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297 ac­ a­ demic his­ tory, 9, 14, 16–17, 22, 25, 30, 228; His­ tory Book Club crit­ i­ cisms of, 27–28, 34, 35; post­ war re­ vi­ sion­ ism in, 27–28 Ace, Good­ man, 105 Adams, James Trus­ low, 60 Adams, John, 90–91 Adams, Ran­ dolph G., 25, 27, 32, 36, 40–42, 47 ad­ ver­ tis­ ers: and black­ list­ ing, 102; and the Free­ dom Train, 11, 29, 154–55; and his­ tory pro­ gram­ ming, 12, 55, 102, 114, 224 Ad­ ver­ tis­ ing Coun­ cil, 73, 93, 153, 155, 159­ African ­ Americans, 56, 69, 89, 134–37, 135, 160, 165–67, 167, 170, 215 Agee, James, 177–78 Al­ drich, Win­ throp, 153–55, 160 Al­ ex­ an­ der the Great, 141 Alger, Ho­ ra­ tio, 59, 74­ American Cos­ tume Hall, 206, 217­ American em­ pire, 74, 140–41, 156, 215, 220­ American Her­ i­ tage, 22, 28, 40, 52, 225­ American Her­ i­ tage Foun­ da­ tion, 13, 146–48, 151, 153–69, 171–73, 175–84, 229–30­ American His­ tor­ i­ cal As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion, 49, 61­ American In­ dians Hall, 207, 213–15­ American Le­ gion, 46, 83, 118­ American Lib­ erty ­ League, 57­ American Rev­ o­ lu­ tion, 86–87, 90–91, 171­ Americans for Dem­ o­ cratic Ac­ tion, 155, 166­ American stud­ ies, 17–18, 240n45 An­ der­ son, Clin­ ton P., 201 anti­ com­ mu­ nism, 3, 12, 84, 117, 118–20, 122, 124, 127, 132, 147, 156–58, 161, 164–65. See also black­ list­ ing anx­ iety in post­ war so­ ci­ ety, 6, 15, 92, 179 Aris­ to­ phanes, 125 Armed ­ Forces Hall, 206, 219–20 Ar­ nold, Bene­ dict, 73, 87, 219 Ar­ nold, Thur­ man, 54, 245n3 au­ di­ ence frag­ men­ ta­ tion, xii, 13, 97, 103–4, 189, 227 au­ then­ tic­ ity, 62, 69, 83, 107, 112–15, 173, 223, 259n21 au­ thor­ ity in pub­ lic his­ tory, 7–8, 13, 23, 35, 104, 173, 190, 221 Bal­ a­ ban, Bar­ ney, 152–53, 156, 164, 177, 179 Bar­ ton, Bruce, 58, 60, 91, 98 Bat­ ton,Bar­ ton,Dur­ stineandOs­ borne(BBDO), 55, 58, 60–61, 78, 80–83, 94, 97–98 Beck, Glenn, 232­ Becker, Carl, 156, 162 Bee­ tho­ ven, Lud­ wig Van, 137 Bel­ a­ fonte, Harry, 144 Benet, Ste­ phen Vin­ cent, 65 Ber­ ger, Syl­ via, 108 Bern­ stein, Wal­ ter, 100, 102, 106, 116–20, 127, 132–34, 141–43, 227 black­ list­ ing, 65, 101–2, 106, 108, 116, 119– 20, 142–43, 178, 259–60n26. See also anti­ com­ mu­ nism Index Note: Page num­ bers in ital­ ics refer to il­ lus­ tra­ tions. 298 E Index­ Book-of-the-Month Club, 23–24, 26, 31, 40, 45, 56, 241n12 Boor­ stin, Dan­ iel J., 5, 10, 19, 37, 230–31 Boyd, Ju­ lian, 60, 159­ Brecht, Ber­ tolt, 124 Bro­ phy, ­ Thomas, 153, 166, 179 Brown, John, 49, 56, 232 Brown, Mar­ ga­ ret, 215 Bryn­ ner, Yul, 115–16, 143 Buck, Solon, 151, 153­ Bunche, Ralph, 69, 80 Bur­ dett, Wins­ ton, 105­ Calmer, Ned, 105, 137 Can­ non, Clar­ ence, 198­ Carmer, Carl, 33, 60, 247–48n31 Car­ mi­ chael, Le­ o­ nard, 197, 201, 218–19 Cav­ al­ cade of Amer­ ica, 3–4, 7, 10–11, 14, 51, 77, 100, 104, 106, 129, 133, 142, 194, 212, 223–24, 226, 231–32; au­ di­ ence re­ search for, 82–91, 97; big busi­ ness, pro­ mo­ tion of, 66, 94; Du­ Pont’s ob­ jec­ tives for, 54, 56, 58–60, 64, 66, 74–75, 84–85; du Pont fam­ ily his­ tory, 75–76; and ed­ u­ ca­ tion, 53–54, 60–64, 79– 82, 91; Free­ dom Train, pro­ mo­ tion of, 154, 180–81; gen­ der roles on, 67–69, 89–90, 249n59, 249–50n61; labor un­ ions, por­ trayal of, 68, 75; or­ i­ gins of, 59; and tele­ vi­ sion, 78, 97–99 CBS Is There, 101, 104–11, 112–13, 126. See also You Are There CBS News, 12, 102–6, 113–15, 138–39, 258n13, 259n20; loy­ alty oath of, 116 CBS radio, 59, 104, 247n25. See also CBS Is There; CBS News Cen­ tury of Prog­ ress Ex­ hi­ bi­ tion (Chi­ cago), 149, 192, 213 Cham­ bers, Whit­ taker, 157 Chay­ ev­ sky, Paddy, 141–42­ Cioffi...
