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WORD ORDER REVIEW In an earlier review chapter (pp. 36-41), we saw that in normal declarative sentences, the subject (~) comes before the verb (V): S V Han kommer til byen i morgen. Questions use the order V--S: V S with interrogative: Nar kommer han til byen? V S without interrogative: Kommer han til byen? One more aspect of word order will be discussed in this short review chapter. A declarative sentence does not always start with the subject. For emphasis or stylistic variation, we can move another element to the first position in the sentence. When this happens in Norwegian, the order of the subject (S) and verb (V) is inverted from the normal S--V. Below we will look at several types of elements which-cause inversion (inversjon) when they fill the first slot in the sentence. 1 2 NORMAL Vi drikker ofte kaffe i Norge. INVERTED direct object Kaffe drikker vi ofte i Norge. adverb Ofte drikker vi kaffe i Norge. prepositional I Norge drikker vi ofte kaffe. phrase Notice that the V is always in slot 2. Remember that V stands for the fIrst part of a verb in a compound. Insentences which have inverted V--S then, the S comes between the two parts of the compound:- S V NORMAL Han har va!rt i Norge flilr. V S INVERTED I Norge har han v
