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 NOTE: This index is limited to names of people who actually existed, not of fictional or mythological personages. For example, “André Chénier” and “Boris Godunov” are included when the references are to the poet and the tsar; they are not included when the references are to characters in Pushkin’s works. Abamelek, Anna Davydovna,  Achinger, Gerda, , , , ,  Afanas’ev, Aleksandr,  Agoub, J., ,  Akhmatova, Anna, , ,  Al’brekht, M. G.,  Alekseev, Mikhail Pavlovich,  Alekseev, Nikolai Stepanovich,  Alenin, Ermak Timofeevich,  Alexander Nevskii. See Nevskii, Aleksandr Iaroslavich Alexander, Tsar, , , , , , , , , , , , – Alfieri, Vittorio, – Aliab’eva, Aleksandra Vasil’evna,  Al’tshuller, Mark Grigor’evich, –, , , , , ,  Anacharsis,  Anacreon, , , – Antoinette, Marie,  Apelles,  Arakcheev, Aleksei Andreevich,  Arinshtein, L. M., , ,  Ariosto, Ludovico, – Aristippus,  Aristotle,  Arnault, Antoine-Vincent, – Aspasia,  Athenaeus, ,  Augustus, ,  Averintsev, Sergei Sergeevich,  Azadovskii, Mark Konstantinovich,  Bailey, James,  Bantysh-Kamenskii, D. N., – Baratynskii, Evgenii Abramovich, , , , , , , , , , ,  Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail Bogdanovich, , –,  Barkov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich,  Barkov, Ivan Semenovich,  Batalin, A.,  Batiushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , ,  Bayle, Pierre,  Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, –, – Bekleshova, Aleksandra Ivanovna (née Osipova), ,  Beliaev, Mikhail Dmitrievich, , ,  Belousov, Aleksandr Fedorovich,  Belyi, Andrei,  Benkendorff, Aleksandr Khristoforovich, Count, , , ,  Béranger, Pierre-Jean de, ,  Berezkina, Svetlana Veniaminovna, , , , , ,  Berkov, Pavel Naumovich,  Bestuzhev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich,  Bethea, David, , ,  Bezborodko, Aleksandr Andreevich, Prince,  Index of Names  Index of Names Binet, René, , ,  Binyon, T. J., , ,  Bitsilli, Petr Mikhailovich,  Blagoi, Dmitrii Dmitrievich, , , ,  Blake, William,  Blank, Ksana, ,  Boccaccio,  Bogdanovich, Ippolit Fedorovich,  Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, , , ,  Bondi, Sergei Mikhailovich, –,  Botvinnik, N. M.,  Bourrienne, Louis-Antoine de,  Bowles, William, – Brandt, Karsten,  Briggs, A. D.,  Briullov, Karl Pavlovich,  Brown, James Edwin, ,  Brutus, ,  Bukalov, Aleksei,  Bulgarin, Faddei Venediktovich, , , , , , –, , , , ,  Bunyan, John, ,  Burgi, Richard,  Burns, Robert, ,  Butakova, V. I.,  Buttura, Antonio, , ,  Byron, George Gordon Lord, , , , , , , , , , , , , –, , , , –,  Camoens, Luiz Vaz de, – Canova, Antonio, ,  Cassius,  Casti, Giambattista,  Catalani, Angelica,  Catherine I, Empress, ,  Catherine II (the Great), Empress, , , , , , –, , , , ,  Catullus, , ,  Chaadaev, Petr Iakovlevich,  Chateaubriand, François-René,  Chénier, André, , , , , –, , ,  Chereiskii, L. A., xviii, , , , , ,  Chernobaev, V. G.,  Chernotskii, Adam (Khodakovskii),  Chulkov, Mikhail Dmitrievich,  Cleopatra,  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, ,  Constantine,  Cooper, Brian,  Corneille, Pierre,  Cornelius Nepos,  Cornwall, Barry, , –, –, –, , , , – Correggio, Antonio da,  Dante (Alighieri), –, , –, , –, , ,  Darwin, Charles,  Darwin, Erasmus, – Davydov, Denis Vasil’evich, –,  Davydov, Sergei, , , ,  Dawe, George, –, ,  Debraux, Paul Emile,  Delariu, Mikhail Danilovich, ,  Del’vig, Anton Antonovich, , –, , –, , , –, , , , , , , , , –, , , , ,  Dem’ianova, Tat’iana Dmitrievna,  Derzhavin, Gavriil (Gavrila) Romanovich, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , –, ,  Deschamps, Antoni, – Diderot, Denis, ,  Diebitsch, Hans Karl von,  Dmitriev, Ivan Ivanovich,  Dolgorukoi (=Dolgorukii), Iakov Fëdorovich, –, ,  Dolinin, Aleksandr, , , , , ,  Don Carlos,  Dondukov-Korsakov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich,  Dorokhov, Rufin Ivanovich,  Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich, , ,  Dovgii, O. L.,  Driver, Sam, ,  Dubellay, Joachim,  Dunning, Chester,  Dusaulx, J., ,  Eidel’man, Natan Iakovlevich, ,  Elagin, Ivan Perfil’evich,  Elizabeth, Empress, , ,  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 05:23 GMT) Index of Names  Ephrem, Saint,  Epikouros,  Ermak. See Alenin, Ermak Timofeevich Esakov, Sergei Semenovich,  Esipov, Viktor Mikhailovich,  Evdokimova, Svetlana,  Faibisovich, V. M.,  Fazil-Khan,  Fedorov, Boris Mikhailovich,  Feinberg, Il’ia L’vovich, ,  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,  Filaret (Drozdov), Metropolitan of Moscow, – Filimonov, Vladimir Sergeevich,  Fomichev, Sergei Aleksandrovich, ,  Fonvizin, Denis Ivanovich,  Forges, Évariste-Désiré de. See Parny Fortis, Alberto, ,  Frantsev, Vladimir Andreevich, ,  Franz II, Kaiser, – Gagliani, Paolo Dem’ianovich,  Gagliani, Sharlotta Ivanovna,  Galiani, Ferdinando,  Galuppi, Baldassarre,  Gannibal, Abram, ,  Gannibal, Ivan Abramovich, ,  Gardzonio, Stefano,  Gasparov, Boris Mikhailovich, ,  Gasparov, Mikhail Leonovich, , , , , , , , , , ,  Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité, Сomtesse de,  Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich, , ,  Gianni, Francesco, – Gibbon, Edward,  Gilbert, Nicolas Joseph Florent,  Gillel’son, Maksim Isaakovich,  Ginzburg, Lidiia Iakovlevna, , ,  Glebov, G. S.,  Glinka, Fedor Nikolaevich, , ,  Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich,  Gnedich, Nikolai Ivanovich, , , , –, –, ,  Godunov, Boris, ,  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, , , , , , , ,  Gogol, Nikolai Vasil’evich, ,  Golitsyn, Aleksandr Nikolaevich,  Golitsyn, Sergei Grigor’evich,  Goncharova, Natalia Nikolaevna, , , , , –, , ,  Gorchakov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich,  Gorlin, Michel,  Gotovtseva, Anna Ivanovna, – Grangier, M. B.,  Gray, Thomas, , ,  Grech, Nikolai Ivanovich,  Grechanaia, E. P.,  Grekhnev, Vsevelod Alekseevich,  Gresset, Jean-Baptiste-Louis,  Griboedov, Aleksandr Sergeevich,  Grigor’eva, A. D., ,  Grombakh, S.,  Gros, Antoine-Jean,  Guiccioli, Teresa,  Guizot, François,  Gukovskii, Grigorii Aleksandrovich,  Gul’ianov, Ivan Aleksandrovich,  Gusev, V. E.,  Gustafson, Richard, ,  Hafiz, ,  Händel, Georg Friedrich,  Hanka, Vaclav,  Hannibal,  Hedylus,  Herder, Johann Gottfried von,  Herodotus,  Hesiod,  Hoffmann, E. T. A.,  Hokanson, Katya,  Holbach, Paul-Henri Thiry [Paul Heinrich Dietrich], Baron d’,  Homer, , , , , ,  Horace, , , , , , , , –, –, ,  Hugo, Victor, , ,  Iakovlev, Mikhail Luk’ianovich,  Iakovlev, N. V., ,  Iakovleva, Arina Rodionovna, –,  Iakubovich, Dmitrii Petrovich,  Iar, Trankel’ Petrovich,  Iaroslav, grand prince,  Iazykov, Nikolai Mikhailovich, , –, –,  Iezuitova, R. V.,  Il’in-Tomich, A. A.,  Inzov, Ivan Nikitich, General,   Index of Names Ion (of Chios),  Ipsilanti, Aleksander Konstantinovich,  Irving, Washington,  Ishov, Zakhar,  Iusupov, Nikolai Borisovich, Prince, – Ivan IV, Tsar (“The Terrible”), –, ,  Ivanov, Viacheslav Vsevolodovich, , ,  Ivanova, N. N., ,  Ivinskii, Dmitrii Pavlovich,  Izmailov, Nikolai Vasil’evich, , ,  Jakobson, Roman, ,  Johnson, Samuel,  Juvenal, , ,  Kachenovskii, Mikhail Trofimovich, – , , , ,  Kahn, Andrew,  Kalinowska, Izabela, ,  Kantemir, Antiokh,  Kapnist, Vasilii Vasil’evich,  Karadžić, Vuk, , , ,  Karageorgii, Georgii Petrovich, –,  Karamzin...
