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xix Note on Trans­ lit­ er­ a­ tion and Trans­ la­ tion The trans­ lit­ er­ a­ tions in this book fol­ low both the Li­ brary of Con­ gress­ system and con­ ven­ tions used in non­ spe­ cial­ ist pub­ li­ ca­ tions. A few first names have been an­ gli­ cized (Alek­ sandr has be­ come Al­ ex­ an­ der, Ma­ riia is Maria, and the apos­ trophes have been omit­ ted from names such as Na­ talia and Ta­ tiana). Many last names have been ren­ dered in the form most fa­ mil­ iar to west­ ern read­ ers (Gogol ­ rather than ­ Gogol’, Mey­ er­ hold in­ stead of ­ Meierhol’d, Gorky not ­ Gor’kii), and in gen­ eral the -skii end­ ing in sur­ names has been ­ spelled -sky through­ out. A few Rus­ sian nouns com­ monly used in En­ glish have also been ­ spelled ac­ cord­ ing to usual con­ ven­ tions (gu­ ber­ niya, not gu­ ber­ niia), while the Rus­ sian ­ spelling of some names has been re­ tained for the sake of con­ sis­ tency (Mak­ sim not Maxim, Lev not Leo, Tol­ stoi not Tol­ stoy). ­ Spellings in bib­ lio­ graphic ci­ ta­ tions all ad­ here to the Li­ brary of Con­ gress ­ system. Trans­ la­ tions are the ­ author’s un­ less oth­ er­ wise in­ di­ cated. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 20:12 GMT) Taboo Push­ kin ...
