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231 Index AAA (American Anthro­ po­ log­ i­ cal As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion), 14, 29, 85, 146, 147–54 AbimbÓola, 110–11 ac­ a­ demic anthro­ pol­ o­ gists, 85, 86, 201–5 ac­ cess­ ibil­ ity, and anthro­ pol­ ogy, 72 ac­ tion and in­ ac­ tion par­ a­ doxes, 140–41. See also en­ gaged eth­ nog­ ra­ phy ac­ ti­ vism, 85–86­ African-diaspora cul­ tural his­ tory, 95, 112; Af­ rica and, 93–94, 96–100, 103–4, 107–10; ­ AfroBrazilian re­ li­ gions and, 101–5, 110–11; Bra­ zil and, 94, 98, 101–5, 109–11; Can­ dom­ blé and, 101, 103, 105, 110–12; Ca­ thol­ i­ cism and, 97–98, 104, 110; Chris­ ti­ an­ ity and, 94, 97– 98, 110–11; col­ lec­ tive mem­ ory meta­ phor and, 102–5, 107–8, 111–12; com­ memora­ tion and, 103; cre­ ol­ iza­ tion model and, 100–102; Cuba and, 93–94, 95, 97–98, 101, 103–5, 111; di­ alogue meta­ phor and, 108–10, 111–12; di­ as­ pora meta­ phor and, 96, 102, 106–7, 109;­ Euro-American cul­ ture and, 97–98, 110–11, 112; Gul­ lah/­ Geechee peo­ ple and, 99–100, 108–9; La­ go­ sian Cul­ tural Re­ nais­ sance and, 103–5; li­ totes meta­ phor and, 98–99; maps in con­ text of meta­ phors and, 93–95; mem­ ory as term of use and, 103; meta­ phors and, 93– 96, 105–6; oris¸a wor­ ship and, 110–12; power re­ la­ tions and, 103, 108–9, 112; re­ mem­ ber­ ing and, 102, 107–9, 111; rhi­ zomes meta­ phor and, 106–7; roots meta­ phor and, 100, 106– 7, 109–12; ­ Santería/Ocha re­ li­ gion and, 93– 94, 110–12; ships and ve­ hi­ cles meta­ phor and, 107; sur­ vi­ val meta­ phor and, 96–100, 109–10, 111; ­ Yoruba and, 94, 101, 102, 103–4, 108–9, 110–11­ Africans and Af­ rica: ­ African-diaspora cul­ tural his­ tory and, 93–94, 96–100, 103–4, 107– 10; co­ lo­ ni­ al­ ism and, 100, 105, 119, 143, 151; po­ lit­ i­ cal econ­ omy of North­ ern inter­ ests in, 146–47; post­ co­ lo­ ni­ al­ ism and, 143–44; power re­ la­ tions and, 141, 143–44, 147; vi­ o­ lence in his­ to­ ries of, 143–45. See also col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tive con­ ser­ va­ tion sci­ ence in CAR AF­ RI­ COM (U. S. Af­ rica Com­ mand), 144–46; en­ gaged eth­ nog­ ra­ phy and, 140; eth­ ics and, 137; po­ lit­ i­ cal econ­ omy of North­ ern inter­ ests in Af­ rica and, 146–47; pro­ fes­ sional re­ spon­ sibil­ ities and, 151–53. See also en­ gaged eth­ nog­ ra­ phy; U.S. mil­ i­ tary­ Afro-Brazilian re­ li­ gions, 101–5, 110–11. See also­ African-diaspora cul­ tural his­ tory Agam­ ben, Gior­ gio, 25 Allen, Bar­ bara L., 22­ American Anthro­ po­ log­ i­ cal As­ so­ ci­ a­ tion (AAA), 14, 29, 85, 146, 147–54 an­ i­ mal pop­ u­ la­ tions, and col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tive con­ ser­ va­ tion sci­ ence in CAR, 183–87 anthro­ pol­ ogy, 4, 51; AAA and, 14, 29, 85, 146, 147–54; ac­ cess­ ibil­ ity and, 72; as ap­ pli­ cable to con­ tem­ po­ rary life, 38–40, 47, 50, 67–68, 203; Brit­ ish, 7, 9, 10, 52, 153; ­ changes in con­ tem­ po­ rary, 63–66, 68, 86–87, 201, 203; co­ lo­ ni­ al­ ism and, 73–74, 151–53, 159n6;­ cross-subfield col­ lab­ o­ ra­ tion and, 182–83; eth­ ics and, 29, 68, 71, 147–51; eth­ nog­ ra­ phy and, 52–53, 58–60, 61, 70, 202; field­ work The let­ ter t fol­ low­ ing a page num­ ber de­ notes a table. 232 index anthro­ pol­ ogy (continued ) and, 52–53, 62, 65, 68, 71, 183; fi­ nan­ cial sup­ port and, 61, 202; ­ French, 7, 9, 10, 185; glo­ bal anthro­ pol­ o­ gies and, xii, 6, 33n2, 65– 67, 96; glo­ bal ­ changes and, vii, ix, 63–67, 86–87; leg­ acy of, 32, 69–72; local anthro­ pol­ o­ gies and, 5–6, 33n2; mal­ aise in, 54, 69; pol­ i­ tics and, 68, 69; post­ co­ lo­ ni­ al...
