In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xiii While I ac­ cept full re­ spon­ sibil­ ity for the ideas and anal­ y­ sis pre­ sented in this book, the in­ tel­ lec­ tual work ­ herein would not have been pos­ sible with­ out the con­ tri­ bu­ tions of nu­ mer­ ous peo­ ple and in­ sti­ tu­ tions over the years. I will at­ tempt here to thank many of them, but I am sure to miss some, and there are still oth­ ers who pre­ fer to re­ main anon­ y­ mous. For their in­ tel­ lec­ tual and moral sup­ port of this pro­ ject over the years, I would like to thank Bob Dan­ iels, Cath­ a­ rine New­ bury, and David New­ bury. Sev­ eral re­ gional spe­ cial­ ists and schol­ ars men­ tored me dur­ ing my field­ work in ­ Rwanda, be­ lieved in my pro­ ject, and en­ cour­ aged me to con­ tinue, in­ clud­ ing Tim­ o­ thy Long­ man, Simon Ga­ sib­ i­ rege, Vil­ lia Jef­ re­ mo­ vas, Déo­ gra­ tias Mbon­ yin­ kebe, Jean Ru­ gagi Ni­ zu­ ru­ gero, Da­ nielle de Lame, Johan Pot­ tier, and Peter Uvin. Dur­ ing my dis­ ser­ ta­ tion field­ work, Al­ i­ son Des ­ Forges of­fered use­ ful ad­ vice, help­ ful con­ tacts, and moral sup­ port; after field­ work, she of­fered crit­ i­ cal feed­ back as well as en­ cour­ age­ ment. Her wis­ dom and deep knowl­ edge of Rwan­ dan his­ tory, cul­ ture, and pol­ i­ tics as well as her cou­ rage are ­ deeply Ac­ knowl­ edg­ ments xiv Acknowledgments­ missed. ­ Thanks and grat­ i­ tude go to Lee Ann Fuji, Ann ­ Porter Rall, Lars Wal­ dorf, Susan Thom­ son, and Peter Ver­ wimp for their mu­ tual moral sup­ port in re­ search and ex­ change of ideas. Dur­ ing my grad­ u­ ate work at the Uni­ ver­ sity of North Car­ o­ lina at ­ Chapel Hill, Cathy Lutz, Judy Far­ qu­ har, Mi­ chaelLam­ bert,DonNon­ ini,Ju­ liusNyan­ goro,Pa­ tri­ ciaSawin,andAl­ phonse Mu­ tima ­ helped me grow into a ­ scholar. At the Joan B. Kroc In­ sti­ tute for Inter­ na­ tional Peace Stud­ ies, Scott Ap­ pleby, David Cort­ right, John Darby, La­ rissa Fast, and Rash­ ied Omar intro­ duced me to peace stud­ ies as a dis­ ci­ pline in­ stead of a topic. My col­ leagues in the De­ part­ ment of Anthro­ pol­ ogy at the Uni­ ver­ sity of Louis­ ville have given help­ ful feed­ back and en­ cour­ age­ ment along the way. They have all in­ flu­ enced this book in ways dif­fi­ cult to meas­ ure. I would like to ac­ knowl­ edge the hard work, pa­ tience, and ­ strength of my Rwan­ dan re­ search as­ sist­ ants: Ber­ na­ dette Mu­ mu­ kunde, Dan­ cille Mu­ kar­ u­ bibi, and Elise Nim­ u­ gire. Dur­ ing the years of my field­ work, their in­ sights and trans­ la­ tion ­ skills were in­ val­ u­ able. I hope ­ Elise’s chil­ dren will grow up to know the true cou­ rage of the ­ mother they never knew. My grat­ i­ tude goes to ­ Father Ire­ née Jacob as well as his as­ sist­ ant ­ Thérèse, who in­ itiated me in Kin­ yar­ wanda and gave me the best pro­ nun­ ci­ a­ tion ad­ vice ever: “Kin­ yar­ wanda is sung, not­ spoken.” I would also like to thank the many peo­ ple in ­ Rwanda who have pro­ vided lo­ gis­ ti­ cal sup­ port, hous­ ing, and, most im­ por­ tant, friend­ ship to me over the years, in­ clud­ ing ­ Odette, Ven­ e­ randa, Norah, Cres­ sence, ­ Yvette, the Ru­ gan­ gura fam­ ily, Ver­ o­ nique, Pris­ cille, Fré­ déric and ­ Jeanne Jac­ quet, ­ JeanPierre Dal­ fau, ­ Michel Cam­ pion, ­ Father Ro­ main, Klaas de Jonge, Sara Ra­ kita, Ju­ dith Reg­ is­ tre, Anne Mor­ ris, Ruth and ­ Charles, and the many oth­ ers I have ne­ glected to men­ tion. Thank you to Anne Wels­ chen, Sa­ bine Cor­ ne­ lis, Da­ nielle de Lame, and Nancy Van­ der­ lin­ den of the Musée royal de ­ l’Afrique cen­ trale in Ter­ vuren, Bel­ gium, for their as­ sis­ tance lo­ cat­ ing the co­ lo­ nial era image of Tutsi, Hutu, and Twa of...
