In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix  ­ Translators’ Pref­ ace The book you have be­ fore you is a trans­ la­ tion of the final work of a great Latin ­ American pub­ lic in­ tel­ lec­ tual, the Pe­ ru­ vian anthro­ pol­ o­ gist Car­ los Iván De­ gre­ gori, who ­ passed away as a re­ sult of can­ cer in 2011. The orig­ i­ nal ­ Spanish-language ver­ sion was pub­ lished by the In­ sti­ tuto de Es­ tu­ dios Pe­ ru­ anos in 2010. Car­ los Iván was our dear ­ friend. We ad­ mired him not only for his ideas and orig­ i­ nal­ ity but also for his ­ warmth, sense of humor, gen­ er­ ous ­ spirit, and ex­ cep­ tional el­ o­ quence. We have come to­ gether to trans­ late and edit this vol­ ume be­ cause Car­ los ­ Iván’s writ­ ings on the inter­ nal armed con­ flict that con­ vulsed Peru dur­ ing the Shin­ ing Path era are of great value to an ­ English-language read­ er­ ship. The En­ glish edi­ tion also ­ serves to cel­ e­ brate the en­ dur­ ing value of his life and work for all con­ cerned with Latin Amer­ ica and with human ­ rights. The En­ glish edi­ tion of this book has been re­ struc­ tured mod­ estly in an ef­ fort to max­ imize its util­ ity for a ­ non-Peruvian au­ di­ ence. Steve J. Stern has taken the lead in the ed­ i­ to­ rial re­ struc­ tur­ ing, and he has writ­ ten an intro­ duc­ tion. Eric Hersh­ berg has man­ aged the ac­ cu­ racy of trans­ la­ tions, and the pro­ ject and team­ work pro­ cess that made this book pos­ sible. Each of us has under­ taken por­ tions of the trans­ la­ tion, and Judy Rein has re­ fined the trans­ la­ tions to as­ sure as much as pos­ sible that they speak in a sin­ gle voice, as close to Car­ los ­ Iván’s orig­ i­ nal Span­ ish as we can ­ achieve. We are grate­ ful to ­ Jo-Marie Burt, Re­ becca Lich­ ten­ feld, and from the In­ sti­ tuto de Es­ tu­ dios Pe­ ru­ anos (In­ sti­ tute of Pe­ ru­ vian Stud­ ies, IEP), Rox­ ana Bar­ rantes, Ramón Pa­ juelo, and Rosa Vera, in ad­ di­ tion to the other many IEP col­ leagues who col­ lab­ o­ rated with and en­ gaged the work of Car­ los Iván over the years and are men­ tioned in his ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments to this book. We are also grate­ ful to the Uni­ ver­ sity of Wis­ con­ sin Press for its com­ mit­ ment to this pro­ ject, and par­ tic­ u­ larly to the sup­ port of Gwen ­ Walker and Mat­ thew Cosby. x Tr a n s l a t o r s ’ P r e f a c e Copy­ ed­ it­ ing by ­ Sheila McMa­ hon and the ed­ it­ ing team at UW Press has fur­ ther en­ riched the final prod­ uct. Ash­ ley ­ Miller and ­ Amanda Shel­ don as­ sisted with for­ mat­ ting of the man­ u­ script. We ded­ i­ cate the book to the mem­ ory of Car­ los Iván De­ gre­ gori. As sad as we are that he is no ­ longer with us, we are heart­ ened by the con­ vic­ tion that his ideas and com­ mit­ ments will live on, in Peru and be­ yond. nancy ap­ pel­ baum­ joanna drze­ wie­ niecki hc­ tor ­ flores eric hersh­ berg judy rein steve j. stern kim­ berly thei­ don T The chap­ ters in this book are re­ printed by per­ mis­ sion of the au­ thor, and were pre­ vi­ ously pub­ lished as fol­ lows: “The Years We Lived in Dan­ ger” and “How So­ cial Sci­ ences ­ Failed” first ap­ peared in the 2010 Span­ ish edi­ tion of this book. “The Mat­ u­ ra­ tion of a Cos­ moc­ rat and the Con­ struc­ tion of a Com­ mu­ nity of Dis­ course” is the lat­ est re­ vised ver­ sion and a new trans­ la­ tion, based on the 2010 Span­ ish ver­ sion, of an essay that ­ evolved over the years. An early ver­ sion first ap­ peared in Span­ ish in Que­ hacer 79 (Sep­ tem­ ber– Oc­ to­ ber 1992...
