In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Pub­ li­ ca­ tions of the Wis­ con­ sin Cen­ ter for Push­ kin Stud­ ies Re­ al­ iz­ ing Meta­ phors: Al­ ex­ an­ der Push­ kin and the Life of the Poet David M. ­ Bethea The Push­ kin Hand­ book Ed­ ited by David M. ­ Bethea The Un­ cen­ sored Boris God­ u­ nov: The Case for ­ Pushkin’s Orig­ i­ nal Com­ edy, with An­ no­ tated Text and Trans­ la­ tion Ches­ ter Dun­ ning with Caryl Emer­ son, Ser­ gei Fom­ i­ chev, Li­ diia Lot­ man, and An­ tony Wood Al­ ex­ an­ der ­ Pushkin’s Lit­ tle Trag­ e­ dies: The Poet­ ics of Brev­ ity Ed­ ited by Svet­ lana Ev­ dok­ i­ mova Taboo Push­ kin: Top­ ics, Texts, Inter­ pre­ ta­ tions Ed­ ited by ­ Alyssa Di­ nega Gil­ les­ pie­ Pushkin’s Ta­ tiana Olga Hasty Der­ zha­ vin: A Biog­ ra­ phy Vla­ dis­ lav Kho­ das­ e­ vich; Trans­ lated and with an intro­ duc­ tion by An­ gela Brin­ tlinger The Im­ pe­ rial Sub­ lime: A Rus­ sian Poet­ ics of Em­ pire Har­ sha Ram Push­ kin and the Gen­ res of Mad­ ness: The Mas­ ter­ pieces of 1833 Gary Ro­ sen­ shield­ Pushkin’s Rhym­ ing: A Com­ par­ a­ tive Study J. ­ Thomas Shaw A Com­ men­ tary to ­ Pushkin’s Lyric ­ Poetry, 1826–1836 Mi­ chael Wach­ tel [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 12:51 GMT) ...
