 47–48; “Schastlivets,” 90; shalosti, 30 Belinskii, Vissarion, 7, 89, 94 Benkendorf, Aleksandr, 10–11, 17 Beseda, 25; vs. Arzamas, 34–37, 40–41; disbanding of, 67; domesticity absent in, 58; formation of, 38; meetings of, 36–37, 41; vs. VOLSNKh, 38–39 Bestuzhev-Marlinskii, Aleksandr, 29, 67 “Besy” (AP), 33 Les bijoux indiscrets (Diderot), 32, 91–93 Blagonamerennyi journal, 31 blagonamerennyi pun, 31, 130n81 Bludov, Dmitrii (“Cassandra”), 35–37, 39, 46, 96, 129n69, 137n117; “Videnie v kakoi-to ograde,” 40–41 Bobrov, Semen, 40 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 101 Bogdanova, Vera, 118 Bogdanovich, Ippolit, 101–2 Bondi, Sergei, 117 Boratynskii, Evgenii, 63; “Eliziiskie polia,” 86, 90; “Moia zhizn’,” 23; “Opravdanie,” 23; shalosti by, 30; “Sluchai,” 89–90; “Tak, liubeznyi moi Goratsii ...,” 88 bordellos, 24 Brown, Penelope: Politeness, 51–53, 57–58, 66–67, 114, 136n93, 136n109 Bulgarin, Faddei (Tadeusz), 31, 34, 56, 90, 110–13, 127n29, 147n97, 147n100 burlesque, 3–5, 7–8, 11, 32, 101, 132n6 Burroughs, William S., 124 Burtsev, Ivan, 60 Buturlin, Mikhail Dmitrievich, 9–10, 12–14, 21 byt, literary, 95 Catherine II, 93 censorship: of articles on Imperial theater productions, 139n22; via bleeps and dashes, 121–22; of erotica, 102; loosening of (1990s), 119; and obscenity laws/trials, 5, 124; public acceptance of, 122; regulations of 1828, 34; by Uvarov, 53–54 Chekhov, Anton: “Literaturnaia tabel’ o rangakh,” 132n14 Chenier, André, 91 Chernyshevskii, Nikolai, 7 Chesterfield, Lord: Letters, 26–27 Church’s dependence on donations, 18 Cicero, 47 civility, 27 Cleland, John: Fanny Hill, 143n111 comme il faut, 27 communication, Jakobson’s model of, 16, 127–28n32 Le compère Matthieu (Dulaurens), 50 conversational style vs. speech, 47–49 court patronage of literature, 24 Culler, Jonathan, 107, 114 Culpepper, Jonathan, 51 Daphne (poetic name), 89–91 “Darovaniia” (Karamzin), 83–84 Dashkov, Dmitrii, 35, 37–40, 46, 58, 132n22, 132–33n28 Davydov, Denis, 77–78 Decembrism, 61, 102, 145n53 Decembrist Uprising (1825), 3–4, 6, 12, 17, 34, 110–12. See also Investigatory Commission Del’vig, Anton: early poems of, 88, 90...
